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Sehun was so shocked when he woke up in an unfamiliar place, but what rather than the surroundings he first spotted some strange markings covering his whole arm, it was such a distraction indeed that he hardly noticed the size difference, not only his wrists but palms as well.

"This is so strange." he muttered suddenly gazing up to being meet with a poster of himself, his eyes darting around the room he suddenly realized how the whole wall was filled with nothing but EXO posters. He then looked at some kind of paper that was entirely written in English one of the few words he could read actually was "Destiny" he titled his head in confusion that's when he heard the door crack open. His gaze landed on the female that stood in the door frame which made him panic a little. Was he sold out by EXO to a crazy fan? Was he by any chance kidnapped? As such questions were roaming in his head it was dead quiet until the girl smiled as she made a small victory dance.

"Yes, my plan worked." Apparently, your friend didn't need too much time to figure out that you weren't in posses of your own body anymore. The previous resting bitch face was gone and the aura seemed so less mysterious from before. She gave her herself a compliment about work well done. Sehun was now panicking yet not showing it on his face, he looked down to see if any of his clothes were still on. Imagine his surprise when he saw a pair of boobs when he looked down. He seemed really confused as he started to feel the whole body with his hands, which made your best friend snicker thinking he was cute. Taking a mirror she handed it over to him now explaining in the calmest voice what he went through.

"I'm so sorry. I borrowed your body for my friends' sake. I just wanted her so badly to meet her future husband." she managed to say bowing her head, apologizing to him for not being able to inform him of her plan before also the fact she never asked for such permission.

"How could you even do it?" he asked way taken aback as he never heard of such case ever before.

"How my friend likes to call it I did it with Woodoo Shoodoo Acadabradoo." Sehun just laughed as it sounded really silly. He just nodded at then he surely was at loss for words, even if she was the fan of EXO she hardly acted like such.

"Those posters hanging around must make you feel uncomfortable." she managed to speak up as she looked around her room.

"I had all those pictures bought to find out my friend's destiny... she never like had a boyfriend and always were going around single so I was determined to find him. My backup... if I can call them as such helped me figure it out and I decided to do something stupid... at least she will remember her first meeting with her boyfriend for the rest of her life?" she started to giggle just at the lone thought of that.

"If you want we can grab some bubble tea and I can answer whatever questions you may have... also you can stay at my place I told her parents that she may spend some time at my house." Sehun nodded really happy at the mention of bubble tea.

"Or right but first I think I need to help you getting those marking off." (fn/n) went for a while as she returned with a bowl filled with water, soap, and a towel. She kneeled beside him as she started to clean away all the markings she wrote on your body before. She had to rub it a little bit for it to fully to get off.

"You are not so bad." Sehun muttered as he liked all the attention he was getting. Sure he was still rather on his guard as usually he didn't want to converse with strangers but probably because he was in such a strange situation he decided to trust this person that decided to take such good care of him. Once she was done she lead him to the bubble tea shop as she promised.

"So whose body is it?" Sehun asked being rather calm and rational with the situation.

"It's my friend's body as I said before. I send her off in hopes she would together with one of the members." she admitted smiling like a fool just thinking about it.

"But I can already sense she will try to murder me when she will see me again. She can be as scary as Satansoo." this statement made Sehun laugh.

"I wonder then how my friends gonna handle two Satansoos at their house then." they both laughed finding each others company kind of calming and refreshing.

"But what about my dog, how could he possibly receive love when I'm not there." which made your friend assure him.

"Well if she gets the chance to meet the dog she won't leave it. She would be probably standing there hugging the dog while crying, through the sobs she would totally tell people how cute it is." the (fn/h/c) haired girl nodded seeing all this before her own eyes.

"Yes, totally I can't unsee now." Sehun wondered how everyone would react to seeing this state of him.

"She will probably tell people she is not you, but the question remains if they will believe her." she said as Sehun nodded realizing that if he wasn't in this situation himself he would have a hard time to accept such explanation from anyone. He would think they were crazy, but then he really though if for example, Baekhyun started to act like another Satansoo he would probably agree with whatever the person was saying unless they were really good at acting then he would take it as some kind of prank, to be honest. Thinking it trough he hardly realized when his bubble tea was finished. The female in front of him saw his sadness in his eyes so she offered him her own share of the drink, which caused the rapper to smile really brightly like a child on Christmas.  

Word Count: 1114

Author's Note:

So you know these stories where usually the best friend is forgotten after a while, well this ain't one of them xD

Body Exchange (EXO x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