Chapter 38

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The first two periods went really slow,so I left after second period.But I had a plan to win back Camilla and it was in full swing.

During school I mind linked Sawyer to bring her to "the special place."Before I had even known Camilla I started building a house for my mate and myself to live in.I didn't want to live in the pack house forever.

It was still in pack territory and had three stories,four bedrooms, two bathrooms,a pool in the back yard,and a basketball court in the basement along with my man cave.It also had an office.

I decorated it myself (with a little help from my mom)but I didn't know how she would like it.

Our room was grey and cream color with a shiny glass chandelier hanging in the middle.I want children someday,someday soon,it's natural for Alphas to want children young.

I wouldn't rush her into that type of thing of course,right now all I can hope for is for her to forgive me.I can't imagine my life without her I don't care if I hadn't known her for long,she's my entire life.I won't live without her.

I placed all of her gifts on our bed in our room.Except for the flowers.

'Look I don't know how well your plan is gonna work out,but good luck,we are almost there' Sawyer mindlinks.I start panicking,it slowly sets in,I cheated on her,I might not have had sex with Summer but what I did isn't right either.But Camilla thinks I had sex with Summer doesn't she?

Camillas absolutely and breathtakingly beautiful,I wouldn't trade her for the world,because she is my whole entire world.

I just want her in my arms,I want her near me,I just want to know if she's safe if she's happy.

"Sawyer this house is amazing,but why are we here?"I hear my mate say her voice sounds excited.A smile I brought to my lips that she likes the house.

"Uhh,I-i"He was nervous I could he didn't know how to respond,so he just stuttered.

"Are you going to move here?"she asks.I know I need to jump in somewhere but where and what to say I wasn't exactly sure.

"No but I hope you are"I walked from behind the wall to where they were standing and put the flowers out in front of me.

Sawyer took that as a sign to leave and I was thankful he did.

"Camilla i am so sorry for the pain I've caused you you and I know I can't take it back,but I wanna try and make it up to you even if it takes me the rest of my life,because Camilla I love you and I swear that no one and nothing will ever come between our relationship anymore and I've missed you so much"her eyes had tears that we're threatening to spill.

"God I hate you"she whispered as she ran over to my arms into my hold.She was shaking,my baby was shaking.I held her as protectively as I could and she was still crying.I flowers had been previously dropped and a crumpled mess.

"I know you do princess"I said quietly my head inhaling her scent,this was relaxing my wolf so much and honestly me too.I love holding her.

"Are you really moving in here"she sniffles,and I wouldn't have heard her if I didn't have werewolf hearing.

"I hope we are"I say softly.Her head was resting on my chest her hands on my abs."I really do hate you"
"I know"

"Can I at least see the house?"she asks quietly.
"Of course"I knew she was still fragile and I wanted to be gentle with her.

She started exploring the house,first the kitchen then the living room.The basement,the bedrooms and finally our room.

"What is this"she asks looking at me skeptically.
"I just wanted to get you something to show you how much I love you"
"Really Zander?"she looks mad,what do I do.Mad female where is the manual when you need it.

"I'm not some sugar baby you can buy my forgiveness"
"No!No that's not what I think I just wanted you to have something nice"I speak like I'm speaking to a child I don't want her to snap at me and I was still on my way for her to forgive me.

"Okay fine,you're lucky I was hungry"She smiles taking her burrito and chips and walking down stairs.I follow her cautiously.

My mate just eats and doesn't even look at me.She only eats half before wrapping the rest and putting it back in the bag.

"Okay bye"she starts walking out of the house.I was so confused what's happening.

"Uhh come back"I rush out and grab her wrist pulling her to me and smashing my lips to hers she whimpers then it turns into a moan.

"I can't let you go that fast"I smile.She smiles then looks down."What's wrong?"I knew the answer before i asked.

"You had sex with Summer while you knew me and now you just expect me to drop everything and move in with you,no that's not fair"

"I didn't have sex with her I just kissed her,and I know it's not fair for me to ask you especially now,I just want this to be over and for us to move on and start a life together"I confess.She sighs.

"So does that mean I can go kiss some random guy?"

"No,mine"I pronounce holding her closer."Well what does-what are we"she says gesturing to us.

"We are farmers"I smile,but I wipe it off when she tries to get out of my grip.She was making moves to get out of my arms but I didn't let her keeping her where she belongs.

"Princess,princess I was just kidding it was a joke okay?ive just always wanted to say that I'm sorry"I tilt her head up to look at me.

"Fine but seriously what is this,what are we Zander?"she looks me in the eyes.

"You are my soulmate,my world, my heart,you are my everything and I want to spend the rest of my life cherishing you and thanking the gods that you are my mate"

"Are you supposed to do that with your and Summers baby or without"

"I know that this situation isn't exactly ideal but I know that we will find a way to manage"I knew this conversation was going to come up but I didn't prepare for it.I hadn't really prepared for any of this I figured she wouldn't just ran out the door so I kind of had to wing it.

"This is just all kind of too much for me right now"She was leaving and I know that I should stop her.So I let her leave her starwberry scent lingering around the house.

It was Spring break we should be bonding enjoying each other.But here we are not talking.

I started walking to kitchen when I heard a phone ringing.It was Camilla's.

"Hello?"I ask picking the phone up.
"Is this Camilla?"a girl asks.
"Who's asking"
"Me who are you"
"I'm her mate who are you?"
"You're her mate I'm so excited why do you have her phone,are you guys having sex?"the girl asks whispering the last part.
"No,now who are you"I scowl harshly.
"Her best friend now where is she"
"Uhh I don't know she just left,I'll go look for her,while call you back on this phone when I find her"I hang up the phone putting it in my pocket.

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