Chapter 21

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Zhan, Yibo, YueYue and her boyfriend were sitting together in a restaurant after Zhan and Yibo picked them up from school. Yibo was surprised that YueYue's boyfriend spoke Chinese so well. "This is because my mother is Chinese and she speaks Chinese to me a lot at home." He explained. "Oh YueYue, your father is accompanying me to Beijing tomorrow, I was wondering if you and your boyfriend would like to join us?" He asked YueYue. She nodded her head eagerly. "With pleasure, I'll finally see where you live. It didn't work out then." She said and sparkled at her father.

"Don't look at your father like that, he can't help it. It was all due to a misunderstanding A big misunderstanding." Explained Yibo. Zhan received a call from his boss and left the restaurant to answer the phone and YueYue's boyfriend went outside to ask his mother if he could fly to Beijing this weekend. Meanwhile Yibo and YueYue were waiting for them to return. "So you two are together?" Asked YueYue, who already knew the answer but still wanted to hear it from Yibo. Yibo smiled and nodded. "Yes we are. I hope you don't mind." He said. YueYue laughed and shook his head. "No, I am happy. I told you when I was little, you belong together." She replied.

Before Yibo could say anything, she kept talking. "I hope this time it holds. Don't let anything else come between you, okay?" She said and patted the hand of Yibo. "I have a crazy thing going on this weekend and my family is in on it. Would you help me?" Asked Yibo. "What are you gonna do?" YueYue wanted to know. "I want to marry your father!" Yibo replied seriously. YueYue looked at him with a frown and then grinned. "OK, how can I help?" Asked she with a conspiratorial expression. "Make sure your daddy doesn't say no" Said Yibo and YueYue nodded. They reached out their hands to each other. "But why do you want to do it so fast? You just got back together." She said after a break. "I love your father and this way I can make sure he never runs away again." Yibo replied.

Yibo sat deep in thought on the sofa in Zhan's living room staring holes in the air. "Hey, what's on your mind?" Zhan asked him after he came back from the kitchen with some fruit. Yibo raised his head and looked Zhan in the eyes. "Even though it's been 8 years, I want to know why he did this!" Yibo said. Zhan looked at him questioningly. "What do you think? What are you talking about?" He wanted to know. "My ex, that asshole. Why did he do everything to keep us apart? From the beginning he lied and turned me against you and then when we were finally together he played this fake game. He said I was always like that. And it was him, guaranteed, who called your boss on my behalf and recommended you!" Said Yibo seriously.

Zhan sat on the sofa close to Yibo and hugged him. "I think maybe he was jealous. Maybe he still had feelings for you." Zhan replied after a short pause. Yibo clasped Zhan's hip and put his head on Zhan's shoulder. "You know, it's strange. He knew from the beginning that I wanted something from you. But how? I mean, it just meant you'd be my personal assistant. So how did he know I was really interested in you?" Yibo asked more of himself than Zhan. Zhan kissed the forehead of Yibo. "Let's find out! I'd like to find out too." He said. Yibo nodded and rubbed his head against Zhan's shoulder. "We'll figure it out!" He said, lifting his head and kissing Zhan gently on the mouth.

"Why do you want YueYue to come to Beijing, too? And you invited her boyfriend, too." He asked Yibo. "I want to spend time with you and your daughter. And your daughter's boyfriend seems nice, and I want to get to know him better." Yibo replied smiling. Zhan didn't know if that was all Yibo was about, but for now he didn't care. He didn't want to worry about it, there were more important things for him. And right now this was spending time with his boyfriend and not worrying about unimportant things.

The next afternoon, Zhan and Yibo, YueYue and her boyfriend picked up from school and drove to the airport together. They took the next plane to Beijing, where a driver was already waiting for them. "Hey, are you rich?" Asked YueYue Yibo, who wondered why he had his own driver. "You don't ask such questions." Said the boyfriend of YueYue and Yibo grinned. "You haven't told her much, have you?" Whispered Yibo in Zhan's ear. Zhan blushed and shook his head. "There was no reason." He finally replied in a whisper.

"We'll go somewhere else first." Yibo said. "And go where?" Zhan wanted to know. "To my ex, he has to answer some questions!" Yibo responded in a serious tone. A quarter of an hour later they reached a small business. All four of them got out of the car, Yibo took Zhan by the hand and walked with him ahead into the building and the first person they encountered was Yibo's ex-boyfriend. He got big eyes and wanted to move quickly, but Yibo grabbed him by the collar and held him. "You, don't go anywhere until you answer some questions." He said in a sharp tone.

"Wh-what q-questions, I-I don't know anything." Said Yibo's ex. "Stop playing shy and answer my questions." Said Yibo, pushing his ex against a wall by the collar and looking at him with dark eyes. "Why did you lie and say Zhan wanted something from you?" Asked Yibo. "Why did you say I only pay attention to my partner when I feel like it? And why did you break him and me up by recommending Zhan as a personal assistant under my name in Korea?" He kept asking.

At first he didn't want to say anything and just stared at the four people in front of him. He remained stubbornly silent. "Okay, Yibo, let's settle this in court." Said Zhan and the eyes of Yibo's ex-boyfriend widened. "OK, OK. I was jealous back then. When I got the file with the order to create an access card for Xiao Zhan, I found him totally cute in the picture. And I was hoping to get to know him better once he started working for Yibo. But then I heard a conversation between Yibo's parents. His father said he thinks Yibo sees Xiao Zhan as more than a personal assistant and then he said he would be happy if they became a couple.

"That really pissed me off. Especially when his father said Xiao Zhan is a great man and he would welcome him into the family with open arms. I thought if I bad-mouthed him at Yibo, then I could comfort Xiao Zhan and we would get closer. But he never even noticed me." Said Yibo's ex. Zhan wanted to say something, but YueYue beat him to it. "My dad doesn't like small men like you. You are at least a head shorter than him. You don't suit him at all, I'd never would accepted you!" She said and showed him her fist. Yibo put one arm around her and smiled. "You see? Yibo is a perfect match for my daddy, they are almost the same size and he truly loves my father, he doesn't need any fake games to get him around." Shouting YueYue to Yibo's ex.

" Shouting YueYue to Yibo's ex

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