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Junichiro's POV
"Class, for the cultural festival, we shall do our booth with Rai-Sensei's class. No objections?" Minami-Sensei asked.

*Yup we shall name Ōkami's form teacher Minami Kou. He's a he btw.

No one raised their hand, everyone was silent. Of course, no objections. That was because she was in Rai-Sensei's class. The one every boy yearned for and every girl wished to be. "Great! Please arrange the matter of organisation among yourselves, only come to us teachers for admin matter." He said. Then begin with lessons. Usually I would listen because I really needed my grades to keep up with my reputation, but I could not seem to care today. All that was on my mind was how to convince the sweet Akazuki. I was sure that many guys would want to ask her to cosplay their princess, but I would win for sure. I mean, Ōkami could not possibly interfere could he? Because he was always so unenthusiastic for any kind of class or school event. However...he was quite active during the sports festival. I needed to make sure I up my game.

Lessons passed, they had been dauntingly slow today. Maybe it was because I was excited to see her. The bell rang and the teacher left, classmates filing out behind him to get to the cafeteria. I was packing my notes into my bag, getting ready to go next door. However, I did not need to go over to see her.

Akazuki walked straight away into our class after the doorway cleared. Like every single time I saw her, my heart, my world, my time, it stopped for a while. No matter how many times I saw her it was always breathtaking. I stood, ready to walk right over to her. But she just had to walk that way! She had walked to Ōkami's desk personally and on her own initiation. I could feel the rage boil in me, I hated him so much. Ever since middle school.

Ōkami's POV
It has been a long time since I had seen Akazuki walk in on her own. Just like an angel from heaven's door she was. She seemed confident, but her eyes held a little hesitation. Surprisingly she was making her way over to my table. Why would she have wanted to see me? I was wretched. Around me, I could hear someone's breathing spike. It was Kai's. It made me chuckle silently, I could feel my smirk forming. He was extremely angry I bet, that Akazuki had not come to see him. But instead me. With the situation at my advantage, maybe I will taunt him further.

Junichiro's POV
"Oh princess sweetie, I was just looking for you." He said slyly, his voice was too sweet for it to be genuine. He was mocking me, it just made me even more riled up. I could see the smirk playing on his lips as I glared at him. By now, Akazuki has made her way there already. In hushed tones, they spoke a few sentences. It did not matter how soft they spoke, I would always know the words. Reading their lips, they were going to the roof. Woah woah, what would happen there! I had to stop it.

Ōkami's POV
Walking over in a seemingly hurried rush, he cut in.

Akazuki's POV
"Hey princess. Would you like to be mine for the cultural fest? Or how about forever after? Because I bet everyone would want to see us together." Kai said suggestively, winking for emphasis. I was weirded out. Sure Kai was nice, if he stopped hitting on me! "Eh...haha...no." I said, making my tone firm at the last part. He seemed crestfallen, surprised at my answer. "Come on, let's go Akazuki." Ōkami's voice rumbled. Then he stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling it slightly. There was a little bit of annoyance, anger, probably boredom too in his tone. However his actions made my heart beat, and my cheeks hot. I was absolutely at a lost for words. All I could do was nod, and I followed him.

He walked quickly, but slow enough so that I could catch up. Our hand were interlocked the entire time we were walking. Finally we reached the roof and he closed the door behind, gently pushing me onto it. His arms were at both sides of my body, he was staring deep into my eyes. Damn, I myself were lost in his too. They were so blue, so pretty, like the cast ocean and I was drowning in them. But I was drowning in bliss. Even though they were gentle, there was some fire sparking behind them. I closed my eyes slowly, moving forward. Awaiting a kiss?

♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora