Second Thoughts

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Although the night has fallen you were trying your best to spend it with your new boyfriend by holding his hand when he was falling asleep, you could see him looking at you with caring eyes, yet each minute your wolf instinct became stronger and finally when the wolfs started to howl to the moon you couldn't take up the impatience in your body much longer. After giving a good night kiss to Chen you ran out of the house feeling the night breeze on your fur. Somehow this closeness to nature over the past 1 month made you really happy, which made you debate which lifestyle would suit you better. If you stayed here you could enjoy the fresh air without pollutions, running around in your wolf form like a wild animal that didn't need to worry about city human ordeals, on the other hand only today did you take up the courage to confess your feelings to Jongdae and you were afraid that he would never consider even staying here with you if it meant leaving behind his singing carrier and his band.

Of course, these guys would be his first priority, isn't there a saying bros before hoes? Your head was in a mess, adventure, magic, and freedom as a wolf were all here, in your own world there were friends, family, and your acting carrier. Sure this world was cruel sometimes, but you grew up to accept it. All those thoughts kept spinning in your head as you ran as fast your thin wolf legs could take you.

At this point you weren't sure whatever changing back was a good idea, being more hairier than normal may have been a problem, but who wouldn't want to be this strong as you were now? Could you really give up this awesome feeling of being powerful just for your less hairless self? This pride of being so strong swelled you all up, but you never dared to tell this to anyone. Beside you, everyone else was strongly determined about leaving this nasty place, but you started to love this world little by little. You felt like voicing your opinion about this matter would just stir up unnecessary confusion and you feared that no one would understand your standing.

After spending so much time on those subjects you truly were exhausted when coming back to your house. Kris noticed a change in your appearance since usually he saw you more relaxed after a whole night spent outside running in the wilderness but not quite today.

"Is something the matter? Are you anxious about finding that rare herb that is supposed to turn you back? Is it because these guys are here that you want to speed up results or you are worried about that necromancer?" you shook your head in disagreement.

"Then what could possibly make you like this?" You looked up at him, his worry only invited more jokes from your side.

"You even act like a wife? I have no idea why you're always against this nickname? I think you would make a perfect wife to be honest!" Kris just shook his head not believing how you could turn this conversation this much around. But he let you off this time while clapping your back letting you know how you could depend on him if you needed a buddy to talk to.

"Or you can make use of the boyfriend you recently acquired." You looked at him, looking all serious as if you were pondering which shoulder to lean on this time around. If Kris offered to help maybe it was good to finally let those strange feelings out to the world, but would it make your boyfriend jealous that you preferably turned yourself to Kris than him. Or was it too soon to let Chen handle this rant of yours so early in your relationship stage. You did wish for a partner you could depend on, and you sure would want him to have such trust in your abilities as well.

"Is he even awake at this point?" you asked only spotting Minseok and Kyungsoo wondering in the kitchen as they tried to prepare breakfast for the whole household.

"He may be still asleep, but you could wake him up before heading to sleep, maybe you can have this conversation in the evening?" well you could feel your body being too tired to lead this conversation at the moment, you feared your tiredness would make you say something wrong. Agreeing with Kris you walked to the bedroom that was filled with nothing but bunk-beds. You thought this room must have been super warm when everyone was sleeping here. Each bed that you guys build was so closely placed it looked like the whole room was nothing but two huge beds on top of each other. You laid on your designated bed which was beside Chen's you stared at him for quite a while. Once he woke up you were shocked to see him smile so lovely first thing in the morning while seeing your face.

"Are you trying to film some cheezy drama before breakfast?" you wondered, but he just lightly shook his head while saying.

"I been wanting for such a scene to happen for quite a while waking up to see your beautiful face right next to mine." was his today's mission to shoot you with a bunch of love arrows? Because you swear you felt something pierce your heart right at that moment.

"You need to get used to it dummy, you choose the bed beside mine." you then proceeded to turn to another side, since you felt your face heat up instantly.

"I'm not sure I would be able to get used to it, getting two pairs of love birds flirting in the same room as me." Chanyeol let out his worries using his tired husky voice, you could tell he just woke up, which made you feel a little bad that you couldn't afford more house in this vicinity so the house wouldn't be so cramped.

"Are you jealous?" It seemed Sehun's first goal when waking up was to mess with someone. This brought a silly fight between the idols which only made you roll your eyes, grab Jongdae's hand as you tried hard to drift back to dreamland.

Word Count: 1065

Author's Note:

It has been quite long since I last updated wasn't it, as a New Years resolution I decided to finally finish this story, so stay tuned for more updates :3

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