Chapter 4

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Zhan was convinced that his relationship with his boss had improved and his boss was now convinced that Zhan was doing a good job. At least he had not heard anything to the contrary. Until he came back from his lunch break that day. Wang Yibo had a visit from someone and when this was over Zhan bowed and smiled at the man as a farewell. Immediately afterwards he had to go to the office. "Damn it, do you have to smile at everyone like that? Do you have to sit there smiling all day long? You are not a normal person! "Stop smiling all day and do your job properly." Growled Wang Yibo.

So Zhan didn't smile anymore, after all he didn't want to upset his young boss. But after a week he had to go back to Wang Yibo's office. "What's this crap? Why are you sitting there every day with that three days of rain weather face now? I didn't tell you not to smile at all. You just shouldn't smile at everyone." Said his boss and Zhan didn't understand anything anymore. Did his boss even know what he wanted anymore? If he wasn't allowed to or shouldn't smile at everyone, he wondered who he could or should do it with? Wat was right and what was wrong?

Zhan was already looking forward to his day off. YueYue's birthday is on Friday and his young boss allowed him one day off. Happily, Zhan came out of his lunch break and sat down at his desk when he heard a conversation coming from the office. The door was a little open so he could hear every word. And after almost 11 months of working for Wang Yibo, what he heard could only refer to himself. He sat there stunned and listened to his boss raving about "that idiot".

"This idiot just sits around all day smiling stupidly. If at least he was good for something, but he can't get even the simplest jobs done. I wish he'd quit and get the hell out of my life. I can't stand his stupid face anymore. Whenever I see him, I immediately get in a bad mood and more than once I wanted to slap that stupid grin off his face." Said Yibo to his visitor.

Zhan didn't want to hear any more, he had another ten minutes' break. He took his headphones and put them in his cell phone. He chose his playlist and played it. He closed his eyes and listened to the guitar sound. He was one of the few songs where he could forget everything around him and turn him off for a moment. He got a fright when his cell phone suddenly rang. When he looked at the display he had to smile. "Hello darling, I'm glad you called me. Yes, I'll see you on Friday. Of course my little one. Yes, see you Friday, love you too, sweetie." He said to his daughter, who wanted to know if Zhan would be there for her birthday.

"Private conversations during working hours are prohibited!" Wang Yibo hissed at him, who suddenly stood in front of his desk. "Sorry, it won't happen again. It was just..." Tried to explain Zhan, but his boss cut him off. "I don't care for any reason. Oh, right, about Friday. You have to work till noon. Then you can leave." Said Wang Yibo and went back to his office. His visitor was none other than his older brother. He gave Zhan a warm smile, but Zhan didn't dare to smile back. He stood up, bowed and looked down at the floor.

"Is everything all right with you?" Wang Hai Kuan asked him. Zhan nodded, bringing a tear from his eye to the ground. He had planned to go home on Thursday to go to the cemetery on Friday morning, but now he had to work on Friday. "Hey Zhan, what's up?" Hai Kuan asked him again. He was always nice to Zhan and always asked how he was doing. Zhan didn't get a word out, he still bowed and shook his head. He couldn't stand it anymore, he had to leave. He got up and ran to the toilets.

Hai Kuan ran after him and grabbed him by the upper arm before he reached the toilet. "What is Zhan? Talk to me!" Hai Kuan asked him. Zhan took out his wallet and showed him two small pictures. One of Zoey and one of YueYue. He pointed at Zoey. "She is Zoey, my wife, my late wife. And the one in the other picture is our daughter. Friday is the anniversary of my wife's death and my daughter's birthday. I wanted to take YueYue to her mother's grave first thing Friday morning and then celebrate her birthday with my daughter, but now I have to work on Friday and I can't do either one." Explained Zhan in tears.

