<You Can't Interact>

370 14 21

Akazuki's POV

This boy was different. What was he? He looks like a half breed...mother has mentioned them before. It means one of his parents are an animal or one is a half-breed...

"Hi! I'm Ōkami! I'm a wolf, well half...What's your name? Are you human? Half breed? Alien?" The boy asked in a curious flurry. I was right he was a half-breed, and a very rare kind. Japanese wolf packs have been wiped out, however there were still rumours of a few surviving. 

"My name is Akazuki, and I'm human. It's a pleasure to meet you." I responded softly, the ground seemed to take my interest. I looked up expecting to see his mesmerising eyes, he was nowhere in sight. Where did he go? He disappeared...I felt disappointed. I wanted to play with my new friend. I guess he didn't want to play with me. Slowly I trudged on the crunchy dried up leaves, finding my way back to the path.

Someone called me from behind. "Akazuki-Chan!" I turned around. It was the wolf boy. He had not left me behind after all. One of his hands were behind his back as he sprinted towards me. As he made his way to me, he rubbed his foot against the other foot His face a little red as an adorable shy smile appeared. Drawing his hand out from behind, he revealed what he was hiding. "Here, flowers for you. They smell as sweet as your name sounds and are as beautiful as your scarlet eyes."

Hearing this, I noticed that my face warming up. I was touched by his little gesture. I received the small scarlet flowers and smelled them. Indeed, they were fragrant and there was a bright red to each petal. "Thank you, Ōkami-Kun." I thanked him slowly as I raised my head to face him. I finally got a good look at him. His raven hair with a matched his pair of sharp ears and fluffy tail. His azure eyes, resembled the blue sky. He was slightly taller than me, and was wearing a yukata.

There was a long silence. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally broke the awkward moment. " Do you want to play pretend? Or hide and seek?" his cheery voice resounded. "I think I'll choose hide and seek!" I responded. After that I covered my eyes and started counting. I could hear the rustling of leaves as he dashed around, trying to find a safe hiding spot for himself.

"Ready? here I come!!" I shouted. Then I uncovered my eyes and started walking around the forest slowly, my eyes scanning furtively at my surrounding as I tried to find him. "Crunch crunch" the leaves went. My position was probably given away, as Ōkami had the heightened hearing of a wolf. Though I faintly heard a soft rustling somewhere behind me..."Ah ha! " I shouted as I turned around. "Found you Ōkami-Kun!"

A distance behind me stood Ōkami, like a deer caught in headlights he stared at me. Was his face pinkish? Must be the weather. "Damn. You're good, how about we play pretend?" He asked being a bit of a sore loser. I giggled, patting him on the head and after a bit of persuasion, I agreed on playing pretend. We started to play a prince and princess. "How am I supposed to get onto my high tower?" I asked as I pointed to the tree.

An apple tree.

Ōkami looked at me with a mischievous smirk. Suddenly he lifted me off the ground causing my heart to skip a beat. I shut my eyes tight, I was frightened. Then I felt a reassuring pat on my head. A voice soft and gentle, trying to calm me as he whispered into my ear, "Don't worry, Akazuki-Chan, I'll send you safely up to your 'tower' . " Then Ōkami continued to lift me higher and placed me onto his shoulders.

Ōkami's POV
Akazuki sat on my shoulders. It felt so strange yet natural, so wrong but so right. I wanted her there and nowhere else. My claws came out, and I grabbed onto the tree bark. I could hear a whimper from Akazuki, her petite body shivering. She was definitely terrified of heights, I thought to myself as I let out a little giggle. One by one, I put her arms around my neck. Something for her to hold onto as I climb the tree. I could feel that she stopped shivering already. That was my signal, and I started climbing the tree.

Akazuki's POV
As Ōkami climbed the tree, I dared to open my eyes. At first I gave a little peek but very soon I opened my eyes wide. The view was breathtaking. Finally, we reached the top. I looked at my feet, the ground was so far below. I felt like the queen of the world, like I could conquer all my fears and do anything I wanted to. It was an amazing feeling. I could feel Ōkami's hands sliding up onto my waist again. Carefully, he carried me off his shoulders and down into his arms. Placing me onto the tree bark. Gracefully like a ballerina, I sat down, my dress fluttering around me. 

Ōkami's POV
Akazuki has finally reached her tower. Up high above the ground. She looked so beautiful. Nesting between the leaves and her dress which surrounded her. She looked like a flower fairy, that had appeared in my presence. I wanted to make her my flower. Well, time to begin our game of pretend prince and princess.

Akazuki's POV
Ōkami jumped off the tree and back onto the ground. He had plucked a lone red flower off the tree. He stood underneath where I sat, holding the flower up with an outstretched arm. "Oh my,  oh my, Princess Akazuki. Would you be mine?"

Ōkami asked as he still held up the flower. I could see a raw passion burning in his eyes, staring at me with intent. I looked down, our eyes locked for a moment. Just a second. But my cheeks already felt hot. "Yes I would be. For all eternity. No matter what happens." I replied. I think I've fallen for him...

All of a sudden there was a loud crunching of the leaves, it sounded rushed. My eyes widened as realisation hit me hard. I had come to the forest with mother, and she must be looking for me. "Akazuki?" I heard her shout. I was frantic, she must be furious at me for walking off the path again. I looked down and saw a fearful look on her face.

"Thank goodness, Akazuki you're all right." She uttered with a relieved voice. Mother turned her head and noticed Ōkami. "This is my new frie-" I was cut off by her. She rushed to me and yanked me down from the tree. Rough and abrupt unlike how Ōkami had treated me.

"Let's go now Akazuki. To get away from this vile creature. Wolves are sly and cunning and will kill you when you're off guard." Mother reprimanded in a serious tone. Her eyes burned with hate and disgust as she looked at Ōkami. His ears had flopped downwards. He was scared too. "But-" I whimpered, however mother had forcefully dragged me away. My eyes fixated on him as I could see a frown that appearing on Ōkami's face and I waved at him signalling to him that I was going. He looked back solemnly and waved too.

Ōkami's POV
And there she went. Sweet little Akazuki-Chan. I had fallen head over heels for her. From the moment she saw me sitting behind the tree. Why? Was it because she was the first person that didn't flinch or look at me at disgust. No matter what, I'll make her mine. I love her, I love Akazuki-Chan...

"Yes this chapter is longer...however as I'm working on the next chapter I realised that it might not be as Long." ~ Previous Editor

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