A Plan For Disaster

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"You got something stuck in your ears Chennie? I said he performed a lap dance." you repeated yourself again letting confidence overflow from your system.

"No I would never." the older member was defending himself, too bad for him you got proof, evidence on your phone which you seemed to have abandoned in the living room.

"Follow me." you hardly wanted to waste your breath on arguing since it didn't seem like those guys would believe your words until proven otherwise, same old same old. As you reached your phone you showed the video that cleared your name from being a liar, you smiled smugly as these two idols froze in place.

"What have I done?" Xiumin was in a brink of disappear itself gripping his hair making it even messier than his original bed hair. He was debating why he had to drink within your presence and get as drunk to do something so silly, him even internally blaming Baekhyun and Chanyeol for setting this up. His dark eyes traveled to Chen that hardly seemed amused by the discovery but before they could start any possible argument among each other you suddenly admitted.

"It was an official token of our new-made friendship." which made Jongdae look your way while whining.

"No one would give a lap dance as a token of friendship." which made you shoosh him down by putting your finger to his lips.

"Listen buddy it just means he is just comfortable around my presence, I don't understand why you need to go thru a mental breakdown right now because of it. There is no need to be so overprotective of your friend it's not like I will eat him or something Chennie. Geez, you must be taking the wife title way too seriously." He wanted to say something as justification but you stopped him announcing it was way too early for drama, nothing sounded better than eating a simple breakfast as you could already feel your empty stomach preparing a protest. Obtaining this opportunity you fled to the kitchen where you detected Kyungsoo standing by the stove making something good.

"What's with this ruckus in the morning?" he asked feeling your presence but hardly knowing you were in fact here as he didn't bother to even view the messages inside the EXO group finding this task to be burdensome.

"Chennie overthinks things and probably assumes I have some relationship with his best buddy without him knowing, which in fact isn't the case." you mumbled under your breath making the cook of the house turn your way getting startled by your presence since the only thing he had on was underwear and a shirt. His cheeks become dusted in pink as he covered himself only for you to wave your hand around while admitting.

"This is not a new sight, so you don't need to get embarrassed, in fact, I have seen worse." D.O rose his brows in confusion as an evil smirk approached your face while you stated.

"When I was in Sehun's body I saw you naked." Kyungsoo took your words as they were not even considering if you really were telling the truth he dropped the utensil he was holding at the moment, even the guys that walked behind you were shocked at this discovery, but observing their silly faces that represented their souls leaving their bodies you burst out laughing.

"I was just joking." you admitted but they couldn't rest for long since soon you finally announced the truth.

"The only members I saw butt naked were Baekhyun and Kai." In Baekhyuns case, he was running back to his room since it seemed he forget to bring his spare clothes at some point, being able to just spot his butt you rolled your eyes in disbelief until you remembered how it was probably something you would do at home as well, but at least you would make sure to wrap yourself in a towel, maybe back then he ran so fast afraid of you that the towel slipped or something. As for Kai it seemed that under one of his shower dancing performers he happen to overlook your existence, as soon you saw him parading naked you closed the door to Sehun's room and decided to forget about this image even if you hardly witnessed anything since your brain progressed this awkward situation really fast and made an escape in the blink of an eye. Kyungsoo seemed to be relieved, as long it wasn't him he was cool with it so he hardly took care whatever you saw the other members naked, it was their own problem, not his. But it seemed like the other two had a different opinion on this topic.

"They should have been more careful." Jongdae began, Minseok seemed to be his ally on this matter, two warriors fighting for whatsoever. You lacked the understanding of why this subject seemed to be so important to them both that they needed to invest their energy into it.

"Just let it go. It's not like its really regarding you two." you muttered now taking ahold of Kyungsoos food stealing it away, he let you, thinking it would be more annoying to actually keep you away from the food, seeing your annoyed state at the two guys that were debating how Kai and Baekhyun could be so careless in that situation. At some point, you just had enough and that's when Baekhyun made his holy appearance saving your nerves from exploding.

"Baecky tell them off, they ganging up on you and Kai just because I saw you naked as Sehun." it seemed like it was a brand-new revelation for the newcomer and so his jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

"There is no need to overreact, you were the one that was carelessly running to your room naked on many occasions. But it would be nice if you could take my side and tell them off." you pointed at these two men in questions and what happened next was unexpected.

"How about we take a shower together." you had no idea what he was gonna attain with this silly joke but you decided to stun him as well.

"Sure, but not right now let's make an appointment since as an idol you are quite busy and I'm not sure I am able to catch you inside the dorm otherwise." this hit the idols with another shock.

"Are you serious?!" Baekhyun asked as you nodded your head, at this point this silly clown had a sorrowful look on his face as if he regretted the words that left his mouth previously, he was expecting you to call him a pervert considering the previous encounter.

"You were the one that claimed there is nothing to see, therefore there is nothing to hide from my side, right?" which made Beakhyun fall on his knees and so he began.

"Please forgive me. I have committed a sin." you rolled your eyes at his behavior now proceeding with a more important task which was filling your stomach with food making sure he couldn't back out from this idea no matter how much he wished. At this point he looked like a kicked puppy, asking for forgiveness not only you but the other members in this room.

"Stop wasting time and come with a planner, I don't got all day." he spotted a free day on his calendar where you soon wrote in an appointment which read "lovely shower with a lovely girl" you made sure to sketch in some hearts as a joke. Once you were done you gave it back, but then you remembered one tiny detail so you turned to the vocalist.

"Remember to bring a swimsuit." which made the child start hitting your arm in a playful manner while he yelled.

"Why do you need to scare me so much, do you want the other guys in the dorm to kill me?!" which made you simply reply.

"At least then my hands can be clean, while I get rid of your annoying ass." you added sipping on a coffee that you stole from Kyungsoo yet again, which reaction was only to sight sadly, as he shuffled his feet to the coffee machine to make another one.

Word Count: 1385

Author's Note:

Is it obvious who is gonna end with (y/n)? o3o

Is anyone even reading this? Should I countinue this story even?

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