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Ōkami's POV
"Minako-obasan, do you think we are really meant to be?" I asked her. All she gave me was a smile. "The gods are testing you child, I know they are." Those were the same words once more. I sigh, could she get any less cryptic?

(Back to the school lol)

"The school's sports culture festival is coming up class I'll be needing class representatives. Anyone care to volunteer themselves?" The class was not even listening to sensei. Everyone in their bundles of chatter. Sensei rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed but no one noticed.

Karasuno's POV
"Continue talking then. I've picked a pair. Kai, Kozure, take the floor." The moment I heard Ōkami's last name I was surprised. Though he did well in class, the teachers did not exceptionally like him well. As he always slept during lessons. "What!" I heard a shout from him, just a seat away. Ōkami had jumped onto his table, squatting there. A face of absolute terror on his face. The girl sitting beside him seemed as shocked from his reaction. Her face was hilarious.

Ōkami has not been his usual self the entire year, but moments like these shocked the facade away. He really was trying to close himself up from the world. "Do you have a problem Kozure-San?" The teacher asked, rolling his eyes again. Our form teacher was sure fond of rolling his eyes. "I have an issue with it too Sensei," Kai cut in as he stood up in his seat. "I-I can't possibly work with a savage like him!" He spat out in disgust. Now that was not how you talked about my friend. "That's my friend you're talking about!" I shouted, slamming my palm onto the table. The teacher's head shot towards my direction too. Giving a sigh as he rubbed his forehead with his fingers. "Sit down Tenkosa. Kai, Kozure I don't care if you hate each other's guts. No one wanted to pay attention so I choose the two of you." The teacher said in an exasperated voice.

Eventually, though hesitantly I sat back down in my seat. That was when sensei continued speaking. The class had finally quieted down after the miniature uproar from sensei. "Kai red or white. Pick the team you'd be representing." Sensei said, looking at him. Biased asshole. I hissed silently. I could hear a tiny chuckle from Ōkami as he looked in my direction. I smiled back at him. Kai had chosen white, that left Ōkami to the red team. He looked oddly happy. Maybe because the word 'red' was part of her name. Everyone else's teams were already decided and I was on red! Thank god, I would be able to support Ōkami easily. Once the noise had settled sensei continued with our normal lessons. Leaving the preparations to ourselves after school.

Lunch rolled around and I wanted to get to Hana's class to know which team she was in. However, she was faster than me. Subtly jumping with excitement as she ran into my class with Akazuki in hand. "So so Kara-Chan? Which team! Which team!" She gushed excitedly. "Red." I said. She jumped. Literally. Onto me, and she hugged me like crazy. She must be excited. She was not as enthusiastic last year, well she did pretend to be. However if was a facade, as the sports festival the year before. It had taken place not long after the accident, and my little flower was completely destroyed even if she did not show it. However she has Akazuki back this year and she is excited as ever. It was a real one not a fake like before. I could help but hug her back. Sneakily kissing her on the cheek. It made her giggle.

Akazuki's POV
Oh god, public display of affection Hana. I thought out loud as I watched her jump onto Karasuno. I heard a chuckle from nearby. Apparently I was not soft enough, someone had heard my comment. Turning to see where the giggle came from, it was from behind me. It was Ōkami. My eyes widened with surprise, the subtle smile on his face was breathtaking. In his hands were two drinks. As he spotted me, he turned with a smirk. "Here to confess again princess?" He asked. He did not, it was funny and ironic his statement. He had seemed to dislike the idea of it but at the same time he teased me about it. Quite odd if I would say so. "I was hoping you'd fall for me already." I relied sarcastically. He rolled his eyes, his smirk became softer a hint of a genuine smile showing. "Anyways what team?" He continued to ask me. "Look into my eyes." I said. He looked confused for a while but finally figured it out. Nodding in acknowledgment as he mumbled about being in red team too. Well that was definitely coincidental, but a good one coincidence.

♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant