Chapter 23

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He marked me.Without even asking we never really talked about it.

It hurts really bad.I soon got off of him but the minute I did the mark suddenly turned in to immediate pleasure,so I crawled back on him.He looked worried.

"Oh shit"he says turning my head to look at my mark."I didn't mean to mark you,it's just after this week I wanted our relationship to be stronger and I know that my wolf was in control isn't really an excuse but he did and I'm so sorry"I didn't know how to feel,it didnt hurt I just don't want us to rush because what if Zander and I have sex and he just moves on.He did it with Summer why wouldn't he with me.

He's your mate stupid

"It's okay,I swear"
"Yeah I promise"I respond.
"I love you,you know that?"he asks.
"Yeah I know,I love you too"I peck his lips then stand up."Let's go find S and S"

"S and S? Did you make that up?"he mocks."Yup I did"I start getting up,but my core hurts.I wince slightly,hoping he doesn't notice.

"You're hurt,fuck,uhh come on let's go take a bath"He takes my hands and we start walking to the bath tub.He starts running the water testing it every once in awhile.I glance at the mirror and notice that I have some hickeys on my neck.He has some too.I He takes my bra off and throws it on the ground.

He starts to undress himself.I try to help him with his pants but he grabs my hands before I can even touch them."Unless you don't want to be a virgin I would suggest that you stop"he says low and huskily.I stop all actions and get in the bathtub,alone.I sit watching him slowly.

I feel kind of awkward so I scrunch my knees together and pull them forward covering my chest.Zander growls lightly but doesn't say anything.After he finishes getting undress he gets in the tub,behind me.He pulls me between his legs and I can feel him on my back.Its kind of uncomfortable but I let go of my legs and I start getting my used to it.He kisses my neck,while I snuggle closer to him.

There was some sounds coming from downstairs.It sounded like someone was coming in the house but it's probably just Serena and Sawyer,coming back from where ever.I closed my eyes and laid my head on his chest.

I feel myself start going to sleep.That was until the bathroom door was slammed open.I shrieked and covered myself while using mine and Zander's hands.

"Get the fuck out"Zander says in his alpha voice."Zander who was that"I say shakily."Someone who's gonna die"he growls getting out of the tub,he wraps a towel around his waist and walking out of the bathroom.

I didn't even have time to look at who the person was,I just covered myself and hid.I drained the water and stood up wrapping a towel around my body tightly and one around my hair.I peeked out the door to see an empty room and a towel on the floor.

"Zander?"I call out.

He didn't answer.Shock

"Hello?"I say.I hear some shuffling down stairs and a few growls.Zander is probably killing someone.I quickly down the towel and go over to the closet.I grab a lace set of underwear and bra and put those on quickly.I grab a black robe running down stairs.

Zander had Zach pinned to a corner and growling."Zander let him go"Zach already had a bloody lip and a black eye.I rushed over and tried pulling Zander away from him.He didn't even budge.

"Z stop"I shout.

"Zander stop"I strain pushing him off finally."What the hell is your problem?"Zach asks wiping his lip."What the hell is your problem?"Zander fumes trying to walk over to Zach again,but I have my hand on his chest.Which

"What in the hell?"Zavia asks walking down the stairs in a black dress,she looked ready for a date.She looks really pretty.

"Where do you think you're going?"Zander and Zach ask at the same time."Plans with Ryker"she says vaguely."What kind of plans?"Zander asks lowly.

"Just out,oh uh and mom told us to give you something so I put it on your bed."She starts walking then stops "I almost forgot,nice hickeys guys"she looks at herself in a mirror before walking out the door."OK whatever back to the other issue"Zander says.

"Zach I swear,what exactly did you see"Zanders still mad but not as badly."Nothing,nothing I swear,all I saw was you too in there.I didn't see any body parts"Zach has his hands raised and is making a puppy dog face.It's so sad.
"Zander leave him alone,I'm serious"I pushed

"Good because if you're lying I will fucking kill you"Zander says."Now please leave"He mutters."I'm sorry Zach"I call after him,once he gets to the door."It was my fault sorry for interrupting you guys"The second he leaves,I go and hit Zander upside the head.

"What is your problem?He obviously didn't mean to go into the bathroom,stop being so unnecessary"I scold him angrily.

"Of course he did,he just wanted to see you all exposed and everything"

"No he didn't,be nice to your siblings"I say.He shrugs then groans."I guess if I have to"he mutters huskily and low."Good"I peck him on the cheek and try walking to the kitchen,but get pulled back by his hand.

"That's not exactly the right spot is it"He smirks,looking me in the eyes.I roll my eyes and give him a peck on the lips."I'm starving let's eat"Zander says walking behind me to the kitchen."You already did"I whisper.I didn't think he heard me,but apparently he did.

"You're just full of jokes today,aren't you"he teases."Yup I am"I smile proudly.

"No seriously what do you want to eat?"he asks me."Is cookies an option."He thinks for a second before answering."I'm gonna have to say no,you're gonna need your strength for tonight so"He smirks then winks.

My eyes widen realizing what he means and I start blushing."Zander Scott"I scold him."What,you are"he defends.

"Ok fine then can we have spaghetti?"I ask.I knew we we're going to cause I'm a princess so I get what I want."Order in or make it"
"You make it,I just want to know if I have to choose a different guy to case if you can't cook then the kids would starve."He growls and holds me for a second."No"is all he says.He finally lets me go and I walk over and sit on the counter waiting for him to start cooking.He sighs before he starts taking out the noodles sauce and ground beef.

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