Chapter 29

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"I'm gonna go"she lets go of me and walks away,tears still falling down her face.I wanted to stop her.My wolf wanted to but I didn't."Fuck"I shout.I go into my office and start breaking things.I don't even know what has happened until people are in the room holding me back.I calm myself down,and look at the damage I've done.

I completely forgot about training the warriors.'Are you training the warriors'
'Yup my mates mate is helping' He sarcastically says.
'Okay thank you'I decided not to ask him any more questions until inperson.

"Fuck,fuck,fuck"God I'm an idiot.I need to go find her.

~~~~~(Camilla's Pov)~~~~~
I felt sick.How could I be so dumb.He doesn't want me.He doesn't want my our baby.I'm only eighteen,how could I raise a child.What will my father think?What will my mother think?

It felt like my throat was closing up,and my brain was exploding."Princess?"

"Huh"I wipe my tears and sniffled a little."I'm in here"

"I'm so sorry"he comes in and hugs me."Did you go to the doctor or something"I smile lightly.

"Not yet"I all I can say."Ok"he responds."I love you and this will be okay"

He holds me for a while before I feel my breakfast coming up my stomach.I rush out of there and to the bathroom.I throw the door open and bend over the toilet.Throwing up.I try and hold back my hair.Zander rushes in and holds my hair back and rubs my back."It's ok princess calm down"he soothes me.
I finish after a while and stand up.I wipe my mouth with a cloth and brush my teeth,a lot.

"Come here"He picks me up lightly.And brings me up to our bedroom and places me on the bed.

"Go to sleep"

~~~~~(One Month Later)~~~~~
"No but can we go get some more,I'm almost out"I whine.My baby bump wasn't that noticeable.My back always is aching and I feel bad that Zander always rubs it.But I haven't been back to see my family since I found out. I was too ashamed,what would my brother think?Or my mom?Or dad,he would be furious

."God you're so annoying let's go"We start walking down the many steps."Oh shit I forgot my purse"Serena walks back up the stairs while I wait at the top.A couple minutes later I hear someone talk.

"Camilla"Someone growls.I look over my shoulder to see Summer.I protectively put my hands around my stomach,protecting him from her."Summer you can't be here"I gasp.Where is Serena?Why is Summer here?Zander kicked her from the pack she's a rogue.

What's she gonna do to me?"I can do what I want now that I'm officially out of this pack"I studied her face looking for a sign of aggression.And that was the only thing I saw.

'Zander,please come home'
'Princess I'm busy call Serena'
'Look I need you to come home right-'Before I could mindlink any longer I felt the air getting knocked out of my lungs.And my head being smacked on the stairs.

I was falling.And I couldn't stop.

I was pushed down the stairs.

I held my stomach and tried to not feel the blood flowing from my head and legs.My baby.

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