My Beloved Date

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 When you left storming off like you did, Lay couldn't do anything but side glance at the three other guys disappointment written all over his face.
 "You made her angry, is it so hard to listen her out? Instead of jumping to weird conclusions?" Yixing questioned as he knew how hard you worked under Sehun's name yet it didn't seem like any of the other guys appreciated your efforts that you keep on working so hard on.

 "I have no idea why you keep on dismissing her efforts, she could have just sat at home all day ignoring our mankaes busy life, yet she tries her best. To not fall behind and drag you guys down, you know how long she been in this industry?" he saw the guys shake their heads as Jongin and Kyungsoo felt quite bad about their behavior yet the leader didn't seem to feel any guilt, at least not yet. Tho his brain started to question whatever you really were a demon, but it seemed like it would take him some time to accept he was in the wrong.

 "Since she changed with Sehun! Before that she hardly had any encounter with the idol industry as she is an educated psychiatrist. Until now she has been resolving marriage couple problems with her friend." he explained and the conversation kept on going on as Yixing wanted them to think about their wrongdoings. Once he finished his lecture he started to track back home with all the others, as their presence kept on attracting more people, they decided to move before any fans would be able to spot them.

 Back to you, as you announced you started to prepare for the date with your beloved Vivi. Putting his bowl on the table while filling it with some dog food, even if he seemed quite full. Searching around the kitchen somehow you managed to find a bottle of wine and grabbing two wine glasses you poured the red liquid into both of them, not that you were going to let Vivi touch that, it was just simply for aesthetics. Decorating the table with some red tissues and candles soon you prepared some simple food and grabbing the dog you made it sit on the chair right in front of you. It stared at you blankly took your seat, taking up your phone from the pocket, you snapped a photo and send it on Sehun's Instagram.

 "Today's date cracks me up with his silly jokes." having that written in Korean you send it away smiling from ear to ear. What happened next was nothing you expected to happen in the next ten minutes you managed to devour the whole wine bottle, a whole liter to be exactly. Hiccuping you decided to strike a drunk conversation with the dog that still patiently sat by the table as if he tried to tell you something by staring into your eyes, possibly right into your soul with his dark adorable ones.

 "I know right? I don't deserve such treatment from all those guys, maybe if I bake some cookies for them the chocolate may melt their nasty attitudes away." Soon the loud trio made their appearance in the kitchen, questioning your strange antics but you hardly gave them any attention as you still were having a deep conversation with the dog.

"Is she drunk?" Baekhyun questioned as he spotted your cheeks and ears flushing with a red pigment.

"Looks like it. I mean she is having some strange conversation with the dog." Chanyeol whispered as they looked among each other wishing for Lay to be back as he was the only one that could possibly tame you, after all, they had no idea what drunk you were capable of. As they wished soon Yixing and the rest three guys made their appearance in the kitchen shocked by the sight that they were greeted with.
 "Maybe she was hurt by us not listing more than she showed." Kai muttered to Kyungsoo that seemed to be agreeing with him fully. They saw Lay coming to your side, bowing his head apologizing for his member's rude behavior which you just waved away not really bothered about this anymore. 

 "Maybe if I make them cookies they will like me more." you mumbled out trying to stand up as D.O. himself ran up to you as he told you to stay still realizing you wouldn't be able to walk anyway, also making cookies in this state could possibly cause a fire. The Chinese member seemed to glance at the three scapegoats that were scattered around the kitchen, taking a hold of Chen he made him sit down as he said with his blank face.

 "Here you have a date, say something to him." You drunkenly smiled and instead of saying anything your weapon of choice was ageyo, taking your hands closer to your face you soon cutely said.

 "Ppuing ppuing." the loud trio wanted to dislike it or maybe make disgusted voices but because it was Sehun's body making the spectacle they weren't really affected in a bad way, rather their instincts came to make some delighted "Awwweee" sounds. People of this community glanced around at eachother and they decided it would be the best to never mention it to the sober you, in hopes, you would forget this ever happened. Suddenly when Lay withdrew his hands from Jongdae's shoulders, to clap on your cute performance, the whiny kid took the chance to escape. Seeing Chen running away you pouted, crossing your arms you suddenly whined.

 "I want Johnny to come here, at least he's nice! Also, forget stanning EXO, NCT is my jam now!" you yelled out at this time Vivi glanced at Lay as he was telling him to take care of your drunken ass as he would officially take a nap. Yixing decided to grand your wish and so he called Johnny over, without knowing whatever he had really time to spare. He came nerveless even if he hardly wanted to take care of a drunken person that was possessing his other friend's body. Coming over he greeted everyone from EXO as he saw you stomping around your feet still being held by Kyungsoo that was strongly afraid you would fall and maybe hurt yourself. Before he arrived everyone tried to suggest you go to bed, but you threw a tantrum not wanting to head to dreamland until you saw your beloved Johnny. 

 "Let's go to bed shall we?" was the first thing the NCT member said just hearing his voice made you stand up in a flash as you ran up to him and picked him up, spinning him around as if he was your wife that just came back from work.

 "Lemme give you a kiss my baby." before he could protest you managed to put a soft yet sloppy kiss on his forehead making some of the EXO members twist in disgust. Johnny just flicked your forehead with his finger letting you know this wasn't welcomed as he tried to look angry.

"No please don't hate me, only hugs from now on." you begged making the Sorry Sorry dance from Super Junior, he couldn't possibly hate you so he decided to guide you to Sehun's room as he made you take away some of your clothes tucking the blanket under you.
 "Now sleep." he kinda demanded as you shook your head.

"Read me a bedtime story!" you whined like a little child would do, he looked around and found just some manga on the bookshelves.

"That?" you shook your head while telling him.

"Some crack fanfictions." soon you found some site in English and you choose a silly one shot.
 "But how can you fall asleep while laughing?" he questioned but you just waved your hand around and he decided to do grand this request for you. Of course, the story made you cry in laughter, but once your lungs and stomach were tired out you managed to fall asleep cuddling one of the plushies on the bed that was owned by Sehun. Johnny glanced at your sleeping posture and just one word came to his mind when he saw you like this "Cute!" 

Word Count: 1329

Author's Note:

This is what happenes when suddenly the writer starts to smol ship (y/n) with Johnny xD

At this point I kinda want them to end up together, also let me know in the comments who you would want to end up with (y/n), I thought I was set on one person but now I'm kinda lost lol

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