Fifth Wheel

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 "Where are you guys heading?" Junmyoen what really suspicious of your guy's actions, dressed like this it couldn't possibly mean anything good, the leader was not informed about any schedules you guys may have shared this late and he was not going to let you both roam freely where he couldn't have his eyes on Yixing. Before you could possibly yell back at him for being ridiculous, accusing him of being like a hawk on watch, Yixing announced after sliding one of his hands on your shoulder bringing your closer to him as if his intention were to protect you from the evil glances that the leader gave out.

"I already explained that she just needs to find her future husband for us to get our mankae back." the counterpart nodded but he hardly believed such ridiculous talk, like anyone would be destined to marry some sort of demon in this group. Then the Chinese boy continued.
"I promised her to make you guys take her on dates so she can get to you know her better, but everyone refused so the least I can do is taking her on a date myself, now if you excuse us." such news shocked Suho as he was now standing there gaping like a fish, probably his brain not being able to connect how such intelligent man would be fooled by a demon, taking a hold of Lay's shoulder he started to drag him back when you were about to walk out the door. Noticing the looks you received from this panini head the only way you could imagine to describe this scene was that suddenly you became the bad boy that Lay's mother wanted to warn him about because he was a foolish girl that was too naive for this cruel world. Soon came the lecture and you could not do anything besides rolling your eyes and giving monotone answers such as "Yeah" "Whatever." but in middle of this suddenly another member joined the conversation, without knowing his suggestion would bring more arguments from all the sides.

"Let them go, you know perfectly well Yixing can take care of himself." Junmyeon started to talk about the usual how Lay seemed too naive as he started to trust a demon meanwhile your unicorn defended you stating facts how you were just a simple girl chasing after her destiny, which was one of the guys in this dorm.

"Then how about I go on a date with her instead and you have an outlook on Lay?" D.O suggested which brought the leader to the state where he started to look as white as a sheet, considering how much shock he must have received thru out the day, you were half expecting him to faint from the overdose of stress. However, soon enough he started to overthink the situation as if he tried to figure who he trusted more in this situation. Soon another brave soul stepped up his game and he proposed.

"Or me." Jongin was trying to send you a smile but by his body language, you could guess he was still rather scared of you. This bought probably another couple of minutes of useless arguments that felt like an eternity so you decided to sit down on the floor your legs already aching as you been standing like a fool waiting for a miracle to pass you by.

1 hour later~

You were at the cafe sitting and waiting for your beverages to arrive, soon you spotted the barista that was walking towards you having all the drinks you ordered, placing all the five cups you could not do anything but being weirded feeling quite uncomfortable as the four men were ogling you, probably expecting you to start some conversation, giving them explanation about yourself.
"This feels more like a crappy interview rather than a date." you muttered sipping on your hot drink just wanting to run away. But maybe it was good to take this chance and for once explain to them who you were. Clapping your hands together you soon smiled while announcing.
"I will start talking about myself." now shifting your gaze at Suho you muttered.

"And no one better butt in before I finish." the guys nodded feeling your anger, expect the leader that still was strongly convinced about you being the spawn of the devil himself. But considering how some Lucifer statutes were sexy you wouldn't complain if that was your father or mother indeed. Giggling at this silly though soon you began.
"So first off I'm not a demon-" it seemed like Suho wanted to butt in but you send him a threatening glare that made him sink back into his seat, satisfied you continued.

"So my name is (y/n) and I live in (home country). Because I have this strange friend that passionately believes my future husband is one of EXO members she swapped me with Sehun, for me to finally meet him, that's why I am here." of course the guys decided to question how she knew about it but your only explanation would be her great intuition and all the astrology charts she tried to glue together until she found you a perfect match. So long you yourself couldn't possibly believe you would fall for any of those dorks, but then you hardly could be hundredth percent sure what your heart would want in the near future. So sitting there explaining this you saw of the corner of your eyes how Junmyeon kept on bothering Yixing, probably trying to reason how all of this must have been staged, just a mere made up story to lure him. Meanwhile, from time to time you saw Kai whispering something to Kyungsoo's ear, him also holding his hand for protection as it seemed like Jongin still didn't trust you fully. In the end, you managed to show your picture from Instagram by logging on your account considering how it was a private one. Yixing saw it before but he decided to make a comment about your appearance which made you feel quite thankful, but once that was done and you seemed to have finished your coffee you slammed your fist into the coffee table scaring not only the guys surrounding it but also the other guest around you.

"If you don't wish to be sincere, at least you should have called it a hangout rather than a date I feel like a fifth wheel over here." you were rather irritated as you weren't sure any of those guys were even listing to you beside your unicorn friend that at least tried but his attention span was stolen from you by Suho. 

"Forget this I'm going home, it doesn't even feel like any of you want to get to know me better. I will go have a date with Vivi at least he be willing to listen me out!" You rushed out not really caring about the shouts that came from the leader being so overdone with his nasty behavior, he could kiss your ass for all you cared.  

Word Count: 1188

Author's Note:

Kinda shitty date don't you believe? Tho if it was some crazy fan they would be belowed to see all this, because their ships sailed smth 

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