🔞Chapter 24🔞

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After Zhan had entered the house again, Yibo was waiting for him in the living room. Zhan went to him, hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Let's get married." He said to Yibo, whose radiant face resembled a sunshine. They stood next to each other, the speaker did his work and only half an hour later, they were married. All this, from standing up to the sentence, "I now pronounce you husband and husband." Didn't take more than two hours. Zhan was still completely overwhelmed.

"When did you plan all this?" Asked Zhan Yibo after they cut the wedding cake. "Right after you said you were single." Said Yibo with a broad grin. "While you were asleep I called everyone, including your family and everyone said they wanted to help." Explained Yibo. "Wow. I'm really impressed. "Even though I ask why you were so quick to get married. Zhan replied. "This is explained in three words. I love you!" Said Yibo and kissed Zhan tenderly.

In the evening, in a quiet moment, Zhan and YueYue spoke to each other. "Daddy, I'm glad you said yes. I even put words in my mouth to convince you in case you reject his proposal. But luckily, you said yes. Then there's only one thing left to settle right now." Said YueYue and Zhan already had a clue what she was getting at. "Daddy, I think we belong here. To Beijing and to this house. I've never been here before, but as soon as I entered the house, it felt like home. I don't want to leave, Daddy." She said to Zhan.

"Well, little one, I've been thinking, too, and I wanted to tell you my decision at breakfast tomorrow. But since we're in the middle of it, I might as well tell you now. I think you're right. And I think we should move here." Said Zhan and YueYue also stared at him big eyes. "Really? We're moving here?" She asked Zhan, just to be sure. Zhan smiled and nodded. Suddenly YueYue ran into the living room and yelled. "Dad, I talked to Daddy and he has agreed to move here."

Yibo and YueYue fell into each other's arms like two people who love each other very much and could not see each other for several years. When Zhan came to them, Yibo pulled him to him and gave him a long and passionate kiss. "Yibo, not here in front of everyone." Said Zhan with a red face. Yibo giggled, grabbed Zhan and ran with him upstairs into the bedroom. "You mean it? You guys are moving in here, right? Really?" he asked Zhan excitedly. "Yes, I'm serious." Zhan replied and didn't get a chance to say anything more because Yibo kissed him again.

Yibo would have loved to stay in the bedroom to attack Zhan because they had gotten back together but had not slept together yet and Yibo was having a hard time controlling his lust. The guests, however, waited and so the two of them went downstairs to them again. The party went on until three in the morning. When Zhan and Yibo finally went to bed, it was already half past four in the morning. And no sooner had Zhan been lying down than he had fallen asleep. Although Yibo had imagined his wedding night differently, he too was just tired.


A few hours later Yibo woke up and turned to Zhan who was lying next to him and still sleeping. "I still can't believe you are finally my husband. I love you." Whispered Yibo in Zhan's ear. Yibo stroked Zhan's cheek and bent over him further, he lowered his head and kissed Zhan. Without opening his eyes, Zhan returned the kiss and pulled Yibo closer. "I love you too." He said softly between two breaths. Kissing the Jawline of Zhan, he took off Zhan's shirt that he was wearing to sleep.

"I want you ZhanZhan." Whispered Yibo while Zhan took off his shirt. They kissed and stroked each other. Yibo slid further down, licking, sucking and biting Zhan's nipples, who responded with a groan. "I love to hear you moan." Said Yibo and had reached Zhan's belly kissing and slipped further down. He took Zhan's pants off and threw them on the floor next to the bed and then let himself slide between Zhan's legs.

He licked the tip of Zhan's aroused tail, sucked on the tip and finally let his mouth slide over it. With slow up and down movements of his mouth, he sucked and licked Zhan's tail. Zhan gave him the lubricant and Yibo put some on his fingers. "I can't wait anymore." Said Yibo and let his first finger slide into Zhan's narrow hole, which he answered with a loud groan. Licking and sucking Zhan's tail, Yibo let one finger after the other slide into Zhan's narrow hole.

After the third finger also found room in the tight and warm hole of Zhan's butt, Yibo could not wait any longer. He let himself slide up to Zhan, kissed him and lifted his butt a little bit to let his own hard cock slide into Zhan's tight hole. With every inch that slid into Zhan's ass, Yibo's breath became faster, his moaning louder and his lust even greater. Bit by bit, until his dick was completely in Zhan's hole.

With slow strokes, Yibo began to fuck his Zhan. In and out, again and again. Back and forth, slowly and then faster and faster, moaning he took Zhan. Their tongues played together, Yibo sucked on Zhan's lower lip. "God, I love you so much." He said to Zhan and pressed his lips back over his mouth. His movements became faster and faster. And just seconds later, they both came together. Yibo slid beside Zhan and pulled Zhan towards him on his body.

They kissed and it wasn't long before Yibo was ready for the second round. But it took much longer. After making love for a third time in the shower, they both went back to the bed, Yibo pulled Zhan back onto his body and in this position they both fell asleep again. Only when there was a knock at the door, it was already afternoon, did they both wake up. Zhan wanted to get up but Yibo held him in his arms and let the person who knocked enter.

"Oh, my God, you guys look so cute together." It was taken from Zhan's older sister when she entered the bedroom. "I just wanted to let you know that we are going on a trip with Yibo's parents, we are taking YueYue and her boyfriend with us too. Then you two will have the day together." She said, first kissing Zhan on the forehead and then Yibo and saying goodbye again. 


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