<Out of the oridinary>

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Ōkami's POV
Waking up, an immaculate room greeted me and I was snuggly tucked in bed. However, Karasuno was nowhere to be found. "Grr... " my stomach growled in hunger. A jab of pain conquered my abdominal region. I grit my teeth trying to ignore it, but it was overwhelming.

On top of that, there was an aroma of something in the air. There was something familiar about it, but I could not seem to put my finger on it. Continuing to lay in bed, I contemplated on whether to go down. After much reluctance, I got myself out of bed and made my way downstairs, only to realise that Father was not home yet, as usual. I walked into the kitchen, the aroma of the food grew stronger. On the table was a plate of fried rice. A plate of Karasuno's signature fried rice.

Upon sight of the scrumptious food, my mouth started to water. "Growl..." my stomach cried out once again. My inner wolf started to awaken, its appetite ravenous. I ran towards the cutlery drawer, taking a spoon out and then I tore the cling wrap off the plate of fried rice. Digging my spoon into the still warm rice, shoving it into my mouth.

The fried rice was pleasing to my tastebuds, flavour bursting with every bite. "Mhm..." I groaned. It was indescribable, as if Karasuno had made the heavens into a dish. In a blink of an eye, the plate that was once piled with fried rice was now empty. Not even a single grain of rice was left on the plate. I had even licked the plate until it was squeaky clean.

Sitting there in the chair, I slouched into the chair. Rubbing my stomach in satisfaction, I washed the plate and made my way up back to my room. I should complete the homework Karasuno had brought, I thought to myself. In no time, I was sitting down by my study table and doing homework.

Akazuki's POV
Even though five days had passed, I have yet to see Ōkami. Anxious and worried, my mind was constantly wondering about what had happened to him.

Hey, it's me Karasuno! Don't worry about Ōkami, Akazuki. He's only down with a flu. ~Karasuno

Oh thank goodness! Should I go and visit him tmr? ~Aka

I don't think so, he won't want to spread such a nasty disease to his dear princess...Hahaha. ~Karasuno

Oh...ok then. ~Aka

Letting out a sigh of relief after reading Karasuno's message, I was thankful that Ōkami was alright. Despite what he had said, I was determined to to see him tomorrow. I have to!

(Time skip to next day)

Akazuki's POV
I walked into class with my eyes closed. Hoping that when I opened them, Ōkami would be there in his seat beside mine. Alas, he was no where to be seen. I let out a loud sigh causing some heads to turn. Trudging off to my seat, I laid my head on the table. Only Ōkami could turn this frown upside down.

Karasuno's POV
After school, I proceeded to collect the worksheets and homework from Akazuki. Once I fetched Hana home, I headed to Ōkami's house for the second time. Please let him be fine, I prayed silently under my breath as I cycled to his house.

Once I arrived, Ōkami had opened the door for me. He looked much better compared to the day before. "Hey Karasuno! " He rejoiced, his face beaming with happiness. That warmed my heart, making me grin like the Cheshire Cat. My dear friend's mood was stabilising once more.

Making my way into Ōkami's house, I could see the previous days' worksheets strewn all over the coffee table. A pen on it, along with a plate of cookies beside it. I felt extremely relived and ecstatic. Ōkami was finally eating properly after refusing to do so the past few days.

I took the last cookie as I passed by the coffee table, I was going to munch onto it but when I plopped onto the couch. "Hey! That's my cookie! " Ōkami shouted childishly. Running out of the kitchen with a cup of water, he immediately tackled me to the ground for it. " It's mine! " He screeched, his voice laced with a hint of irritatance as he tried to reach out for it. Not willing to lose to Ōkami, I popped the cookie into my mouth. He threw his hands up in indignation.

♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora