Weight loss....

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At first it seems normal...

A pound here, a pound there

Then it all adds up to large amounts of weight....

Gone in just three weeks...

You think it's nice...

You then worry about if anyone will notice....

They stare...

They talk about you...

They even ask you why....

It comes from determination from your mind....

Just telling that you're ugly everyday....

Then you lose track....

And now its to the point...

You feel weak....

You feel whole yet hollow...

Your stomach screams...

But when try to eat again...

Nausea kicks in....

You hate what you've become...

Yet you want to keep going...

In this pride community there is no normal...

Its twink, Fat, or fit....

You don't get many guys if this isn't you...

My problem is twink....

At this awful point....

I allowed Aaron to take me away...

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