Say Cheese

305 18 11

You managed to end up in the same pose as with Minseok before, yet this time the roles were reversed and it was you holding onto Jongdae not the other way around. The poor soul debated whatever to escape your grasp because he felt really uncomfortable, but suddenly your eyes got locked with each other and so the staring contest began, most likely none of you could have been able to break the eye contact if not for the mighty giants help that decided to snap some photos to keep this as some sort of memory or more likely future teasing material on Chen, as somehow the rapper knew he couldn't possibly use it against you. Considering how you probably wouldn't bat an eye if he even tried, unless he let Baekhyun do the job which would prolly work in his favor. Nodding his head as he came up with this splendid idea he soon seemed to have received a text. This was the first time you saw him speeding up in such a way, which made you come to a conclusion he was supposed to meet someone and so you finally let Chen go.

"Thank you for the dance milady." You said while bowing to the guy that was standing in front of you, not even second passed by and you could already spot another figure creeping its way into the room, it being no one else but the leader of the group himself. As your eyes met you spotted him signaling you to come over, your first reaction was 'is it me you mean?' and so you pointed at yourself. Once you saw Junmyeon's head nod you decided to follow him feeling like a naive child that was offered some candy where the man in question told you that he had a whole collection of sweets in his truck. You sweatdropped at this single thought and soon you were lead to his room as he let you sit on his bed, your whole being questioning his unusual behavior. Your single glance basically told Suho how awkward you felt in this situation as your whole gaze made it look like he personally just grew two heads in front of you, his serious expression hardly helped. Maybe it was time to get scolded by moma Suho yet again for something silly you may have done, maybe Jongdae told on you for running around in just a simple towel and now the highest judge would give you a sentence for your crazy actions. Gulping you managed to let out just a single whispering.

"Yea?" in front of the distressed guy that was barely centimeters away from you. However, his following step transformed your worry into a complete state of shock as he bowed in a blink of an eye right in front of you.

"I apologize for all the hardships that we caused you along the way when you were inside Sehun's body, we talked it thru with the other guys and we realized we never gave you any sincere official apology not even by text." you just sat there with your mouth wide open as you realized he was actually speaking the truth, it seemed like everyone decided to push this responsibility on his single ass considering he indeed was the leader, yet soon you managed to hear your late grand grandma's voice inside your head as she was telling you.

'Close your mouth child, or a fly will come inside of it and it will grow a colony inside your body.' just remembering her strange wisdom you got shivers all over your body and so you proceeded to close your mouth shut.

Standing up you soon patted the male on the back while smiling his way.

"Don't sweat it, dude I'm alright now, you can be sure of that. Tho I would need still some screaming therapy even if I already performed most of it on Baekhyun the other day." you muttered the last part while nodding to yourself, getting out your anger by screaming on the poor idol did indeed work in your favor.

"That's great to hear, I thought you would totally get your anger on us and maybe put up some information that would destroy your idol image." he told you truthfully while sighting relieved, being still quite doubtful about the whole thing maybe you haven't forgiven them considering how much hardships you received from their side.

"Dude, do you really think I would do something to my friend's fiance's friends?" Suho was nodding realizing putting Sehun in a sticky situation would probably make your friend suffer as well, him hardly questioning the fiance part.

"And considering someone in this household is my future husband do you think I would be able to face him afterward if some nasty rumors spread like fire which would be caused by my childish anger?" Junmyeon shook his head as probably such behavior wouldn't give you any brownie points from the men in this household if something like that occurred, also considering how attached you were to Lay you wouldn't probably be able to bring him such misery.

"Now take a calming tea and stop my baby worrying about strange stuff, alright?" you suggested him now pinching his adorable cheeks, he decided to accept such course of action from your side as he surely deserved at least some punishment or at least that's what he was convinced about.

"Just please don't call me baby in front of the other guys when I'm not really together with you or anything." which made you giggle as you flipped your hair a little bit while telling him.

"But we could be together someday soon~" you cooed now leaving in a hurry finding the idols stunned posture to be hilarious indeed.

Later that day you found yourself hurrying for your appointment with Baekhyun, after all you two needed to secretly meet each other so moma Suho wouldn't stop you guys from doing the unbelievable, finding a good spot you guys meet by some buildings with beautiful rooftops and once getting onto the highest floor you two decided to perform what you desired for so long.

"Byun Baekhyun I love you!" such tender words of love were returned right away and so you heard the idols scream at the top of his lungs.

"(y/n) (l/n) I love you!" laughing and hitting each other as if you were a silly couple you guys were unaware of someone's presence until it was too late that is. Yet with your quick act and great intuition, you took the best out of this sticky situation and so dragging the idol closer to your side you soon left a peek on Baekhyun's cheek. Once the flash of camera reached his eyes his dark orbs started to reflect fear rather than happiness. He could hear the man basically laugh muttering about another scandal of his which would probably get a lot of views from his fans. White as a sheet of paper the idol suddenly glanced your way wondering whatever you planned all this and got paid by the paparazzi to come by to destroy his carrier, but not even catching a glimpse of anything evil inside your gaze he couldn't possibly come to any conclusion why you did this. However, before the man could snap any other pictures of you two being together Baekhyun felt your hand interviewing with his and so you dumped your jacket on the stranger as you two started to run to save yourself. Once the idol realized the man couldn't possibly catch up to them he retreated his hand from your grip feeling both irritated and hurt thinking he yet again needed to go thru some dating drama, yet before he could even share his emotions with you, you quickly placed your finger on his lips shushing him down.

"I know what you are thinking, but you gotta trust me on this one." yet before you could even explain your stand he started to scream.

"Why would I?! He snapped a photo of us and you even kissed me on the cheek it's good proof enough for a scandal to happen." you shook your head immediately as once he let out all his anger out you started to speak softly.

"Listen, there was a sunset right behind us, he was so focused on taking a single photo of us that he hardly realized he won't be able to see our faces in it. However, my intuition told me how such sweet photo will bring something else into his life." Baekhyun titled his head as he nodded trying to understand your antics better. This must have been why you sacrificed your jacket so he wouldn't be able to snap more photos of your both running away.

"Ok I will trust you on this one, but why was the kiss necessary?" you shook your head not being able to put the reason into words.

"I dunno I just had this feeling how such photo would transform him into a better person? That if it wouldn't be performed he would try to find us together again until he succeeded." talking it over a little bit you decided to bring the singer to the dorms, it being up to him whatever he would share such experience with the others.

Word Count: 1563

Author's Note:

Is it any more clear who the lucky guy is? Or do I just keep making it more confusing??? xD

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