1/ Uploading - a. General

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Uploading the first part of your story

1. To upload a chapter you click on “Upload”. You can find this in the black bar on top of your screen, or go to “My Works” in the drop down menu, which you can find by going to where it says “Hi ‘your username’”.

2. Click on "Start a new story". You can find this in the right hand corner.

Add Text:

Directly: Speaks for itself, just type directly into the Wattpad editor.

Copy/paste:  You can copy (CTRL-C) and paste (CTRL-V) your writing from your word processor into the story editor

Upload: You can upload something you saved on your computer, by clicking on “Upload a file”. Know that it has to have a .txt extension and has to be less than 2Mb.

Spell check, bold, italics:

When you’re done with the text, you can use the spell-check function. The Wattpad editor also provides bold and italics. By using these in your text for titles, author’s notes, etc…you can give your work a better structure and it will be more pleasant for the readers.


Important Note:

The editor doubles the spacing in your story automatically, so make sure you don't end up with too long spacings. You can always remove the double spacings by clicking on the 'remove spaces icon' that you can find on the tool bar with the spell check, bold, italics, ...

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