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Ōkami's POV
Akazuki...she was not awake but rather unconscious, lying in the hospital bed. Tubes surrounding her, the breathing aid and IV signifying that she was in a critical state. Why? Why was she not ok? Seeing her lying there filled my heart with despair and sorrow. Just after I had gotten her, she was once again taken away from me. What is wrong with fate? To do such a heinous act...Why was it so cruel and twisted?! What have I ever done to deserve this?!

My sorrow begin to stir and bubble slowly. If it were a magic potion, the liquid would have been a stagnant dull blue, slowly turning into a bubbling brew of glowing crimson.

Third person's POV
Ōkami stalked quietly towards his two friends. The face blank, eyes completely empty. He stood in front of them, staring into space for a while. When he turned down he catches a glimpse of Hana's sakura hair. Like the trigger of a grenade, he snapped. In a hurried motion, he grabbed Hana's throat. He lifted her up high into the air, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Naze!(why) Why didn't you protect her?!" his voice echoed through the room, his grip tightened around her neck. Widening at the action, Hana's emerald eyes were filled with pain and fear. She tried to splutter out a cry of help, staring at Karasuno.

Snapping out of his shocked daze, Karasuno moved to push Ōkami. Moving back swiftly to catch Hana in his arms. "How could you...?" his voice trembled as he conveyed the words towards his best friend. Anger and betrayal was shown in his eyes, tears at the rim. All the emotions in the room but nothing could move Ōkami. He was blinded by the rage of the beast which lived in him. The immense fury burned like a passionate fire, frying his awareness to ash.

Everything had gone blank in his eyes, all he could feel were his fangs descending. Claws, ears and tail sprouting in their respective places. He charged at the couple. Quick and agile, Karasuno was lucky to be able to escape his wrath. Shutting the door before he had a chance to grab onto any article of clothing.

Ōkami's POV
"Bam!" my head had come in contact with the cold metal door. My hazy vision cleared, my surroundings appearing once more. What had happened? I could hear my inner wolf whimpering at the back of my head due to the impact. I turned around, only to see the devastating sight once more. Akazuki... My hand reached out to her, my entire body following.

I took the clipboard at the end of her bed, flipping through it to check the diagnosis. She was in a coma...the four lettered word broke my world, shattering it into uncountable pieces. I could not hold myself up, staggering to the seat by the bed, I fell into it. Tears gushed from my eyes like a broken dam, all of them dripping onto the pristine hospital bedsheet. I stared at Akazuki through my blurry vision, she looked so peaceful. Like a doll she was beautiful, perfect, her voice melodic. But would I ever be able to hear it again? Gripping onto her hand, I kissed it."Please wake up Akazuki..."I mumbled softly, the last few tears dissipating along with my energy. My vision blacked out, bringing me to a different world...

"You vile creature!" I heard cries of anger coming from all directions, its sound directed at me. A person...no two appeared in front of me. It was a woman with chocolate brown hair. Her enraged hazel eyes and harsh words pierced me right through the heart. A child was held in her embrace, her arms wrapped protectively around the little girl. As if trying to keep her daughter away from me. The girl had alabaster hair, she wore a red hood. It was my red riding hood...the one and only Akazuki. Similar to that day all those years ago, her being taken away was unbearable to my heart.

"You monster!" another voice sounded, a male character this time. Appearing was my best friend...even he was against me. Hana in his arms sobbing with fear. His eyes were filled with disgust, clearly showing the hate he had towards me for hurting his girlfriend. "You are an animal!" Hana had turned around from Karasuno's embrace, pointing at me as she said those words. Venom in her words as she stared at me with hatred. They continued their deathly gaze as all the negative energy directed towards me. Their words kept repeating itself, the sounds nailed into my mind. Then all of sudden they all disappeared, their voices too.

♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now