Chapter 1

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The 24-year-old Xiao Zhan worked after his studies in business administration, two years as manager in a horror house. He worked there to provide home and financial support for his destitute and foot-sick mother after Zhan's father died unexpectedly almost two and a half years ago. While working at the factory, he just keeled over and died of heart failure. No one in the family could understand, as he was a healthy man. Zhan's older sister, married to a soldier for six years, lives overseas. Four years ago her husband was transferred there and she accompanied him.

Unfortunately, the apartment the military provided for them was very small and did not have room for their mother. So they could not take her in. But recently, his sister and her husband bought a house and finally had enough space to accommodate Zhan's mother. For Zhan it meant he could finally find a new job and leave his old home. It had always been his dream to go to Beijing and work and live there. Luckily he had already found a job.

Starting next week, he would start his job as a personal assistant to the CEO at Wang Company. And the best thing was, he didn't have to look for an apartment. Since he would live in the house with his boss. For the interview, Zhan had to go to his boss' huge estate. As soon as Zhan entered the house, he heard soft music that could be heard in every open area of the house. The music that invites you to relax. But it wasn't the calming atmosphere in this huge house, or the lights on the ceiling that looked like thousands of stars, or the large modern rooms that impressed him.

It was this warm and lovable man who would be his boss in the future. When his boss told him that he would have to be available around the clock as a personal assistant from day one, Zhan wondered how he would manage this. Since his boss lives just outside Beijing. But his boss already had a solution for that too. The apartment under the roof. This used to be a normal attic, but they recently converted it into an apartment. Bedroom, guest room, living room, bathroom and kitchen, all furnished and all accessible via a separate staircase at the side of the house.

Zhan only had one condition for his new boss. He wanted weekends off every 14 days. Because on those days he could see her, his little five-year-old daughter YueYue. After his wife had died in childbirth and he had just started studying, her grandparents took her in. Zhan's late wife was four years older than him. When they married he was just 18 years old and shortly after that he became a father. In the beginning he tried to balance his studies and his baby, but it didn't work and so the grandparents offered to help.

Zhan brought them every weekend, but when he was in Beijing, it would only be every two weeks. The thought made him sad. But it was only a year away anyway, then he would take her home. So she could always be with him and go to school in Beijing. This was also agreed with the grandparents from the beginning and he could hardly wait until then. He loved his daughter more than anything and was sad that she could never meet her wonderful mother. He only hoped that this would be compatible with his job.

He had told Wang Lan, his new boss, about his daughter and also about wanting to take her home soon and his boss told him that this wouldn't be a problem. He could turn the guest room into a children's room and if he had to leave in the evening or at night, there would be staff available to look after YueYue for him. Zhan was more than happy when his boss told him this. And he was looking forward to his new job even more. When he told YueYue about it, she jumped all over her grandparents' house excitedly.

Today was Zhan's last shift at the Horror House and he was happy about it. Although he was able to provide for himself and his mother with this job, he was happy to get out of there. When he came up to the entrance of the Horror House in his car, his colleagues were already waiting for him. Together they celebrated the last day that Zhan would be their boss and wished him all the best for his new job. After work they all drove together to their favourite pub. Actually Zhan hated drinking, but today he made an exception.

Of course, a new beginning also meant saying goodbye to the old life for him. In that case, goodbye to his friends. Although they would meet now and then, it would not be the same as before. He think he'll miss Chuyue the most. He had become an important friend and confidant for him over the years. And he was also a reason why Zhan didn't like to drink alcohol. Because every last time they drank, they ended up in bed together. For Zhan, this was a no-go between friends and he regretted it every time afterwards.

It was no secret that Zhan had always been devoted to both sexes, but apart from the few times he and Chuyue slept together, he had never had anything with a man. To him, there was only Zoey, his late wife. The two had been neighbors since childhood and he had always liked the older girl. When the two of them got together, Zhan was only 15 years old and Zoey was already 19. His parents were against it at first, but because of the age difference, they eventually gave in and let the two of them do it.

At that time it was Zoey who had made the first step. He had been much too shy for that. They were both sitting on a bench on their property and their parents had not been home. They looked at the stars and tried to count them. Well, just the brightest stars, really. At one point Zoey pointed to a single star, but Zhan couldn't see it. She sat down on his lap, took his cheeks in both hands and turned his head upwards. When he lowered his head a bit, she looked into his eyes and kissed him. It was his first kiss and she had been almost unstoppable.

If she had her way, she would have made love to him that very night. But that was too fast for him and so at least they waited until he was 16 years old. She had a hell of a time keeping her hands off him, though. Sometimes it was already uncomfortable for him when she touched him in the crotch again and whined that it would be so long until he would finally turn 16 years old. It was midnight on the dot and his 16th birthday when Zoey climbed in through his bedroom window and practically jumped on him like a hungry animal.

It was his first time and he was completely overwhelmed by the never-full Zoey. Luckily neither his parents nor his sister were home that night, even though he wished they were at some point that night. It had been like a marathon. Go, pause, continue, pause, continue. In the end he just fell asleep and when he woke up his best part hurt him very, very much. No matter how many times he and Zoey did it over the next two months, she never got enough and kept asking for more. One night he summoned up all his courage and talked to her.

 One night he summoned up all his courage and talked to her

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