Chapter 11

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Yibo and Zhan were in Yibo's bed. Between them there would easily have been room for two or three more people, so far they lay apart. Yibo crawled into the middle of the bed and pulled Zhan towards him. He lay on Zhan's back and hugged him. "You're right, the bed is way too big." he said to Zhan and kissed him on the neck. "My talking. Maybe these are beds for tall people or people who can't stand each other?" Asked Zhan giggling. "Maybe. You ZhanZhan, I'm glad you're here." Yibo said. Zhan turned to Yibo and looked at him. "You must be lonely here. All alone in this big house." Found Zhan. When the employees left, there were only two of them in that house and it felt empty and lonely. Zhan couldn't imagine how Yibo put up with it.

"Would you believe me if I said you get used to it?" Asked Yibo. Zhan shook his head. "I used to live here with my parents and my brother. Then my brother moved out and started his own family and my parents wanted to live in the city and signed the house over to me. At first my ex had come here quite often, but then when I split up, I was always alone." Explained Yibo. "How long were you and your ex together? And what exactly happened? You want to tell me?" Asked Zhan. "Uhm, we were together for two years. We met at school when I was 16 years old. Naive as I was, I thought he was the love of my life. And then shortly after my 18th birthday, I caught him with another guy in his car making out with him." Yibo replied.

"First love is always special. It has nothing to do with naivety. But now I understand why he makes you so angry when you see him." Zhan said. "I just hope for a second chance at love now." Replied Yibo and smiled at Zhan. Zhan stroked Yibo on the cheek and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Yibo pressed Zhan firmly against him and kissed Zhan. "I hope you are my second chance." Whispered Yibo into Zhan's ear and put his head on Zhan's shoulder. Then they both fell asleep. Around half past four in the morning, Zhan woke up. Yibo lay with his head on Zhan's chest and clasped his hip with one arm. Zhan smiled and shook his head. Carefully, he tried to free himself from Yibo as he urgently needed to go to the bathroom.

"Don't leave me ZhanZhan." Said Yibo and startled Zhan so violently that he felt his heart had skipped a beat. "Shhh, go back to sleep. I just have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." he whispered and hurried to get to the bathroom. When he lay back in bed, Yibo pulled him right back to him. "There you are at last. I've missed you already." He said in a drowsy tone. "Oh, Yibo, it didn't even last three minutes." Said Zhan with a giggle. "It's been too long." Yibo replied and laid half his body on Zhan. His head lay next to Zhan's. "Does that sleep well with your head down?" Asked Zhan and stroked Yibo's hair. Yibo lifted his head and looked deep into Zhan's eyes.

Zhan stroked Yibo's cheeks with his thumbs. "All well?" He asked Yibo. "Good, because you are here." Yibo replied. Zhan smiled and gave Yibo a little kiss on the mouth. "That's not enough ZhanZhan." He said to Zhan and kissed Zhan long and hard. "Damn it, if I don't stop now, I can't stop myself." Said Yibo after he stopped the kiss. Zhan grinned and could feel on his leg what Yibo was talking about. But he didn't say anything and instead pulled Yibo right onto his body. Yibo looked at him with big eyes. "ZhanZhan, may I?" he asked Zhan shyly. Zhan nodded and Yibo looked at him happily and kissed him again. "But if we do it now, you must never leave me ZhanZhan. You have to stay with me forever!" Said Yibo and Zhan nodded again. And in those early morning hours, the two had let their feelings, passion and lust run free and loved each other for the first time.

Zhan had already realized on the way back from his hometown that he had feelings for Yibo that he had never known before. It wasn't just curiosity about what it would be like to sleep with his boss. It was a deep feeling inside of him that seemed to get stronger every day. And the more time he spent with Yibo, the clearer it became that he wanted him, to be with him. Just like Yibo, he did not want to spend the night alone, only he would not have had the courage to say it. It had been too long since he last had feelings for someone and he still couldn't judge Yibo properly. But he wanted to get to know this new Yibo better, he really wanted him. But he was also a bit scared. Because he had have sexual experiences with a man but never had a relationship with one.

This was completely new territory for him. Moreover, the different origin of the two. Even if he didn't have the impression that Yibo didn't mind that Zhan didn't come from a rich and respected family, he still worried. But in those early morning hours, when Yibo kissed and stroked him when they loved each other, the worries were not there. There was just him and Yibo and nothing else. At six in the morning they both had to get up. They went to shower together and then got dressed. Which was not easy because Yibo couldn't keep his hands off Zhan. During breakfast, which one of the employees had prepared, Zhan heard two of the employees talking. "I've never seen our Master so happy, Xiao Zhan must be someone very special to him." Said the one. "Yeah, you're really happy for him. It's great to see him smile like that." Said the other and Zhan smiled as well.

When they arrived at the office, Zhan wanted to sit at his desk, but Yibo was against it. "Let's put him in the office first. So you're with me where you belong." Said Yibo and then carried the desk into the office with Zhan, under the watchful eyes of the employees. Then Yibo took the two pictures he had framed and taken with him out of his pocket and placed them on his desk. "ZhanZhan, look, what does this look like?" He asked Zhan. Zhan went to the desk and looked at the two pictures. "Looks great, Boss." He said and caught a sinister but happy look from Yibo. Yibo put his arms around Zhan's hip and kissed him. "I love you ZhanZhan." He said. "I-I love you too, Yibo." Said Zhan stuttering and with red cheeks.

Both spent their breakfast break together in the office. Which was probably because Yibo wouldn't let Zhan go. Just before lunch break, Yibo's mother came storming into the office and shouted loudly, "Where is Zhan?... Ah, thank God, there you are. I thought my ever ill-tempered son had driven you away completely." Then she looked at Yibo, who was standing next to Zhan with a broad smile, with big eyes. She looked around the office. "Okay, who are you and what have you done with my son?" Asked she. Yibo laughed and took his mother in his arms, something he had not done for many years, as he told Zhan. "So what's going on here?" She asked Yibo. "Nothing, I'm just happy mom. Very happy." He said, grinning. Also Hai Kuan, Yibo's older brother came to the office to look for Zhan.

"Huh? Yibo? I've never seen that look before. Should I be worried?" He asked when he saw Yibo with a broad smile on his face. Yibo's mother sat down at his desk and looked at the two pictures on the desk with a grin. "Hai Kuan, come here." Said she giggling and showed her eldest son the two pictures. "Those are really beautiful pictures, my son." She said to Yibo, who made no move to leave Zhan's side. "I'm going to get a coffee." Said Zhan shyly and ran hurriedly out of the office. "What happened this weekend?" She asked Yibo when she took a closer look at the picture of the three. "After I found out that my ex lied to me about Zhan, we made up Oh and I met his daughter, she really likes me and everywhere we went she told me I was going to be her new dad. Mom, I'm so happy." Said Yibo and had tears in his eyes.

" Said Yibo and had tears in his eyes

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