Halloween Special:<The Woods>

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Third person's POV
The sun was setting, steaks of yellow, orange and pink were left in the sky. Hues of purple and blue on the edges. The light was slowly fading as the shadows emerged upon the 'enchanted' forest. Empty basket in hand, Akazuki strolled down the usual path. Making her way home after a trip to grandma's. She turned to check her surroundings occasionally, making sure no large wild animals has come out to hunt yet. She could see or hear no one but her gut feel said otherwise. She had a feeling that something or someone was following her. Chills ran down her spine every time the thoughts surfaced. The chilly autumn breeze did not help to ease her goosebumps, making her pull her cloak tighter around her body.

A creature crept behind her along on the same path. It made no sound at all. The many trees were the perfect coverage, he could hide when she looked around. The creature felt guilty, every time it saw the fear in her eyes as she glanced warily. But it was bored, it wanted a reaction.

Akazuki's POV
I heard nothing more than the rustle of leaves in the wind, but I felt scared. I knew something was following me, but what? And why? I shook my head, it was all my imagination. Or so I thought when I felt something warm breathe down my neck...

"Caught you!" Shouted a voice as she felt herself being lifted into the air. Her arms clung around the person's neck to support herself as she looked up to see his face. "You asshole!" She said mockingly as she looked into his azure eyes. An arm leaving his neck as she gently hit his chest. "Ouch, that hurts Princess." He chuckled grinning at her. She rolled her eyes before smiling back at him. Afterwards pulling herself up, bringing her lips to his cheek. Kissing him gently, "Never do that again." She said. Ōkami nod in agreement as he put her down slowly his side.

Third Person's POV
They continued to walk in silence in each other's company. Their arms by their sides, their hands bumping the other's occasionally. Finally
he moved his hand, grabbing onto hers. His grip was not tight but firm, it made her feel protected but not restrained. Slowly their fingers begin to intertwine themselves, making their hold harder to pull apart. As they walked they gently swung the arm which was connected to their interlocked palms.

"You know I would never hurt you Princess." He purred slowly into her ear. This made her smile as they continued walking eventually making it back to her house.

"Goodnight Ōkami-Kun." She said, looking up staring into his eyes. He stared back at her vermilion ones before closing in for another kiss. This time on her lips instead. They were as soft and sweet as marshmallows and he did not want to stop but he knew he had to get back home too. He pulled away his hand still on her cheek, his thumb making imaginary circles on its surface. "Sweet dreams Akazuki." He whispered quietly to her. Slowly untangling his hand from her grip though awfully reluctant to the action. He turned around and begin walking away. He turned back one more time and waved at her before closing the gate to her house.

"See you tomorrow." He heard her whisper drift in the wind towards his direction. Raising his hand he waved at her. She too copied his action momentarily before disappearing into the warmly lit house.

(Timeskip to school the day after)

Akazuki's POV
"Mhmmm candy tastes so much better when you didn't pay for it!" Hana hummed in delight as she ate the candies, chocolates and snacks she brought to school. That was when the classroom door busted open. At the other side were two heads. One orange and one black. Karasuno pretended to sniff dramatically his eyes roaming the class before they landed on us. "Ah hah! Caught red-handed in the act." He shouted, pointing at us. Everyone in class stared at him, but he had no shame. He continued to point as he made his way to our table.

"The candy we collected last night Hana. You better not have eaten it all." He said, pouting at his girlfriend. This made Ōkami roll his eyes playfully, he looked really cute when he did that. It made me giggle too, as Hana laughed loudly beside me. Hana continued laugh for quite some time. This gave the guys some time to get chairs as they sat around our table. Hana laughed so much that she was now clutching her stomach, trying to snap out of the last of her laughter. Then she took a piece of chocolate and forcefully shoved it into Karasuno's mouth. Her action shocked me for a moment, would Karasuno choke? Surprisingly he did not. Instead he begin to chew on it happily, blowing a kiss to Hana in the process. "Ew, PDA." Ōkami commented as he pretended to vomit. It made me giggle and Ōkami turned to me to smile.

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