Chapter 20

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Zhan got up and went to the bathroom to change his bandage, Yibo followed him and watched as Zhan carefully cleaned his wound with skillful hands and then re-bandaged it. "What happened there?" Yibo wanted to know. "I cut myself on the broken glass from your picture." Explained Zhan and Yibo smiled. "It bit you because you stole it from me." He said, grinning. "Ah, yes, whatever you say." Said Zhan and fastened the last patch. "Did it hurt?" Yibo wanted to know. Zhan looked at him thoughtfully. "When I cut, yes, but then I lost too much blood too fast and passed out." Explained Zhan and suddenly Yibo stopped grinning and looked at him worried.

"Ah, don't worry. Your brother was there to save me and helped me. And now I'm fine again." Zhan said. Yibo shook his head. He walked towards Zhan, took him in his arms and pressed him firmly against himself. Zhan didn't know what was happening to him and just let Yibo do it. "I'm still worried, though." Yibo said. They went back into the living room and Zhan showed him another photo album. He sat down next to Yibo and told him when and where the pictures were taken. "This picture was taken when YueYue accompanied my boss and me to Germany. This is the Brandenburg Gate." Said Zhan and explained the other pictures as well. Yibo nodded now and then or shook his head. When he finished the album, he put it on the table in front of him. "I would have loved to have seen all this with you guys." He said to Zhan. "I'm sorry, Yibo." Said Zhan honestly and patted Yibo on the shoulder.

Yibo took Zhan's hand and kissed the back of his hand. "I'm sorry too ZhanZhan." Yibo said. He put his hands on Zhan's cheeks and looked deep into his eyes. "I love you ZhanZhan." He said, and gave Zhan a kiss. "I can't stop loving you ZhanZhan." He had said and gave Zhan another kiss. "Please give us a second chance ZhanZhan." Said Yibo and pressed his lips to Zhan's. And then it was there again, this feeling that it's the right one, that he's the right one. This feeling that he had kept hidden for 8 years and always knew it was there, just wouldn't let it come out. Zhan wanted to say something to Yibo but he couldn't, he didn't know how or what, he stared at Yibo with wet eyes and just nodded. And suddenly his heart didn't feel heavy anymore, it was very light and it became lighter and lighter the more Yibo kissed him.

"If you kiss me back, I believe you, ZhanZhan. Then I know you'll give us a second chance. And that'll prove to me that you still love me." Said Yibo quietly. Zhan was not aware that he had not returned the kisses. But he knew he wanted Yibo and he did not want to lose him this time. He pushed Yibo backwards so that he lay on the sofa and bent over him, kissing Yibo like he had never done before but always wanted to do so. Yibo pulled him down to him and now Zhan was lying on top of him, he pressed Zhan firmly against him and smiled. "I love you Yibo." Said Zhan and kissed Yibo again. "We belong to together ZhanZhan, so don't you dare leave me again. I can't stand it twice." Yibo replied after Zhan had solved the kiss. "Never again." Said Zhan and smiled.

Zhan was clear, it wasn't like they had forgotten all their problems from before or the past 8 years, it was just time for Zhan to do what he had wanted all these years. That always felt right for Zhan and what he was not willing to give back. Finally, after all these years, he realized that there could be no one else but Wang Yibo for him, and there would never be another. His heart belonged to Yibo. That's why he kept the two pictures in his desk all these years, because he never let go of Yibo. He had always waited for him unconsciously. He had been waiting for him in the hut since that day and had never stopped waiting for him.

"Will you come back to Beijing with me?" Yibo asked him that evening when they watched a film together. "I built my work and my life here, and YueYue has her school, her boyfriend and her friends here." Zhan replied. "Then can I come here and stay with you and YueYue?" Yibo asked him softly. Zhan looked deep into his eyes. "And your job? You are CEO." Zhan said. Yibo shrugged. "Then we'll just have to branch out here, because I'm not ready to part with you again." He said to Zhan. "Well, we could see each other on the weekends too." Suggested Zhan. "That's not enough for me. I want to see you every day. I've waited so long for you, I don't want to be without you one more day." Return Yibo.

"Then let's give it a try. You talk to your family and straighten things out there and then you come to me." Suggested Zhan. "Only if you come with me, I won't go anywhere without you, because when I come back, you might be gone without a trace. I won't take that chance anymore, ZhanZhan." Said Yibo and shook his head vehemently. "All right, okay. When do you want to start?" Asked Zhan resignedly. "This weekend." Said Yibo and Zhan nodded. "Fine, this weekend." He repeated. "When can I see YueYue?" Yibo wanted to know. Zhan had taken her out of the house for a few days and didn't think that Yibo would ask for her. "How about Thursday?" Asked Zhan and Yibo smiled from ear to ear and nodded. He covered Zhan's face with kisses.

On Thursday, Zhan and Yibo picked up YueYue from school. When she saw Yibo, she smiled and hugged him. "Long time no see DAD." She said, emphasizing the dad's point. Yibo held her close and whispered in her ear. "Hopefully soon. I have missed you, princess." He said and smiled. "Then don't hesitate to propose to my daddy." She whispered back. "I intend to." Replied Yibo and gave YueYue a kiss on the cheek. Zhan was unaware of the whispering because he was engrossed in a conversation with his daughter's boyfriend. YueYue interrupted the two and introduced Yibo and her friend. "So this is my friend, Park Joon Joo, and this is my dad, Yibo." She said with a grin. Zhan said nothing and Yibo looked like a proud cock. 


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