Chapter 16

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They had been in Beijing for two weeks now and everything was going well at work. As always when they were on a business trip, his boss used the time to get drunk in the evening. Something that Zhan hated about his boss. Because every time he was too drunk to come back to the hotel by himself, he had to go and pick up his boss. Today was another one of those evenings when he received a call from a bar asking him to pick up his drunk boss. Since the bar was not far away, Zhan decided to walk there. He took off his sleeping clothes, a tight black jeans, a beige sweater and his black coat and a black baseball cap. In Korea, he would be called the Korean Oppa as he looked now. Many glances met him as soon as he had left the hotel. Actually, he had achieved the opposite of what he wanted to achieve. To attract as little attention as possible.

He walked past a shopping arcade and a small cute Italian restaurant, he envied the people sitting in there and having a nice evening. They were able to spend their evening together while he was out with his daughter to collect his drunk boss. "Hey, Daddy, don't we know him?" YueYue asked him and stopped in front of the window pane of the small restaurant and pointed a finger at a person. Zhan froze for a moment and when he realized that the person saw them both, he grabbed YueYue and pulled her behind him. "Xiao Zhan." Called the person and Zhan was close to stopping, but he kept walking. "Appa, museun il-iya? (Oh Papa, what's wrong?)" YueYue asked him. "Amugeosdo anieyo. (Nothing, just keep coming.)" said Zhan and had trouble keeping YueYue from stopping. "He wasn't it Yibo." Did Zhan hear someone else say.

(I cannot guarantee the correctness of the Korean words. I used a translator and this is what came out).

Zhan was glad that his daughter still spoke Korean, and the person thought he was mistaken. He never thought he would see Yibo again. Beijing was big and the chances were slim. And yet it happened, he was sitting in this restaurant with his brother and a woman. Zhan couldn't even explain why he just kept walking, why he hadn't at least said hello. Is that what his boss was protecting him from? Is that what his boss had in mind? Did he suspect that Zhan would react like this to Yibo? Even eight years later? They reached the bar and Zhan found his boss sleeping on one of the benches. The bartender told him that everything was already paid for and then called a taxi for the three of them. They hoisted Zhan's boss into the taxi and drove the short distance back to the hotel where the friendly bellhop helped him to bring his boss upstairs to his room, which was of course very much to YueYue's delight. So much for her great love.

The following three days ran without incident. That morning there was to be a meeting at OPQ, which Zhan prepared with the help of his daughter. She was his intern and didn't even play dumb. Zhan, YueYue and his boss were sitting in the conference room waiting for the CEO's to start the meeting when he noticed that YueYue had forgotten to plug in the projector. Zhan crawled under the table to make up for the omission and bumped his head violently when he heard a very familiar voice at the door. Zhan stood up abruptly and his head turned. YueYue laughed until she saw her father's look. "Appa, jeo salam-i sigdang-eseo wassnayo? (Daddy, isn't that the man from the restaurant?)" Asked YueYue and looked at Zhan questioningly. "ZhanZhan." Said Yibo, staring at Zhan. Zhan's boss turned to Zhan and looked at him questioningly. Zhan nodded his head. "My assistant won't be at the meeting today, he has to run some errands for me." He said in English and pushed Zhan and YueYue out the door.

They stood in the hallway and Zhan's boss told him to go back to the hotel with YueYue. Zhan was about to leave when Yibo grabbed his wrist and held on. "Wait Zhan. Please. Can we talk?" Asked Yibo. Zhan shook his head and tore off his wrist. Yibo immediately grabbed Zhan's wrist again and Zhan's boss intervened. He shouted at Yibo in Korean to leave his assistant alone. Yibo didn't understand a word and yelled for his part to leave him alone and he only wanted to talk to Zhan. And the chaos became perfect when Zhan's lover of all people showed up and intervened. Zhan and he only met from time to time and only for sex, they knew their names and age but nothing else.

Second chances! [YiZhan FanFiction]✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora