<Sports Festival>

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Akazuki's POV
I decided not to tell Hana about that whole ordeal. I think I would keep it to myself, I thought as I walked back down the stairs after lunch. Maybe I should just forget about the whole thing. Or it would be awkward during cheer practice. Yes, I should just forget about. It was probably nothing. But what if it were something? Uwa... my thoughts were driving me crazy. Ok push it one side, one side. Tuck it away, time to concentrate on lessons.

Ōkami's POV
God that kiss was stuck in my head, and at the tips of my lips. It is as if I could still feel her soft lips on mine. No, no. Snap it out. Stop thinking about her. It was going to be horribly awkward during cheer practice today. I should not have done that. But...I really want her. I want her to be mine again. Argh, I do not know what to do. I want her but if I am with her I would hurt her. Why does life have to make it so hard. I let out a big sigh then fell onto my table, blocking the light out. Trying to sleep my problems away.

(After school)

I was headed to the field, the white team was going to be at the parade square. Brace yourself for the awkwardness, you put it upon yourself. I huffed and when I got to the field I forced myself to walk up to her. "Hey princess, what have you on mind to win the cheer competition?" Argh I sounded so weird. Only now did Akazuki seem to realize my presence, she smiled back at me. "Ah Ōkami-Kun! Nishimoto-senpai told the cheer captains of each year to watch all these clips then each year would decide on a routine and everything would be put together." She said cheerfully. I nodded. Time to watch clips on past year cheering with Akazuki. That did not sound like a bad idea. Almost a date, maybe. Maybe not.

Akazuki's POV
Did I sound normal? Was I acting too cheerful? Oh the questions, they were all running in my head. I did not know if I looked perfectly normal or I was overly enthusiastic. I really did not want the red team to loose in cheering just because of that incident which took place on the roof. Ok time to get to work I told myself, and we begin watching the tons of clips provided by Nishimoto-senpai.

(After many many cheer clips)

"Oh god I can't stand it anymore. Kill me, this is going to be an atrocity." Ōkami huffed after we finally finished all of the clips. He had an expression of mock tiredness, eyes wide, panting as if he had done the cheer in the videos. I giggled at his comment. "Let's go over to the classrooms they're fitting the sizes for the cheer team today. We're the last ones and we have different design from the rest." I said. He looked at me and nodded, a hint of a subtle smile on his face. Hm, maybe those clips cooled the awkward tension already.

The next few weeks went by in a breeze. It was a repeat of going to school as usual, visiting grandma, and staying back to prepare for the sports festival. I wanted to make something for Ōkami...to show that even though we were cheering for the competition, I was cheering for him. He was assigned to many of the races after all. Just thinking of him made my heart beat so fast. I wonder how he managed to get my heart in a mess, and my head all over the place. I really liked him. A wolf...it seemed to symbolize him a lot. Not just because of his name, but also his character. He was slightly like a lone wolf, but he has some people around him. Like his friend, Karasuno. Though they seemed to mock each other a lot, they seemed to care deeply for each other to. I wish I could be closer to him. However, Ōkami has no reaction at all to my confessions. He just puts them off. But, he could not possibly feel nothing. There have been things happening between us, things that should not be happening between people who were only more than strangers. I sigh. It was not as if I could tell what would happen, I could only wish and pray at times.

(Time skip to the day of the sports festival)

I woke up extra early today. The day has come, it is finally the day of the sports festival. I hope all our hard work would pay off. However, the cheering competition came last. The races were first, I hope I would be able to get through the three-legged race. I could not wait, today was going to be exciting. It was my first sports festival in high school. As I had missed it last year...

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