Hai Kuan took Zhan in his arms. "How did she die?" He asked Zhan. "Bled to death after our daughter was born." Zhan told him. Wang Yibo also came to the toilets and saw the two men in their embrace. "What's going on?" he shouted at them. Zhan went to the sinks, washed his face and left the toilets. He didn't know what Hai Kuan would tell his little brother, and he didn't care. He just didn't want to see or hear anything more from his young boss all day long. He took his work bag and went to the office of Mrs. Wang, whom he asked if he could leave. She was one of the few who knew his story. "Sure, go home and get some rest." She said.

On Thursday Mrs. Wang came to Zhan's desk and gave him a bouquet of white roses. Yibo watched them both closely. "Take this morning with OK? And here's a little something for your little one." She said and gave Zhan a small gift wrapped in colorful wrapping paper. "Oh, and one more thing, you're not coming here tomorrow. You'll go home today as planned and come back on Monday. I'll take care of it." She said, glaring angrily at Wang Yibo. Zhan thanked her and got ready to leave

"I told him to work till noon tomorrow and if he doesn't like it, find another job" Yibo, who had suddenly appeared next to his mother, hissed and stared angrily at Zhan. "Can you forget my son. And you should show more respect." She replied. "Respect? He is subject to me, so why respect?" He wanted to know. "Respect, because tomorrow is the anniversary of his wife's death and his daughter's birthday." hissed she back to Yibo. And for the first time, Zhan had gotten a different look from his boss, other than the same cold and sinister look.

"Thank you again, I will put the roses on the grave with YueYue tomorrow and give the gift to YueYue later. I will be leaving now, goodbye and thank you again." Said Zhan and bowed. "Oh wait Zhan, why don't you have pictures of these two?" She asked him. "Private things are not allowed." Zhan replied. "Do you have pictures here?" She asked Zhan. Zhan nodded and took the current picture of his daughter and the old picture of Zoey out of the drawer and showed it to Mrs. Wang. "Wow Zoey was so pretty, but your daughter takes after you. "Did she, at least once, hold her before she died?" Mrs. Wang asked him.

"No, they brought me YueYue and tried to stop Zoey's bleeding. But the doctors couldn't, she lost too much blood too fast and died. They just showed YueYue to her for a moment and that was it." Explained Zhan. "That must have been hard, just 18 years old, suddenly widowed, single father and student. I don't even want to put myself in that position." She said regretfully while Wang Yibo was still staring at the pictures.

"Next month, YueYue will move in with me, she is already very excited." Zhan told her so he wouldn't have to talk about how bad he was then, after Zoey's death. "Oh, yeah? Why don't you bring her over? Her grandma told me she sings almost as well as her dad does. Too bad you haven't sung since Zoey died. "You're depriving the world of your beautiful voice." Mrs. Wang replied. Zhan shook his head. "Um, I don't think it's a good idea to bring my daughter here. And I should get going as well. I have to catch the bus, pick up my car from the garage, pick up the flowers I ordered from the florist, do some packing and head home to my home contry." Explained Zhan, who looked at his watch and realized that he would not be able to reach the bus on time.

And as if that wasn't enough, he received a message from the garage that his car wasn't ready yet. "Ah, it all fits perfectly. Every year at the same time there's something. Well, taxi and train then." He said and wanted to leave. Wang Yibo grabbed him by the wrist, which earned him an incredulous look not only from Zhan but also from his mother. She knew only too well that her son hated and always avoided skin contact with other people. "I'll drive you." Wang Yibo said briefly and concisely and also made it clear that he would not accept no. "Ah? How so? I can handle it, thank you." Zhan replied anyway, but couldn't get away with it.

When Wang Yibo told Zhan that he would drive him, he believed that Yibo would drive himself. But instead there was him and his boss in the back seat with a driver behind the wheel. Zhan wondered why his boss accompanied him. It wasn't as if he needed a ride. Or was he afraid the driver would do something to his car? 

 Or was he afraid the driver would do something to his car? 

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