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Akazuki's POV
I arranged the last few ingredients of the two bentos and done! They looked perfect! I put the lids on both of the containers and tied them up in a piece of cloth. I had a gut feeling that Ōkami would come to school today, so I decided to prepare some bentos for his lunch. I really hope that my instincts are correct otherwise it would be a complete waste to throw the bento away. I really do hope I would be able to see him soon. Next, I put mother's food on a plate and wrapped it in cling wrap. Placing it on the dining table before heading to my room to change into my uniform. Once I got ready for school I picked up my bag and the bentos, and off to school I went.

I reached school earlier than usual today. Changing my shoes from the indoor to outdoor ones while silently praying, "Please let Ōkami be here today." I shut my eyes as my head rested against the shoe locker. The hallways were empty as I headed towards class. I stared at the classroom door and took a deep breath, letting it all out as soon as I put my hand on the handle. Sliding the door to the side. When I looked into the class, there he was. I walked silently towards our seat, laying my eyes onto him and him only as I approached. His smooth yet messy raven hair covering his closed eyes. His head against the table, soundly sleeping. It felt...peaceful, I reached my hand out, strangely eager to touch his soft fluffy hair as I got closer. However instead, my hand moved towards his cheek, lifting his head slowly. He seemed so fragile, at that moment it was as if he would have shattered to pieces if I did drop his head, so fragile... I brought myself closer to him, my hand on his cheek still, closed my eyes and it felt as though time had slowed down for this gentle kiss I had planted on his lips. I withdrew my face away and opened my eyes to once again be greeted by a sleepy face. But his eyes were no longer closed. His eyelids had lifted, revealing his aquamarine eyes.

Ōkami's POV
I felt a smooth hand touch my cheek lifting my head upwards. Something soft had touched and savoured my lips, what could it be. I opened my eyes to reveal a flurry of snow white hair and rose coloured eyes. It was none other than the sweet Akazuki. Upon seeing that I was awake she became extremely flustered. "Eek! Gomen gomen.(sorry sorry)" she said, her cute voice becoming higher and higher. She started to move away towards the classroom door. No! I could not let her out of my reach again! I moved swiftly, grabbing her hand.

Akazuki's POV
I felt Ōkami-Kun grab my hand, restricting me from moving any further. His grip was strong yet light against my wrist. I could not turn my head, he would see my peach red, flustered face. I winced as I felt his presence nearing me. Then I felt his other arm encircle my waist. The one holding my wrist following it. His chest pressed against my back as he put his chin against my shoulder. Snuggling in my silvery-white hair. His cheek getting closer, touching my own.

Ōkami's POV
As my cheek touched hers, I could feel it become warmer. I moved my head once more, pressing my mouth against her neck. Kissing it passionately, leaving a lovely red mark. I moved my lips towards her ear, whispering into it. "You're mine now aren't you ... So don't leave me." I could feel her shiver slightly under me as I proceeded to nip her earlobe slightly. Before letting go and walking back to my seat. "B-b-Baka!(Idiot)" she shouted, her face, either embarrassed or angry, as she pointed at me. Running out of the class, and leaving me all alone.

Akazuki's POV
I bolted out of the classroom as quick as I could. What did he do? My face was all red and hot when I finally reached the toilet. I locked myself in a cubicle and texted Hana.

Help meeeee. I think I'm gonna melt!~Aka

How come? What happened?!!~Hana🌸


On my way already, which level's toilet?~Hana🌸

Secluded fourth.~Aka

Hana's POV
I was still at home. What did Ōkami do to dear Aka-Chan now? Making her all flustered and fidgety. Now I had to rush to school. Thank goodness Karasuno promised to fetch me today, he was my chauffeur for today. In no time he reached my door. "Hey sweet-" I cut him off from whatever greeting there was going to be. "Go as fast as you can! Emergency with our OTP!" I said in a rush. Processing my words he nodded and zoomed to school.

♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now