No Lock Can Stop Beacky

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 After the car ride, you found yourself at the doorsteps to the EXO's dorms, having the doors opened before your face you could see that the outside, as well as the inside of the apartment, were quite huge indeed. Probably few of things that SM did right, but then you shook your head realizing these guys probably found this place themselves. So nevermind. Yet you hardly liked the place itself, such spaces usually suffocated you in a way making you feel like an animal in a cage that were stocked up on each other. Which is why you were living inside a house with a beautiful garden together with your parents. Just a single thought back at your situation you reminded yourself about your plants which you were a caretaker of every single day. Which made you question, who would take of them when you are gone and offer them the love that they deserved. Sighting you finally stepped your foot inside the house, making a mental note to remind your friend of all your worries that she brought over to you by taking you away from your material body while placing a stranger inside. You were seriously hoping for your mother to take care of your plant babies when you would be gone. If they died you wouldn't forgive your friend. Once inside you stopped walking as you froze in place, you stood there like a deer in headlights not really sure where you should go. You had no idea where anything was here for that matter, so suddenly you felt like a tourist in foreign lands inside this huge dorms.

"Should I also take photos?" you were wondering about whatever your friend would want to see it. Then you facepalmed yourself like hell you would give her this satisfaction after what she has done. Seeing all the other scatter around you were left alone in the hallway. Gathering up some strange you started to sneak around feeling like you stepped into some private property you shouldn't be at in the first place.

"Fighting (y/n). You can survive this." you muttered to yourself while trying to move on to see which room was Sehun's. You definitely felt too awkward to ask anyone for direction, especially now when they still weren't aware of your true identity. You preferred to wait and tell them in in a group being too lazy to explain it multiple times in a row. When you were about to open the door to one of the rooms soon you felt someone poking your shoulder that made you jump up into the air, shocking the member that decided to speak with you. Turning around you saw Baekhyun's face, which was really amused by your strange reaction. You seriously wanted to slap him for scaring the shit out of you, but you held yourself back for the moment.

"The other's will be late, apparently they got a flat tire so the manager is apparently changing it right now." Baekhyun explained as he decided to not mention Suho being skeptics of your demands, he hardly wanted you to lash out at him again. But he needed some questions answered right now, after

all he had no idea why you" as Sehun acted the way you did, no matter how much he pondered about it he couldn't come to any logical conclusions.

"What's with you today?" he asked you just shrugged your shoulders.

"You will know later, now excuse me." you let out looking inside each respective room without knowing that the vocalist still had its eyes on you.

"Are you searching for something?" he questioned, out of panic you quickly nodded your head having something strange leave your mouth without thinking it through.

"I'm searching for my favorite socks."

"What?" Baecky asked which ma"de you title your head to the side not really sure what you just babbled out yourself.

"What?" you both stood there like two statues looking at each other until someone's whiny voice disturbed your thoughts. Chen seemed to be heading to Xiumin so he obviously ignored you two attending his own business.

"Did you take something? Or you caffeine or sugar high?" Having this que"stion taken up you weren't sure what to answer him. Biting your tongue out of nervousness you soon came with a crappy answer.

"I took some sleeping pills to sleep better and now I can't tell apart the rooms because I'm so drowsy." you facepalmed mentally at your own stupidity, but to your surprise, you felt someone grabbi"ng your wrist. Looking up you saw Baekhyun's cheerful face as he guided you through the maze. 'Is this some kind of guardian angel? That was sent from heaven?' you thought being sure you could see a golden aura surrounding his silhouette you needed to cover your eyes to protect yourself from the strong light. Soon you found yours

elf at Sehun's room you "thanked the older male for his help as you immediately plopped on the bed closing your eyes.

"You welcome." you could hear as the doors closed, but soon you heard the vocalist laugh at the other side of the door. You were sure you even heard him snort, which made you realize you were a fool for thinking he was a guardian angel from above. Shaking your head you soon probably took few minutes nap only to wake up some time later finally coming back to earth realizing how sweaty Sehun's body was from the very beginning. Sniffing the t-shirt he wore you winced in disgust.

"I need a shower." saying those words out loud you soon realized that maybe you should have asked your friend to change your back, yet she refused to take up your calls. Feeling really disturbed with so many layers of sweat collecting on Sehun's body that you were the owner to you decided the best decision was actually gathering up your strength and take that damn shower. Taking a hold of some fresh clothes you headed out the room in the adventure to search for the bathroom which was so much easier than finding Sehun's room. Stepping in it took you some time to figure out how the shower worked but once you got a hold of it you could only laugh because it was rather easy.

To your inconvenience about that time, the rest of the EXO members that were gathered inside the doors decided to have their own meeting to talk about your out of ordinary actions.

"I think something is happening to him, he admitted he was taking sleeping pills, it couldn't mean anything good." Baekhyun let out as the others seemed to agree.

"You think he has insomnia problems?" Chen asked as Baek nodded coming to even more 'serious conclusions.

"I wonder why he didn't tell us, maybe we need more shower therapy!" while saying this Beak seemed to be really excited as everyone else seemed to have shaken their heads not wanting any part in this.

"Anyway where is he now?" they all walked inside Sehun's room but found it empty once it became dead silent in the dorms could they hear the shower running.

"Good opportunity!" the happy virus let out as he sprinted there with all his might on the way grabbing some chopsticks from the kitchens drawer.

You were enjoying the warm water against your skin, that's when suddenly" you heard a click on the floor. You were unfazed until you saw how the figure decided to strip from their clothes. Panicking you soon opened the shower grabbing some shampoo and throwing it at Baekhyun. Everyone assembled could hear a feminine squeal coming from inside the bathroom. They all seemed to be impressed yet shocked at the same time not really aware Sehun could hit such high notes.

Word Count: 1334

Author's Note:

Well here's another chapter in all it's glory, let me know what you think about this story so far :3

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