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Just laying there

Wanting and wishing

Waiting to die

By my own hand

The reasons are many




All powerful

All pervading

All terrifying

You may ask why

You may ask how

But it doesn't matter

Laying there

Just waiting for something to happen

Trying to hold on to what's left

Just grasping

Too scared to scream for help

But too weak to save yourself

This is the labryinth

This is hell on Earth

This is my mind

I hate it

But where would I be without it

Life and living it feels like the worst idea possible

It's cold

It's depressing

This life is mine though

That's the thing that scares me

It would better to die

But I'm so tired

That's what I want the most is just sleep

Peaceful sleep...

Goodbye world

Just let me escape to my own world of dreams

Poetry of the DisturbedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora