Annoying Quatro

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Once the managers were gone after announcing whatever they were supposed to do you got overthrow with questions where someone again tried to accuse you of being a slimy demon, which you didn't take in kindly.

"No I just hypnotized their asses because they were rude, as you seen one of them touched my arm and they screamed their heads off and I won't tolerate such rude behaviour!" stating this you managed to puff your cheeks and cross your arms, looking more like an adorable blown up fish than an angry girl which made the males before you a little bit troubled as they kept on reconsidering whatever they should take your explosion of anger seriously. Noticing their strange attics you soon turned to Sehun while announcing.

"I must have been smitten with your ageyo thing while being in your body." but your friend decided to go against that idea.

"You always were an adorable fluff ball but I guess staying in his body made you multiple your ageyo stats." you shook your head not really agreeing with her statement and then Suho decided to question the obvious.

"So whatever these two will see you they will believe you are Minho and Taemin from SHINee?" you rolled your eyes at this unnecessary question you weren't sure why he needed your confirmation but you gave him it nodding your head slightly to make him realize he was indeed right about that clear assumption.

"So unless you want me to hypnotize you to make some silly I dunno chicken dance on an award show you should reconsider being nice to me." you held your head up high making it seem that this statement was true, but in reality, you probably wouldn't dare to prank anyone in such a way. That's when you reminded yourself what you originally came here for.

"Or right my intentions were cutting the ties with you all, but how can I when my friend is here?" you managed to say while hugging the life out of the Chinese member once again.

"Are you sure this is not your future husband? Seeing as you two are sticking to each other like glue?" you both looked at the other wondering how the life would be if you both got together but somehow you kind of could tell he wasn't the one? How? You weren't sure but you saw yourself being best friends with Yixing but never could you master to imagine a real relationship with him. Maybe your beautiful friendship was just formed to show people how opposite sexes could be indeed friends, sure you could see yourself giving him a slight peck on the forehead but in your category, you were labeling it as platonic love where you wanted to make sure he was well-taken care of. Yixing was wondering if sharing his thoughts would have been safe in this matter, after all, he didn't want to hurt you in any way but hardly did he expected that you were sharing his views on this matter. Before anyone of you could realize your heads moved in unison.

"Wouldn't your husband be jealous if you did hang around a man?" Baekhyun thoughts as you bluntly spoke back.

"If you have so little trust in your future wife that she would try to cheat on you with one of your group members then I believe you are off the list." rather than starting an argument Baekhyun nodded his head realizing that maybe he had strange views in his head and after hearing you were a marriage counselor he decided that you probably knew best in this kind of topic. Before you realized you spend the whole day at their place, you gave your friend space as she probably wanted to cuddle with Sehun, so you were now sticking actually with the people which you despited those few days but now when their accusations of you being a demon disappeared finally you could breathe the same air as them. Many questions were asked anything about how it was possible to change bodies with someone else where you redirected them to (f/n) to who was your bias in EXO.

Even if you refused to tell them they clung to that topic like bees to sweet honey.

"Lay!" you told them finally which wasn't the truth which they could see by your facial expression.

"Ok! I had none! So stop asking me about it." you just wanted to attack them in some kind of way so they would stop bothering you about it.

"There must have been someone you liked a little bit more right?" Jongdae decided to bug you about it even if you kept showing him the most unpleasant look so you didn't need to talk about those stuff. So you decided to flip the tables around twisting their words around.

"Oh you must be really interested in me if you really want to find it out." you spoke poking his side a little bit trying to be equally annoying as Chanyeol as he was probably the master of annoying people. That's when the unexpected happened Chen stood up mumbled sorry and he left you in wonders. You glanced at Chanyeol and Baekhyun that were now elbowing each other like little children whispering things among themselves sending you questionable gazes. Could you have missed something? You glanced at them a little bit clueless but soon Baekhyun gave you this grin as he told you jokingly.

"If you stare any longer at my handsome face you may fall for me." you didn't hesitate to take a pillow and smash it into his so-called beautiful face. Chanyeol decided the best course of action would be sliding from the bed he was sitting on and falling to the floor laughing hysterically. Where you soon proceeded to go on your knees while saying.

"God, what did I do wrong to deserve such severe punishment to meet those people?" Taking out a handkerchief from your pocket you soon wiped out your nonexistent tears while pretending to sob, Baekhyun took this glorious opportunity to join your spectacle going a tone down he soon let out.

"They are not a punishment but more like a blessing to your cold heart so they can melt away the ice that is resting in your heart with their shining light from the stars." you couldn't do anything than facepalm and soon you reached for the pillow again while screaming.

"How dare you accuse me of such thing? I'm the warmest person you will ever see walk the earth." you were lightly hitting the pillow on him.

"You become softer on me, you must really like my handsome face." Baekhyun let out again as a joke with made you furious and so like two immature kids you started to chase each other around the dorm, that was until Baekhyun decided to pull another ace up his slave and sliding into a corner he smirked when he saw the glorious opportunity. Kyungsoo seeing the running Baekhyun hardly expected you to fall into his arms seconds later because you didn't expect any obstacles on your way and when you finally laid your eyes on his figure it was too late to reduce the speed so you basically slid yourself into his chest. 

Word Count: 1227

Author's Note:

For some reason it was so hard posting this chapter, I had it kinda finished 2 days ago lol

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