<Where are you>

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Akazuki's POV
"I love you Akazuki" Ōkami was in front of me declaring his love. A warm smile appearing on his face. His love reaching out to me, touching my heart. The scene changed. "The one I like is Ōkami-Kun." I could hear myself say. Seeing an image of the big black wolf. The one I met in the forest. Ōkami's voice echoed. The image of the wolf swirling. Swirling round and round like it was trying to hypnotise me. "Ah!" a scream resounded on the air. The scene showing what I had witnessed yesterday morning.

The shirtless half breed boy jumping up from his comfortable sleeping position at the sight of me. Running away, not looking back. Leaving me awestruck by his beauty, he too swirled away. "Akazuki-Chan! " A higher pitched voice shouted out in desperation. The little boy in the yukata cried out, his hand outstretched towards me.

"I love..I like is Ōkami Kun...ah...Akazuki..." I heard all the different voices echoing in my head . The scenes all appearing together. Swirling round and round in front me. Replaying over and over again. Ōkami-Kun, I though to myself. Is he that little boy? The half breed? The wolf? Ōkami-Kun...never leave... "YOU CAN'T BE TOGETHER! " A new voice came out of no where. It sounded like mum.

"No! Ah!" The words falling out of my mouth. I was panting, it was all too much! What was going on? I needed to know. I turned and looked out the window. Rays of sunlight shone on me on this stressful morning. The scene outside the window seemed so beautiful yet unreal. Suddenly, I recalled my dream. Were all those people in my dream the same person?

Ugh, I shook my head clearing my thoughts. Seeing that boy in the forest yesterday had confused me as he looked so much like Ōkami-Kun. Who was he?

It was a new week at school again and I could finally tell Ōkami about the weird situation. He had not been answering my text messages at all. On the other hand, Hana and I had speculated so many weird and unrealistic stories about the boy I saw in the forest. I could not wait to see her and discuss about it. Quickly, I got ready and out the door I went.

"Aka-Chan!" I heard a high pitched voice screaming my name. My head turned to the direction of the sound. All I saw was Hana waving at me vigorously. A big smile plastered on her face, she sprinted to where I was. Reaching me, she pounced on me, nearly making me fall. "So, are u going to tell Ōkami about the half breed?" She asked me, a smirk on her face. My face went red at the mention of the two very good looking boys. Punching her lightly in the shoulder as I nod. After our small conversation , we went our separate ways to class.

Opening the door to the classroom, I was hoping to spot cheery Ōkami. However, when I walked through the door, he was nowhere to be found. There was no Ōkami in his seat or Karasuno in mine. Maybe he was sick? Or late? When I snapped out of my thoughts, I was baffled that I was expecting to see him. My heart sank, my eyes were tearing up. I had to seat all alone without Ōkami. I swiftly made my way to my seat, taking out a book to read in the process.

Ōkami's POV
I woke up, my eyes hurting. I tried to touch them, "Ah", I yelped. I took out my phone to check out what had happened to me. What I saw horrified me, my eyelids were red and puffy and my eyes itself were bloodshot. Looking down, the shirt I wore yesterday had been shredded, fuck. There was dried blood all over, on my knuckles, running down my arms. I looked horrible, Akazuki would question me non-stop if I went to school like this. Besides, I did not want to confront her about the issue in the forest. Afraid that she would run away from me.

"No please don't. Don't leave me... " I started to mumble to myself. Looking upwards, I could imagine Akazuki's beautiful face. Reaching my hand out to touch her, but she disappeared. "No..." I exclaimed. Tears started to stream down my face. I pulled my legs up to my chest, hugging and burying my face into them. Crying continuously till I fell asleep once again.

♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now