Dancing With The Trees

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The jump across the worlds didn't go smoothly since the portal was located in a worse space on the other side. As soon (f/n) walked out she knocked with a tree, neither was the rest as fortunate since the same fate awaited them and everyone knocked in each other and feel like a train of domino's.This situation made everyone receive even worse mood than they already had. Once everyone rose from the ground Chanyeol was the first to complain.

"Great even here we are stuck in the middle of a forest." Meanwhile, Kyungsoo that was standing beside him seemed to be enjoying this little trip as they couldn't see anything beyond trees on the horizon. The members became more ticked off when they spotted (f/n) and Kyungsoo relaxing, as if they found themselves in a middle of vacation.

"What? Someone needs to be the backbone of this troop." D.O. defended himself knowing fully way panic wouldn't take them anyway.

"So what is your plan now? We have no idea where to go." it was the first time the members saw their leader so distressed instead of taking up his role like he usually would he tried to push the responsibility on the person that dragged them into this. Soon this one question broke into a whole argument since the only thing your friend could say was that she just trusted her intuition and took the risk of coming here. At this point the portal and the heavy mist vanished, but only then could the two calmest idols spot something their eyes couldn't notice a few seconds before.

"What is this sweet cutie pie?" Yixing asked Kyungsoo that shook his head they both looking at a fluffy blue creature with some kind of wings being attached on it's back. Lay couldn't control himself and decided to take this cute being into his arms, which soon started to rise from its slumber because of the commotion caused by the other members, that were now fighting which way they should go. The unknown animal scanned everyone with their tired eyes upon realizing the number was accurate it reached for its pouch that was located on its stomach and handed over a ring to Kyungsoo that was standing the closets, as his fingertips meet with the item soon it started to glow and a message could be heard from within.

"I expected you guys to arrive, I would have come by myself but I and the boys had some errands to run hence why I sent my trusty guardian Fluffy to aid you. He will show you the way to our farm, so please follow him and don't separate in any means." your friend could tell it was your voice and when the message ended she took notice of the addition to the group.

"Fluffy could you show us the way to their house?" Fluffy just rose and stretched its wings as it soon started to float in the sky around all the members suggesting for them to follow him. And finally, they were on the move coming out to a simple patch. Not even 10 minutes in and they already were outside the forest looking at something that resembled a town or more like a small village. As they passed thru the main street they saw the creature flying to one man that was dressed in armor beside him stood a magnificent white horse, the only word they use to describe this man was a knight.

"Oh hey there buddy." he said cheerfully while providing the fluffy ball with something that resembled candy.

"Ohh and who may you be?" each member looked at each other wondering what kind of story they could tell but at the same time they were in some kind of shock because this individual spoke Korean, but didn't resemble one in slightest.

"Ahhh I remember you guys are this huge family that was going to visit (y/n) you all are brothers right? Also, (y/n)'s sister if I'm not mistaken." the knight in question came up to your friend and kissed her on the top of her hand. That's when Sehun brought her closer to his chest which made the stranger continue.

"And you must be her husband." only to get his hands kissed as well, none the less he was dumbfounded as much as his girlfriend at this spectacle. Seeing their confused faces and hearing the trolls laughing their asses off they soon got explained the reason behind his actions.

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