Chapter 6

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On the way back they stopped at an ice cream parlour and ordered a cup of ice cream for each of them. "It's tradition." YueYue explained happily and wolfed down her ice cream. "Daddy, can I go slide outside now?" She asked Zhan. "First wash your hands and mouth." He said, and she stormed off. When she came out of the toilet, she stormed past them like a whirlwind and outside to the slide. "She's a real tornado." Found Yibo. "Yes, she got that from her mother. She never had any brakes on either." Explained Zhan laughing. The old owner of the ice cream shop came to Zhan and Yibo at the table and sat down.

"A Zhan, every time I see your daughter, I am amazed. She is growing so fast. And the older she gets, the more she looks like you. I hear she's finally moving in with you next month? Will she live with you two then?" Asked Mrs. Ling. Zhan did not know what she meant at first, then he looked at Yibo and it clicked. "Ah? What makes you think we're a couple?" He asked confusedly. "Well, you two look so good together." Explained she with a giggle. "Mrs. Ling, we are not a couple." Zhan replied. "A Zhan, we live in a different time, you can stand by it when you're with a man." She scolded him.

Zhan coughed and looked at her with big eyes. "But we are not a couple!" He said more clearly. "My grandson's also dating a man, he says his boyfriend's is his Wifey, I don't know why, but you with that pretty face from you Zhan might as well, make you as a Wifey." Explained she and Yibo giggled. Zhan stared at him with eyes wide open. "What's so funny?" He asked him. "When I first saw you, I thought the same thing." Said Yibo and laughed out loud. Mrs. Ling tapped Yibo on the shoulder "You should hear him sing, he sounds like an angel Who knows, if you make him happy, he might sing again one day." She said and Yibo looked at Zhan questioningly.

"Another one who says you can sing I'd love to hear you sing." Said Yibo dead serious. "I have a recording on my phone." Said a guest. Zhan looked around and recognized his old school friend Bai Shu. Bai Shu came to the table with them, Mrs Ling was getting fresh coffee "He sang this at a school festival back then." Explained Bai Shu and played the recording. Everyone looked at the table of the three. Yibo stared at Zhan with his mouth open when he heard this. "Oh, and then I have a song with video that we sang when we were nine." Told Bai Shu and played the video.

"Wow this looks very professional." Told Yibo and asked Bai Shu to send him the video. "At that time, everyone thought he was making a career in this field. But then everything changed." Explained Bai Shu. Zhan sat there and said nothing. What else could he say? He himself believed for a long time that he would use his voice to make money. But in the end he had let Zoey persuade him to study business administration. This, as she said, was safer. Shortly before he began his studies, they had found out about her pregnancy and Zoey insisted on studying with future prospects.

At the time he believed Zoey was right. After all, she was four years older than him and had more experience than he did. On top of that, he had to think about the future because of the baby. He never really wanted to get married, he liked the idea of a wild marriage, but he was left with no choice when it was suddenly said that a baby was on the way. Now, years later, he has no regrets. He loved Zoey and idolized his daughter, but if someone asked him if it was the right time, he would immediately say no. At that time his parents were very angry with Zoey, because she robbed him of the chance to shape his life the way he wanted it.

He suddenly had to grow up overnight, get married and study something he never wanted. They asked Zoey why she wanted to carry this child so badly, her answer had made his parents very angry. To this day, however, he does not know what she told them at the time. Even if he would ask his mother now, she would only get angry again and scold him. Moreover, it would not matter now anyway. It had happened the way it is now, and he came to terms with that. And for his daughter he was more than ready to forget his own dreams and wishes.

"And how did you two meet? I mean, we haven't met, have we? I've met all of Zhan's friends and I don't know you." Said Bai Shu to Yibo. "Um, he's my boss." Zhan explained and got a not so pleased look from Yibo. "He'll be my dad someday." Trombone YueYue in between, who had only come in for a drink. Zhan and Yibo stared at her and then at each other and became red in the face together as if on command. "You..." Started Zhan and realized that his daughter had already turned around again and was hurrying towards the exit.

"I'm sorry, Yibo. I don't know what's gotten into her. She's never been like this before." Tried he explain to Yibo. "It's okay." Yibo replied and muttered "She is smarter than you think" to himself. "Excuse me?" Asked Zhan. "Oh, nothing, never mind. Nothing important." Yibo replied and looked embarrassed in another direction. Zhan nodded, but wondered what had suddenly gotten into his cold and heartless boss. Since yesterday, he had been behaving strangely. Since he heard the story of his wife's death, it could be that Yibo felt pity sorry for him and that's why he was so nice to him. Pity was now truly the last thing he wanted.

But apart from the confusing new Wang Yibo, Zhan enjoyed the nice side of his boss. After all, he didn't know how long this phase would last. Mrs. Ling also finally arrived with the fresh coffee and was surprised again how great Yibo and Zhan would look together. "Mrs Ling, did you know that YueYue thinks Yibo will be her new dad?" Bai Shu asked the old lady She looked at the two men who immediately blushed again and laughed. "Out of the mouths of child's, let the truth be known. "That's what my grandmother always said. She was always right." She said, clapping her old wrinkled hands.

In the afternoon at about 3 p.m. they set off together with YueYue. Her grandparents had already prepared everything and were now waiting for the birthday child. After only ten minutes they reached the grandparents' house and as soon as the door was open, the children's laughter and music could be heard. All of YueYue's friends were there to tell her a song for her birthday, all they sings, except Zhan. Yibo stood right next to Zhan and smiled at him. Zhan didn't notice at first, but when Yibo stroked the back of Zhan's hand with his thumb, he noticed that Yibo was holding his hand, again that day.

YueYue didn't get tired of saying that Yibo was going to be her dad and she also said that she thought her mother had brought the two of them together so they wouldn't be alone. If that is so, Zhan thought, then she must be in hell and wants to make sure that he can't be happy without her. Although he was already unhappy without Yibo. "Sometimes life puts you through trials, you have to pass them and fight before you can be happy." That's what his father said when Zoey died. Was Zhan really just in a long trial period? If so, for what? What reward could he receive if he passed?

 Was Zhan really just in a long trial period? If so, for what? What reward could he receive if he passed?

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Second chances! [YiZhan FanFiction]✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora