3. white boy harry styles

Start from the beginning

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"Wake up Lou! We're here, sleepyhead!" I feel a solid slap against my cheek and I automatically pull my head up, bumping heads with Porter.

"Ow fuck," he growls and I moan out a sorry as I stir my eyes awake and rub my aching head. Soon enough we make it to the building and I head in to talk to my dealer, Porter following close along.

"You should name him," Porter whispers in my ear, his breath fresh and minty while he smells like the beach. He's wearing his stupid cologne that he's obsessed with, ever since the beginning of senior year.

"I'll name him Harry," I smile, reminding myself about my celebrity crush ever since I was nine. I remember when the band was put together because my dad was watching tv.

"Argh!" I hear daddy yell at the tv from downstairs. I travel my way down the stairs as I lean on the railing noticing what he's watching. I can see judges sitting at a table and a crowd full of people.

So many faces focused on five boys on the main stage.

They must be a band...I like bands.

I walk myself all the way down, dressed in my jammies, heading into the kitchen. I grab myself a glass and take out the heavy gallon of chocolate milk in the fridge. I have to carry it with two hands before mommy ends up helping me again. I don't want her help, daddy says she worries too much.

I pour the milk slowly into the cup that is on the very edge of the table. I put the gallon away then put the lid back on my cup. Plugging a straw in, on my way to the couch. I poke my dad in the side and his face automatically lights up.

"Hey princess? What are you doing up?" He still treats me like I'm four but I'm nine and old enough to take care of myself. Little Miss can't carry a gallon, oh yeah bitch check again! Oh sorry, that's a bad word mommy would get mad at me.

"I'm not sweepy," I reply as I point to the tv, "Who's that boy with the brown curwy hair?" I notice the bushy chocolate locks, swooping on top of the boy's head, curling in and framing his face like a picture frame.

"Harry," daddy says pulling me into his lap as I drink my chocolate milk, sucking onto the plastic straw.

"He's cute," I giggle and whisper in daddy's ear. Daddy smiles at me kissing and pecking at my cheek while I try to watch Harry as they all sing.

"Hawwy," I point to him. Still using a baby voice at the age of nine is horrible. I hate my voice and tend not to use it when I don't have to. I watch Harry sing sounding the complete opposite then what I would sound like.

"Miss?" The dealer grabs my attention back hurling my mind back into focus as I stare at the car. I nod my head slowly calling my dad while Porter walks around the entire car.

"A white Hyundai Tucson..." Porter hums looking the car up and down while I begin to tell my dad the information, "white boy Harry it is!" I burst out laughing at Porter's words and hand my phone over to the woman who's my dealer. She looks very young and accepts my phone beginning to tell my dad the prices while I push at Porter's side who's still laughing his ass off.

"Oh shut up you!" I laugh as Porter rests his arm around my shoulder using me as an armrest because I'm short. Being 5'4 compared to a 5'11 guy is bad when that guy is Porter. He points to the car, then leans down to whisper in my ear.

"We should use w's instead of r's. Let's make it Hawwy," he says in a baby voice and I push him again, just about ready to leave.

After signing a bunch of papers and making it official I finally got a car. Porter hugged me goodbye and just like that, I was off. Playing some Niall Horan in my car by starting it off right with Slow Hands.

I need to stop by the store and pick up some art brushes and sketching materials. I plan on getting a few dual brush pens and a notebook. I might head to a Michael's on the way.

Before long and getting an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts, I finally made my way to a Michael's store. I grab my cup, siping out of the orange and purple straw as I roam through the aisles reaching the brush pens area.

"Hey! You're a girl, I need some help. Which colors do you think my girlfriend will like more?" A boy comes over to me. He's on the short side with dark brown hair.

"Well," I say looking at the different colored brushes he has in his left and right hands, "this isn't makeup you know that right?" I laugh noticing how the cuffs of his black sweatshirt wrap around his knuckles.

"Yeah I'm not dumb, but she's into art and I wanted to make her something for our one year anniversary in two weeks," he says holding the pastel pack up and then the vibrant pack up.

"What colors does she tend to wear?" I ask hoping not to sound noisy or anything as I take the pastel one out of his grip.

"She wears dark purple a lot and sometimes a royal blue color," he says, the royal blue part reminding me of Daniel's eyes and I wanna smack myself for it.

"Then the vibrant pack it is..."

"Jagger," he tells me his name and I plug it in my sentence afterward as he takes the pastel colors from my hand and putting them back on the shelf.

"Thanks for your help..."

"Lou," I smile and he nods turning around to walk away and I notice the last name on his sweatshirt under the hood.


Jagger Martin.

•  •  •

7:56 p.m.

That's the time I got to my apartment and was met by five boys in the living room...

Daniel being one of them...


sorry for the lack in updating i've been recently crying over joshua bassett and how fucking perfect he is!


anyone else a hsmtmts fan?

sorry for the grammar it's late lol

hope you enjoyed this chapter!

love y'all

till the next


hannah (:

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