Collecting Actors

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 "Yes, sorry for ignoring you, but is it true whatever you wrote inside the messages on facebook?" You friend asked making you furrow your brows in anger as you couldn't believe that she dared to question you like this. Quickly searching thru the internet you found what you were searching for, binary code as you kept your friend on wait giving her the cold silent treatment that she truly deserved. Opening your mouth having your breath hit the phone your friend realized that was when she would get her answer little did she expect you say all those following zero and ones.

"01000110 01110101 01000011 01101011 00100000 01011001 01101111 01010101" and then you proceeded to hang up on her. As predicted she called again yelling into the lure.

"Don't dare to hang up on me again." this time you decided to at least hear her out and explain the situation you found yourself in. How you were in deep shit most likely.

"You are the one that is supposed to have good intuition, was all that just a simple scam?" now when you mentioned this she came to a realisation from day one she could feel something wasn't right, but she choose to ignore it thinking these doubts come because of her habit of overthinking stuff.

"Sorry ok? I will repay you for this someday. But can you explain what happened so we can have a clear picture of why they believe you are a demon." those words barely left her mouth as she couldn't possibly believe it that they made those assumptions because of nothing.

"To be honest I can understand a slightly bit why they thought I was a demon, but that doesn't excuse them from being far too delusional, now when I tried to explain my standing on different occasions." you muttered not wanting to admit to your wrongdoings. Sighting after what seemed like ages making up finally making up your mind you soon admitted that on the very first day you tried to recreate the circle you saw her drawing inside her bedroom, in hopes that you could return back to your normal life. That's when Xiumin decided to enter your room and he noticed all the blood that was on the floor from this day on you never saw him run any faster than he did on that day. As soon the elder spread the news about you being a demon everything was basically unstoppable, they decided to trust this image they created of you without even trying to know you better.

"I mean I can understand it, if you glare at people like you do someone may misunderstand." such answer from your female friend made you pouty as the was a certain reason to why you were so grumpy that day.

"Try to experience waking up in a car, thinking you been kidnapped and then have this Bacon try to pick up the lock with chopsticks and walk on you while you shower as he states he wants to join you." you kept the whole conversation in Korean for the sake of Sehun, tho in your case it was more like you just basically got used to it at this point. In due few seconds, you could hear Sehun dying on the other end of the lure, probably finding it hilarious how you were startled by Baekhyuns awesome picking up doors skills that day. Soon you heard a knock on the door and Yixing appeared smiling your way showing his adorable dimple.

"Are you ready?" he questioned which you nodded to as an answer.

"Just gimme a second... also want to say hi to Sehun?" The Chinese member nodded, he kinda forgot about the mankae as he was nearly the only one actually taking care of you and showing you the strings inside the industry, surely it was hard for him considering how much work these people usually had. You had no idea what illusion the other guys lived in , but maybe they thought you didn't need to learn anything as you probably could do anything you set your mind to, while using your demon powers, but so wasn't the case. Lay and Sehun managed to exchange some words among each other until you both decided to cut this call short as you two were going to practice dancing again in the SM dance studio. As you got the manager to drive you to the destination, as soon you two arrived you hit the floor quite hard. You were getting a hang of it, but of course, it would probably take some time to remember all the choreographies. So long there were only 3 known for you as back in the day (f/n) made you memorize them and dance with her, you wanted to thank her for it, but you soon realized she was the cause of all this mess. Time flew by really fast and soon Johnny decided to pay you a visit.

"How you doing, hopefully, you not overworking yourself?" you waved your hand not being that tired even if some sweat was running down your forehead.

"Well this body has better condition than I will ever have, usually my work is just sitting idly by and hearing married couples argue about stuff as I try to find solutions." this information shocked Johnny indeed as he wasn't expecting you to work, he himself didn't knew how he came to this weird conclusion and to be honest he never got to know your real age.

"So you are like couple consular?" you nodded your head that part being true.

"My friend is into astrology, we are just like business partners I use the psychological aspects and she uses the charts to tell what future will hold... that's how I am here because of her crazy idea. Meanwhile she maybe baby Sehun having the time of her life." as you went down this topic Lay suddenly joined your conversation, it felt like you guys had an intense debate until Yixing admitted he may soon go back to China because he was going to star in one of the movies.

"Oh what's your role?" you asked enthusiastically, being really curious what role he would take this time.

"Well actually I have two movies going on, in one of them I will just appear briefly as a judge, the other one will be the main lead." he admitted but soon his face got concerned.

"But I have no idea how to have this tough wiser and determined image." yet you often saw him being the person that spaced out, being a judge needed to have more impact so nodding to yourself you soon stood up.

"You know what, let's us help you?" Johnny tilted his head in confusion as you just assumed he would help as well.

"I never accepted that yet." but you shooshed him down claiming it was going to be fun. Soon you pulled him outside asking him to show you where the other NCT members were at. First, he hesitated but it was a given fact some of them were at the company at the moment practicing. Once you two arrived in the studio some people bowed calling you sunbae as you just said a simple "Hi!" followed by.

"So would any of you guys want to help Yixing with his acting?" Some of them were hesitant, then you managed to say you needed exactly three people for the act, in the end, WinWin, Chenle and Renjun decided to join you guys, no one knowing what exactly you were up to really. When you were passing down the corridors you soon meet with Donghae from Super Junior, thinking you were Sehun he easily tried to chat you up, but he was confused why the younger people from the company were following you behind like an army of minions.

"What is going on here?" he questioned not really coming up with any explanation why Sehun himself would gather such a large group of people.

"We going to do something fun, want to join?" not being aware of the fact you were not Sehun he decided to put his trust in you and so you guys returned to the studio were Yixing was waiting in, being all adorable and scaped out and confused self.

"What are they doing here?" which made you answer with.

"They are our stars for tonight Lay!" and you made a pose showing them off to the audience that was Lay.

"Stars?" Chenle asked as probably everyone else felt the same way, meaning prolly really confused.

"Yes, our awesome acting stars which will help Yixing to polish his acting skills, then you be recognized and off your acting career will go." you soon whistled in hopes this encouraging will give them more boost to do their best.  

Word Count: 1556

Author's Note:

I wonder how long this story going to be o3o I have so much planned lol and it doesn't even feel like we came to the half of it :P

Anyway bc I'm curious can you guys guess who reader-chan gonna end up with? Like I decided who it going to be already lol

To your information Tao and Kris will also make their appearances in this story~

Also would like to thank my friend for giving me the binary code idea~

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