Chapter 34

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"Hey,look at me"Zander's eyes were black and he was heaving up and down,if I don't calm him now he's gonna shift."Zander"I run the side of his face with my hand."Calm down,ok i said that a long time ago and that was before I knew you,nothing about the baby"I tried to say without upsetting him.

"I'm sorry"I apologize softly.I wasn't really sorry for saying that I was gonna reject him.I was sorry for not fighting back,for losing our baby.All of the problems in our relationship were my fault.

He takes two deep breathes before his green eyes come back wearily."Sorry,I was a bad mate,I'm still learning"he kisses me quickly before turning and scowling at Nash again.

"Nash stop being a dick"i mutter angry,he didn't have to start drama.

He opened his mouth to respond but closed it when the waitress came and gave us our food."Burrito for you"She places a huge breakfast burrito the size of the plate basically in front of me.It had hashbrowns and a side of fruit.

"And for you"She sent Zander's food in front of him.He got scrambled eggs three pancakes four pieces of bacon,two pieces of toast,hash browns and a huge cinnamon roll also a bowl of oatmeal.

"Can I get you anything else"

"No thank you"Nash smiles politely."Nash do you want half of my burrito?"I ask nicely.We used to be best friends no reason to stop now.

"Uhh"He looks around the diner before accepting half."Thanks Cami"he smiled brightly.

Zander didn't look happy at that but didn't say anything.I ate some hash browns while Zander finished his food in about ten minutes and Nash his half of the burrito.I felt bad that Nash didn't have anymore food because we are werewolves and we eat alot.

"How's your food,can I get you anything?"the waitress comes over."No thanks I'll take the check thank you"she smiles before walking away.

It's so awkward no one is talking just glaring.She comes back with the check and I slip twenty-five dollars in there.Zander quickly reaches over and takes the money out and slipping his own in there."Goddamn it Zander I want to pay"growl."No"he sets the money in there before scooting me out of the booth.I roll my eyes and stand up.

Nash gets up as well."Bye Nash it was nice seeing you,we should hang out sometime"I didn't even realize how much ive missed him and my old pack.

My parents.

"Yeah definitely"
I reach over to hug him but get interrupted by Zander's body and I end up hugging him.And Nash hugging Zander's back.Yikes.

"Uhh,that was weird,see ya angel"he winks before smirking and walking out of the diner."See ya angel"Zander mocks.I slap his chest."Stop it"I scold him before smiling with him."Let's go"I take his hand and we walk outside,he gets in the driver's seat while I in the passenger.

"I'm so--"I burp loudly,before blush and covering my mouth."full"Zander laughs.A real laugh,not like a chuckle or a smirk.

A laugh.

It was music to my ears.I started laughing with him and by the time I calmed down we had gotten to "Our place"the place in the woods with a waterfall.

When we first meet.Where we argued.This was our place.

"Zander"I whisper,in awe.I didn't think it was possible but that place looked more beautiful than ever.It seemed to always get more pretty each time I went.The trees seemed fuller,the water seemed clearer,the air smelled better.Maybe that's what happens when you're in love.

"Why'd you bring me here"I whisper super quiet.

"Because,it makes you happy"he smiles."Well I hope it does"he mutters the last part frowning.

"Zander"I hug him lightly before turning around and looking at the waterfall.The water flowed perfectly the plants grew beautifully

~~~~~(Zander's Pov)~~~~~
The rest of the night we spent swimming and talking.I was on high alert for Summer but still trying not to worry Camilla.She didn't need the extra stress especially after all we've been through.

She fell asleep in the car while we sat and watched the stars.I start up the car buckling her in her seat.I reach over and kiss her head,"Sleep princess"

She murmured a response before scrunching her legs up on the seat.I buckle myself in and drive away taking us home.Man she sleeps a lot.Her phone starts ringing making her let out a incoherent sound.I reach over her finding her pocket in her sweatshirt pocket.


'Who is this'

'Who the hell are you calling my mate'

'This is Cameron.Her brother' I relaxed knowing it wasn't another guy hitting on my girl.

'Oh shit sorry'I reply sheepishly.

'Where's my sister you fucking idiot'I wanted to kill him for disrespecting an alpha but I couldn't.I took a deep breath before answering calmly.

'She's sleeping right now'I say through gritted teeth.

'Take her back to The White Oak pack,my parents are worried sick'

'Wait what why'I was on edge now growling.

"Zander whats going on who are you talking to"She wakes up,probably from my growling."Give me"she reaches over and snatches her phone away from me putting it to her ear.

'Hello?'Her sexy tired voice says in the phone.

'Camilla Rae Coleman mom and dad are so angry'She visibly pales.Her heart rate starts going up slowly.Her palms sweat so I grab her hand holding it.


My eyes weren't on the road anymore watching my mates scared expression.

'Your baby'Is all he says and tears spring to her eyes.She takes the phone and presses it to her chest,"Can you take me to my old pack"

I nod.Fucking hell.

We were just getting back to healing and her parents could ruin this.

She says yes to a couple more questions before mumbling an 'I love you' and hanging up the phone.

"Fuck,fuck fuck.Zander they know about our baby. This is why I didn't want them to know.Jesus Christ"she bangs on the dashboard putting her hands in her lap."My moms gonna hate you"

Her mom thought of me as a like a son and that we're close.I didn't want them to hate meI wanted to tell her parents,I wanted to tell everyone.I wanted them to know how proud I was that I was having a baby and it was my mates this time.But we didn't,we didn't have time,we didn't get to prepare before he was taken from us.

"I'm sorry"I apologize.She doesn't talk any longer while we get to her old pack house.We both hop out of the car and rush inside."Alpha"some bow down to us."Luna"we make quick fake smiles while we search for them.

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