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Junichiro's POV
"WHAT!" I shouted out madly. How did he! I was fuming with rage. How did he manage to win over her under my nose, without me knowing at all. I was furious, how could she choose such a savage. I punched the dummy as hard as I could. Over and over again and again trying to release all my anger on it. I punched it till my knuckles bled and I finally stopped. "Senpai, it's not such a bi-" "Bam!" My fist once more connected with the dummy, breaking its wooden support. The junior shrimped back and let out a little squeal of fear. Wiping the sweat of my brow I turned to the junior and apologised, walking off to the first aid kit in the club room to cool off and bandage myself up.

I cannot believe it. They were together? My juniors had spotted the pair coming to school together, hand in hand. Acting all cuddly and lovey-dovey. I doubted his words for a moment as I knew these junior loved jokes but his eyes told me that he was genuine and it was not a joke. Furthermore, it was impossible to mistake Akazuki from afar. I mean, she was unique absolutely beautiful. And the white hair of hers is unmistakable. However I still did not want to believe it. They were acting just like strangers yesterday, and now they acted like they knew each other forever?

I did not believe it! I had to see it for myself!

I turned to look at the clock. Just perfect, club morning practice was nearly over. Since this was the practice after the cultural festival, it meant that the third years were all stopped from clubs already. And of course naturally I become the new head of the martial arts club. I think I will let the first years go off early today.

"Everyone gather." I raised my voice slightly to get the attention on me. The club members all stopped their training and gathered in front of me. "I think you all are tired from the cultural festival so I'll be nice today. You may go earlier today but afternoon practice may be slightly longer. Clear?" I said. "Hai senpai!" They shouted in unison. It made me smirk knowing I had to many at my hand. So many people to back me up and they are just a small group.

Changing out of club uniform, I sauntered my way to class. There was always time before class after club, and I released early today. Surely I could take my time. That was when I remembered why I released everyone early today. I needed to see if what the junior said was true. My slow saunter became a quick and brisk walk. I rushed towards my classroom.

The moment I slid open the door, I was anticipating to see Kozure and Akazuki together but when I opened the door only his bag remained in his seat. No...they were in Akazuki's class. I placed my bag onto my own seat and then headed to her class.

Opening the door, many turned to see. Everyone had confusion in their eyes. Yes, they were all wondering too. It was so silent as I walked up to Akazuki and asked, "Yo princess, can I talk to you outside?" This was the most awkward I have ever been around Akazuki. I could already feel three sets of eyes glaring at me. Akazuki look around at her friends with a questioning look, before she decided to follow me out.

Akazuki's POV
Well Kai is asking to speak to me once more, hopefully this is his last try. Ōkami won fair and square and I guess I should give Kai closure. I have known him since middle school and truly he is a very nice guy. And I am sure that he would find someone one day no matter who it was.

When we reached out he asked me almost immediately. "Is it true you're with Ōkami?" His voice was rushed almost frantic? "Yea." I replied. His eyes seemed to widen to the size of saucers, doom and sadness in them. Maybe some anger.

Junichiro's POV
Why why why why why. It was true. Why! Damn this was the first time I have ever loved a girl this much and the first time any girl has never picked me over another guy. If she were any other girl I would not have really bothered but it was Akazuki.

The Asumi Akazuki.

The one girl that I fell for and there she went breaking my heart. Why? How did a mutt like him win. I wanted to break down, I wanted to cry. I felt empty. There was no point in keeping up my facade now. I was happy she found the one she thought was good for her, and I wish her good with Ōkami.

Akazuki's POV
Kai looked down and gave a sigh before looking up to face me. His eyes were watery as if he was going to cry? "Thank you for being my first love. And I wish you and Ōkami a long relationship till the end of time." He said, sighing again as he looked back downwards.

Then he looked up again the tears disappeared and the usual glint was back in his eyes. Though there was something different about it. With a cheeky smile he said, "Well better not forget to invite me to your wedding." Then he winked and ran off.

I guess that was it, I thought. Walking back to my classroom I joined my friends again who bombarded me with questions. I assured them that everything went fine. Especially my overprotective boyfriend. I giggled as he bombarded me with questions and moved to stand behind me and hug my waist tightly, not wanting anyone to touch me. My hand reached up to my collarbone where the necklace he gave me dangles. Toying with it between my fingers I smiled to myself, that was my happily ever after at least.

Omg yes! And that's a wrap ^v^All that's left now is the epilogue but well that's my first story. Finally completed it!! I'm so glad. Thank you for all the support in the form of reads and votes!! (*^^*)

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