Call Call Call

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 Sehun was doing all crazy shit which were restricted because he was an idol watched by many and usually he was stopped by the managers from embarrassing himself and destroying his so-called idol image. But in all honesty, he got to know that this behavior wasn't unknown in your bank, he got to hear from your friends that sometimes when you set your mind on something it was, go big or go home. So he heard how once you were dancing to an EXO choreography in public, it may have been because you lost a bet, but you hardly let the people there let you down. Yet (f/n) explained to him how the true reason why you decided to proceed with this challenge was that you thought that such foolish act could give you more courage to fight with your stage/public speech fright. He heard how you were acting tough but usually was a squishy softie on the inside and no one seemed to know this besides your most close friends and family. This only made him wish that the EXO members would not be tricked by your exterior and would actually look out for you the best they could. He realized you two were kinda similar in that aspect hiding your true emotions deep inside.

Now he was returning again from the bubble tea shop, wondering what else he should have done, jumping onto the opportunity, yet soon he heard the familiar song. It being Fire Truck by NCT 127. First, he had no idea where it came from, but then it hit him as he finally felt the vibrations from your phone that was resting in his pocket, he hardly used it as he was mostly on the internet with the laptop you owned and he never got the opportunity to hear the ringtone before. He fastly slid his hand into the pocket checking the number, it was indeed a familiar looking one, the call being all the way from China. Knowing exactly who it was he managed to answer the call before the person disconnected.

"Luhan-hyung!" Sehun yelled out excited as the caller on the other side was really taken aback as so far everything seemed to be true according to Sehun or whoever the person inside his body claimed to be. Yet mischievous side of the mankae popped up and he decided to mess around with his friend which in all honesty he hasn't seen for a really long time.

"How was my son doing all this time?" just hearing the teasing tone, even if with a feminine voice he could tell this was the person he was searching after, no doubt.

"I guess it's all true you did really change bodies with a female and are now parading in someone's else body." yet it was hard for Luhan to accept such reality, then why didn't Suho believe it? Why was the leader mumbling something about a demon, was he just like joking around, was the female so much more difficult to handle than Sehun?

"I bet Junmyeon has a really hard time with you not around, considering he jokingly said that the girl is some sort of demon." Sehun couldn't contain his laughter after all your friend told him about you sometimes acted like Satansoo himself, but he hardly expected EXO to have such a hard time with you around to the point they would call you a demon. He could have just imagined how you bossed them all around, which made him wonder did you also make Kyungsoo listen to you or where you like a power couple punching the group around, he was so curious yet (f/n) advised him not to call you as she assumed you would come up with something ridiculous to say to prove you needed to get out from Sehun's body at once. She was positive whatever happened you could handle it just perfectly and it seemed that under the two first days you calls died down, sure you tried to send as many messages as possible to let them know how stupid these guys were but it seemed like your friend never read them, afraid for you to make something up to cause her to change you back. Which annoyed you because you were not one to tell lies, like ever.

Sehun kept the conversation with Luhan until the Chinese ex-member decided that it was enough for a call as it would cost a lot for a single phone call all the way to (your home country). Sehun nodded in understanding as they decided to communicate thru Kakao Talk or some other app that allowed video calls. He then ran back to your friend's house now explaining what kind of call he just received. This also made him wonder, how come the first person to ever call him like this was an ex-member rather than one of the actual members that were still inside the group, didn't they want to talk with him and get to know how he was doing overall? Not even now when he had the chance to parade in a female body? It must have been an interesting topic they must have wondered about, but nothing. So many questions rose that he started to ask (f/n) for an honest opinion.

"Don't you think something really strange is going on? I mean Luhan-hyung was the first person I received a call from, did my members forgot about my existence?" Oh Sehun seemed so distressed, as this was quite strange that no one seemed to care about his well being. Finally, it seemed like your friend decided to accept the fact that something really weird was going on, they wouldn't be so mean to actual mankae just because he changed bodies with a girl now, would they? She hugged him patting his head as she told him.

"I will check what my friend told me thru messages, maybe they don't believe her you two exchanged bodies and they think she is Sehun." nodding to herself she walked to the facebook chat scrolling up that's the exact messages she received from you.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE THEY ARE ALL STUPID....beside unicorn Lay, he's like the most wonderful angel I saw, god bless his wonderful soul....WHAT I MEANT IS THEY BELIEVE I'M AN ACTUAL DEMON, NO THEY DON'T CALL ME A DEMON THEY TRULY BELIEVE I POSSESSED SEHUN'S BODY TO SEDUCE THEIR SORRY ASSES BECAUSE OF CHENjkfnerlnrfvenlvnr LET'S MURDER HIM, HE SAID THAT I MUST BE LIKE A LUST DEMON, SO LIKE ABORT MISSION PABO I DON'T WANNA DO THIS ANYMORE, FORGET ABOUT WHOEVER YOU WISH ME TO MARRY AT THIS STATE I'M ABOUT TO MURDER THEM ALL... I may elope with Yixing or Johnny tho." and then you send her an essay about how you would kill every single member if they kept it up. She read the message aloud for Sehun to hear beside the actual probably what seemed like 20 pages of an essay on murder that you keep planning out, every single idea came from you watching too many Detective Conan episodes. Sehun just stared into the void not being sure whatever he should have laughed or actually sincerely feel sorry for you within the state that you found yourself in.

"Let's phone her to see what's she's going to say." Finally receiving a call from your wonderful friend you managed to tell her.

"Finally! Did you only think of it now it being strange that everyone forgot about Sehun and only then your sorry asses decided to give me a call?"  

Word Count: 1332

Author's Note:

Finally your message went thru? Hopefully the EXO will realize their mistakes and apologize, because that's what you truly want right???

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