<You don't remember me>

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Ōkami's POV
Fate was mysterious. It had brought Akazuki and I together again. Making us meet when we were children. But after a mere amount of time, pulled us apart. Her mother on that day, many years ago had pulled her away from me. I had thought fate was horrible then. But was fate even crueler now? To bring us together once again, then pull us even further apart?

Akazuki's POV
School has started for about a month already. I've been sitting beside Ōkami-Kun. Hana comes to accompany me for lunch every day.

In general my life is quite smooth sailing, apart from Ōkami always disturbing me here and there during lessons. It was another typical day. I was still in my room preparing to go to school. I looked into the mirror, positioning my clips that would hold up my frosty hair. I took my bag and headed down.

"Bye mum! " I shouted as I went out the door. Hana was outside waiting for me, eating an onigiri as she passed one to me. "Thanks." I took it and started to munch heartily on the delicious shrimp mayo onigiri. "So, how do you find Ōkami?" She said giving me a cheeky smile. 

'Gulp' I swallowed the food I was chewing on. I shot her a dirty look, and then rolled my eyes. "I can't tell yet, it's only been one month. And why do you mention him so much? Do u like him?" A grin crawled up my face as I made kissy faces and sounds. Drawing a heart with my finger in the air as I catcalled. "NO!" Hana shouted.

She swiftly went behind me and put her arm over my neck. Attempting to 'strangle' me. I used my free hand to push her arm away and continued eating my onigiri. We continued to fool around until we reached school. "Bye Aka-Chan! See you at lunch!" Hana exclaimed cheerfully. Walking off in different directions as we made our way down to our respective classrooms.

Walking slowly to my classroom on my own,I realised I was late! As a result, I ran as fast as my legs could taking me, hoping I would not get into trouble with the teacher.

When I arrived at the classroom, I kept my head down, not wanting anyone to look at me as I thought I was the last one to get to class. I entered my classroom, there were some students inside but not too many. I heaved a sigh of relief. The people in class had included Ōkami-Kun, chatting happily with someone who had sat on my seat.

Slowly while hesitatingly to do so, I went up to them. "Erm, excuse me, may I sit down?" I mumbled to them. Both of their heads turned to look at me. "Your seat. Princess." the mysterious boy that was talking to Ōkami had said as he smirked at me. I was dumbfounded, what was he talking about?

"You're not supposed to tell her that Karasuno." Ōkami said as he howled with laughter, punching him in the arm. Karasuno chuckled as he rolled his eyes. I sat down slowly, staring at them. What weird classmates I have. My eyes had caught onto Ōkami's laughing eyes. They were even more alluring than normal. His eyes were a deeper shade of blue than normal. At the same time, he looked at me and gave me a warm smile.

My eyes widened, and my legs turned to jelly. Badump! My cheeks flushed, my heart beat faster at his sweet smile. What was this feeling? My legs gave way...I fell onto my chair and toppled over. "Ah!" I shrieked. Squeezing my eyes shut, feeling my entire body tense up.

Ōkami's POV
Karasuno did not need to tell Akazuki that she was being called a princess by many people. As we laughed, I looked at her. Her eyes were staring back at mine. I felt my heart skip a beat. Badump! Subconsciously my lips curved upwards, a smile appearing on my face. All of a sudden she falls off her chair as giving out an adorable shriek in shock.

I was taken aback for a moment, what if she go hurt? I had to catch her! Those words raced through my mind. In an instant, I had stood up, my arms supporting her waist and the bend behind her knee so she wouldn't fall to the ground. As a result of both of my actions, I was holding her in my arms. She was so light, was she eating properly? 

♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz