<I'm not worthy>

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"Picture drawn by my dear friendand coloured by me."~Writer

Ōkami's POV
Akazuki had left the woods, but not on her own. Her treacherous mother had dragged her away. How could someone treat her so harshly? If it were for me I would treat her like a delicate flower. She is a beautiful flower that I would want to pluck, and keep. 

All to myself. 

However her mother claims that I am sly and cunning. A vile creature. The devil's child. I wonder whether those words would change her impression of me. Hopefully they don't. 

Every day after our meeting I watched her. From behind the tree along the path that she took. Every two to three days Akazuki and her mother would visit her grandmother and at other times Akazuki would come out to play, though always under her mother's supervision. I wished that I'd be able to play with her. Alas, I knew I could never. The consequences would be dire, and I didn't want to risk it.

(Small time skip to when they're in elementary)

School was over for the day. I ran to the forest to the tree along your path. Sitting and waiting behind it till I hear your footsteps coming from afar. I know that you would once again come down this path. However, I have no intention of doing anything as if I did, we may never meet again.

Fate was very cruel. If Akazuki's mother knew of my actions, she would personally take a gun and shoot me to death. This world is so twisted, even if I cursed and swore, fate would never change and forever we would still stay as red riding hood and the wolf. All I can ever do is watch over you...sigh.

Akazuki's POV
Another trip to grandmother's house. The nearer I am to the tree, the more I can see you. Hiding behind the it, waiting for me. But you don't come out to greet me at all. So I pass by, pretending not to notice you at all...sigh.

Third person POV
Their eyes never meet. Their voices never reach. Only their sighs overlap simultaneously.

Akazuki's POV
(Their last year in elementary)[12 years old]
On the day of my graduation, I ran to the forest. 

Back to the tree where we had first met. 

I wanted to surprise you. But...you were no where to be found. I fell to my knees, leaning against the tree. Sigh. Once again, we were not fated to meet. Needless to say, that the ending of my actions would never change. However despite all this, I just wanted to say, "You were my first love and I loved you..." I could feel the hot droplets running down my cheeks. A lump in my throat, unable to stop my sobs. Why would fate bring us together only to rip us apart?

Ōkami's POV
I walked towards the tree I went to every day, leaning against its bark. Wishing that you were here. Then I heard your sniffles from the other side of the tree. For Once you were there, so close yet so far. I reached my hand out wanting to comfort you but hesitated and retracted my hand. My hand is trembling, afraid that yours would reject mine. Unable to embrace or comfort you. I lay there hopelessly at the other side of the tree. Until you stopped crying...

Third person POV
From that day on, Akazuki completely forgot about Ōkami. How come? Because she had buried her memories of him, not wanting to get hurt all over again. As for Ōkami, he still watched over Akazuki. But never once did she ever meet his gaze again...

♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora