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Akazuki's POV
I was going to visit grandma! It has been so long since I have seen her. Brushing down the last few strands of my white hair, I ran down to the kitchen. There sat the apple muffins I baked. Taking out the woven basket, I carefully placed the muffins in. Lastly, covering them with another cloth. I walked over to the door, taking my cloak off its hanger. Clasping it together before I made my way out the door. "Bye mother!" I called out.

I walked down the path, taking in a deep breath. The fresh smell of the trees made me feel enlightened. School has been crazy recently. So many boys kept asking me out. Even Rai-sensei, which I do not think is even legal! Most of them, I left them with a definite no. However...those three. Of course I was referring to the male prodigies of the school. That day I had not given them an answer, instead they had been scared away. All thanks to that Ōkami guy. Ōkami...Kun...that boy with raven hair and the prettiest blue eyes anyone has ever seen. He was really cute, and every time I thought of him my heart raced. It beat so fast I often wondered if I may suddenly get a heart attack. Why did I feel this way about him?

As I continued waking down the path I took the wrong way as usual. Even though I knew the path took a huge detour to grandma's house, I still liked it a lot. Ever since I accidentally went off the path when I was little, I always continued taking it. Maybe because I was trying to meet someone again, maybe because the forest there felt more enchanted. I was not too sure about why I kept taking this path. It just became so normal to me. So I just followed it, until I reached grandma's house.

Ōkami's POV
Here I was again. Relaxing by an apple tree. The specific apple tree where we first met. I always came back to it whenever I came to the forest. It calmed me to know such amazing things had happened here despite the cruelty of fate when we were younger and even now. I closed my eyes feeling the warm breeze which blew softly into my face. The atmosphere felt so serene. It was. Well, until I heard the crunch of dead leaves. I jumped up quickly, swiftly climbing up the tree. Peeking down to see who was coming down the path. The faint scent of honeyed apples wafted past my nose. I already knew who it was.

I stared down from above at her. Picking apples from a tree nearby. She smelt so good, her scent was entrancing me. Drawing me in. God I wanted to have a better sniff. I tried to lean further out to catch a better whiff of her smell. But the branch broke. Ahhh! What should I do? My instincts told me to grab something. I did, but my stupidity overwrote my instincts. I had grabbed an apple. Oh shit.

Akazuki's POV
I heard a loud thud behind me. What was that! I turned around quickly, dagger in hand.

*Yes she has a dagger. I mean you don't think her overprotective mother wouldn't give her something to protect herself?

I held it in front of me. My eyes swept the area. Looking for what may have made the loud sound. Amongst the the green of the forest and reds of the apples, a big black thing caught my eye. I walked closer to it. It started to look furry? That was when I realised it was a big black dog! Wait...no, it was too big to be a dog. It was a wolf! I felt scared, but it looked so pretty. It's shiny black coat, its eyes were shut. There was a ruby red apple between its paws. I stared at it a while. Until its eyes begin to open, upon seeing them I felt mesmerised. It felt like like they were staring into my soul as the wolf looked at me intensely. Its eyes reminded me of someone's.

Ōkami's POV
I held my breath. She was so close to me. Her face inches away. If I were in my human form I would have easily kissed her. I kept staring into her crimson eyes, they were beautiful. Akazuki why did fate pull you away then bring you back to me again? It hurt so much...

Akazuki's POV
I reached my hand out slowly. The wolf did not move or flinch, it just lay there and continued staring at me. Eventually, my hand met with its soft fur. It felt like what I though clouds would feel like. So nice and fluffy. I pat its head a few times. I could see its eyes glimmer, like sapphires. It begin to move, sitting up. Looking down at me as I kneeled on the ground. It was so big, very big. However it leaned down again and with its snout pushed the apple forward to me. Staring back at me, then at the apple, and at me again. "You want me to eat it?" I asked hesitantly, trying to guess what the wolf was trying to tell me. It barked cheerfully, as if saying yes.

♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now