Doggos Know Best

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 Lee Sooman was sitting in his room pondering about the views and scenes he was blessed to witness, he was about to take care of some business when he heard yells and screams coming from within one of the dancing studios, confused he peeked inside and saw all those idols passionately acting together in some solving scene, just reminding himself of this made him smile as he whispered to himself.

"Looks like I better start pondering on fixing those kids some roles they could take part of." of course the EXO members already participated in those, but now when he saw what those 4 kids were capable of he wanted to send them in that acting direction.
That day the rest of the EXO haven't seen D.O. since he rushed out of the dance studio room claiming he would see what you were up to together with Lay, that they claimed was your supervisor. But surely they had no idea whatever he decided to take care of you or you demanded it from him. Yet they needed to assume the worst and they come to a strange conclusion that you captured Kyungsoo in one of your traps, that's why he wasn't coming back. In reality, you just offered to pay for his dinner, complimenting him on his acting skills as well on his fast thinking due to the acting progress. He was flattered by your kind words so finally, his thinking process started to differ from the others. Sure Satansoo hardly had any care whatever you were a demon or not, he wasn't actually scared of you even if the others seemed to do otherwise. However to this point, he stayed away because he didn't want to end up like Chen, but now when he saw your interactions between you and Lay he could tell you weren't really harmful.
Under the meal course, he received many worried messages and calls from other members, but he decided to ignore them knowing that in this matter they would have come running just to rescue his ass, but from what? Him being feed by your hand? That seemed rather ridiculous, so for the rest of the gathering, he decided to study your movements to get a feeling what kind of person you were. So besides trying to chat up with people you and Johnny kept on exchanging sarcastic remarks, in some cases you claiming he was your baby while clinging to him as Johnny playfully keep pushing you away.
When you were done you three called the manager to pick you up, heading back to the dorms. You got the nicest shock of the century as for once Kyungsoo himself tried to pick up a conversation, it was mostly about cooking food, but you enjoyed it nonetheless, keeping smiling like a fool the whole time wondering if also others could stop being chickens and let you grow closer to them, but no matter how much you wished for it, it seemed like it would have been just a pleasant delusion. Returning back you were greeted by Suho that was watching the entrance like a watching dog, once he spotted D.O. right behind you, he yelled.

"Kyungsoo is ok, everyone!" Junmyeon gave you such a suspicious glance as if he was trying to imply you were out there planning no good, for all you could have known he probably started to ponder about how possibly he could cover murders if you decided to become a serial killer. Really exhausted with his attitude you dragged your heavy feet back to Sehun's room not wishing to deal with those loud guys that would probably start accusing you of kidnapping their penguin friend. Just crossing thru the doorstep you realized how you forgot to take good care of Vivi since you came into this household the dog was nothing but distant.
"I gotta give him food." you reminded yourself until you spotted that his bowls were filled.

"I guess Jongin is taking care of you." you just assumed it considering his passionate love for dogs. Plopping on the bed soon you let out.
"Sorry Vivi that I can't bring your owner back, I seriously wish I could change back as well." you muttered prolly trying to converse with the dog even if you weren't sure it could understand you. But soon something occurred that made your jaw drop, for once Vivi walked over to you and he licked your hand softly. Maybe he did understand you, feeling like you been blessed by Vivi a wide grin spread itself on your face, this made you question whatever this is how heavens felt like. Like fluffy white doggos. Taking this opportunity you started to pet him, cuddling into its soft fur. This occurred without you being aware of single fact that someone witnessed it all, your mind was too focused on Vivi for you to even be possible to see Kai by the entrance of your room, but seeing this scene confused him.
"Dog's have great instincts right? Why would Vivi suddenly grow close to her if she was a bad person?" he wondered probably trusting dogs judgment more than his. As he was spacing out in the middle of the hallway Yixing send him a questioning look as he walked into your room, plopping on the bed beside you. Just by one glance, you could tell something sadden him.
"Is something wrong?" you questioned as Lay nodded his head now leaving soft pats on your head.
"Sorry I tried to ask the guys whatever they can spare their time and go on a date with you, but they either looked at me as if I was mad or ran away screaming." you nodded your head understanding that this would be hard.
"What kind of method did you use?" you were wondering because if he did just babble it out whatever they could go on a date with you, sure they would be freaked out.
"Up front." he admitted, surely deep in your mind you were already awaiting such answer.
"Nothing I can do about it... how about this you go on a date with me, that's the only thing it seems I can do." Just hearing this made you overjoyed, you may not have had such feelings for this cutie pie but you were melted by the single gesture that showed how much he cared for your wellbeing.
"Right now?" you questioned now when all the energies seemed to track back into your body making you feel like you could run a marathon, everything because of how excited you felt at this single moment. The unicorn friend just nodded his head agreeing. So you jumped out the bed carefully not to harm Vivi in any way as the dog was still laying on the bed.
"Should I change my clothes?" you questioned after all you were training in them, maybe you should have worn something nicer?
"I mean it's not my body but still I gotta look nice for a date right?" you mumbled out looking trough Sehuns garderobe wondering what outfit would have been best.

"Still, try to choose something can cover you a little, after all, we are kinda idols at least your body is." you laughed at his comment and you nodded, Lay decided to leave so he could change his clothes to something more stylish as well. In the end, you two met by the door only to be stopped by moma Suho, feeling frustrated you questioned his actions.
"What do you want now?" you just wanted to run out the doors but knowing him he would probably chase you both down the streets, at least that's what his facial expression told you at the given moment.  

Word Count: 1299

Author's Note:

So I kinda forgot about Vivi until now opps, but here he is in all it's glory xD

Pls forgive me the perfect doggo TTWTT

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