Back-hug Special

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You acted quick. Snatching your clothes from Jongdae's hands you soon put on the lower parts of your underwear while demanding him look away once you were done you just ran past him not even looking back. Which left a mesmerized Jongdae that started to question whatever you got feelings for him thanks for the smelling shirt incident, to the point his ears showed a tint of pink on the tops. Once safe and sound from the traps of Chen's room you managed to look at Baekhyun that stood there grinning like there was no tomorrow, maybe even suggesting you this was your man to come. The chase began again, yet this time you made sure to perform a flying kick on the poor idol that seemed already out of breath, he couldn't understand how you transformed your irritation into a pure dominant force that was out to get him. After getting him fall to the floor you performed some light punches not wanting to injure your newly made friend too much. But soon you stopped in your tracks when both of your stomaches growled at the exact same time reminding you of the fact how you hardly ate anything before heading to sleep yesterday.

"Shall we make breakfast?" Baekhyun suggested as you simply nodded your head already needing more fuel in your body as you wasted most of your energy to get back at Baekhyun.

"I was originally meaning to prepare you guys breakfast but looks now I have additional working force." you stated while grinning reaching out a hand to Baek because he was laying on the floor from the previous impact you caused. Once he was up on his feet you started to push him to the kitchen, much to his dismay as he assured you he had his own feet he could put to use but you hardly cared. This would have been a new experience because after all you ever prepared food either by yourself or with Lay in this household so this would have been a huge change you had to take participation in. However first thing you two did was argue about the topic what dishes to prepare, of course, you couldn't simply come to an agreement and this whole commotion caused Jongdae to be summoned to the kitchen, him finding another thing to complain about.

"Why does neither of you have pants?" you turned over to just find him blushing, him probably having more issues with you lacking some lower parts of the clothing that Baekhyun.

"Listen it's just skin nothing more, Baecky tell him." the other idol just giggled while he himself touched your tight and stretched it a little.

"You see Jongdae it's just skin." he told him laughing at this statement while adding.

"A simple bony structure." you guys high-fived each other causing the troll himself to facepalm. Suddenly you both made a decision on what to make, but soon enough something hit you when you were preparing one of the dishes.

"Chen don't you think we look like a long-term couple that is too comfortable around each other?" the guy in question just nodded his head but he then managed to crack a joke.

"Yeah, but I'm sensitive around this topic." then he proceeded to pout and push your shoulder with his, which caused you to crack up as you watched the episode when EXO starred in Knowing Brothers. You kept this behavior up ignoring wholehearted Chen's previous complaints as you both went back to your previous task of trying to feed an army of men that still haven't risen up from their soft fluffy beds. Jongdae decided to stay even if by this point his face was red as a tomato, yet somehow his gaze was mostly fixed on Baekhyun instead. The time flowed by quite fast thru out your teamwork and silly fights because the other needed to prove they knew better about cooking which wasn't exactly true as you both were on the same level, now when you both were nearly done just adding the last details to the food you were seriously wondering whatever putting some pants would be necessary in the end as you got bothered by the thirds party stares. Sighting in a couple of seconds later you heard some approaching footsteps, hardly did you expect the newcomer to put his hands around your waist while giving you a back-hug. Your whole body froze as you felt him leaning his head on your shoulder, as he hummed happily, his voice still raspy because of the single fact he just barely woke up. Tho just hearing his voice revealed his identity to you.

"Jongin? What do you think you are doing?" you were quite taken aback by his daring actions, after what he told you yesterday, which caused you to feel just a little bit grudge against him for the time being.

"Let me stay like this~" yet you dismissed his request now trying to tear apart his hands from your figure.

"Go do this to Baekhyun instead and leave me alone, only the future husband has such rights." you were sure to fight back not bothering to make the last touches on the food as this seemed more important to you at the moment. However such words caused Bacon to reflect betrayal in his eyes, this overaction caused you to stuck out your tongue at him, which only made him gasp loudly. You were possibly fighting with Kai for what seemed like an eternity, but he had a stern grip on you and he hardly wanted to let go, whining like a kid shaking his head repeatedly refusing to follow your wishes.

"Can someone help me out?!" you asked irritated not having much strength left from all the other fights with Baekhyun.

"I will not help you! You traitor!" you just rolled your eyes as your eyes landed on Chen.

"Hey! Jongdae if you help me out I will put some damn pants on." the idol nodded his head agreeing to this deal and so you both shook your hands creating this contract and so soon you were released from Kai's grip which caused him to look at you with such sad puppy eyes.

"Pants... I be right back!" you yelled escaping those adorable eyes of his not wanting to possibly fall into his trap. Once you were gone to fetch some lower part of your clothing Jongdae looked at Jongin as he asked.

"Why did you do this?" which caused the younger member to casually answer.

"I always dreamed to back hug a girl that was preparing me breakfast." he explained dreamingly before anyone could tease him about it you were back in the room and so they decided to have their mouths shut.

Word Count: 1155

Author's Note:

I hope this addition is good~

Let's see who I can make the next scene with lol

For some reason I'm really bad at naming new chapters xD

Also check out my new story~ Which is not an readerinsert but funny none the less~

It's called Final Destination :3 

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