Chapter 28

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I'm in the car with Elle and Nick, on our way to Lucas' college. As I'm about to start a conversation with the two agents, my phone started ringing. Hank was video calling me. I smile and click the green button.
"How's it going beautiful?" Hank says with a smirk.
"I'm doing good, not sure who you are but I gladly accept," Tores said from the driver's seat. I roll my eyes and chuckle.
"Who's that?"
"Coworker," I said, "I'm doing fine. A bit anxious but nothing I can't handle."
"Don't overwork yourself, I don't want you to put stress on the baby!" Elle and Nick look at each other. They aren't sure if Hank is my husband or what.
"I'll be fine," I point the camera at Elle then at Nick, "Hank this is Elle and Nick. Elle, Nick, my husband Hank!" They look at him and look at each other.
"That's your husband?" Nick asked surprised, I nodded, "wow. I didn't expect him to look like that!"
"What did you expect?" Hank asked.
"Short, lanky, not like that?" I bite my lip to keep me from laughing.
"Alright then, I just wanted to call to let you know the team is going to a rally. They expect it to get out of hand, so if it does we're there."
"For how long?"
"A couple of hours, not too bad."
"You say that now." We say goodbye and I sit back pondering on the fact that Lucas could possibly be in danger. I send a quick text to dad telling him that there's a shooting at Lucas' school.

I knew stepping out of the car that I needed to set my emotions aside and focus on the task at hand. So as I stood in front of the makeshift 'home point', I thought about the child I'm carrying, not that their uncle could possibly be in a dangerous situation, but that they are coming into this dangerous world.
"Agent Morgan, coordinate with the local police, see what they know," Gibbs said pulling me back to reality. My phone buzzed and once I saw the text I push Agent McGee out of the way on the computer. I type in the message and the location of our guy is on the screen.
"What's that?" McGee asked.
"His location," I state.
"How did you find that?"
"My brother, I told him that I was coming to Virginia, we were going to meet for dinner tonight. I think he knew that I would do something if he sent that to me."
"You mean to tell me that you're personally involved in this case?" Gibbs asked agitated.
"Yes, and by default, we're going to have the BAU here in 0.2 seconds." I sigh knowing my family is going to take over. By just meeting Gibbs, I knew that he isn't going to be too happy about that. My phone rings and Lucas' name popped up.
I look at the people around me and get their attention. I accept the call and put it on speaker.
"Krista?" That's not Lucas.
"This is she," I keep my calm, knowing if I don't he'll win and take someone else I love away.
"Good, that means that you can do something for me."
"Is this Aaron? Because I won't do anything for anyone else." He sighed, he's probably piecing things together.
"You're going to get me an ambulance, I don't want no trouble."
"Why would we need an ambulance, Aaron? Is someone hurt?" I see my dad and the rest of their team coming. I see the anger in JJ's eyes when she sees me, the worry in dad's, and the comfort in grandpa.
"There will be." I motion for someone to hand me his file. I quickly look over it and see something I could use.
"Aaron, I understand that life is hard right now, you don't know what you did to have this happen to you right?" There was a sniffle and a choked sob coming from him. "Your wife left you. Can you explain to me why you're doing this to the school?" Gibbs points for everyone to follow him to where the phone is at. Grandpa and Bishop stayed back with me.
"She works here, I wanted to ruin her like how she ruined me! She moved on with Wallace--WE'RE STILL MARRIED!" 
"That's terrible, she deserves it doesn't she?"
"Not just her! Wallace told me that we're always going to be there for each other--that's what serving together does to people. But there he is with my wife!"
"He's a backstabber. So the only way you could get back at him is by doing the same thing he did to you? That's very noble of you Aaron."
"You think so?" He sighed. I looked at grandpa, this man is having a psychotic break, his wife leaving him made something in him snap and he can't take life anymore. It isn't a typical break but there was enough to recognize it. "I don't want to live anymore..."
"Aaron we can get you help, just stay on the phone with me." He sniffles again and I sigh. My feet were starting to slowly kill me. From the other end, I hear Gibbs and his team enter the room. He was yelling about how he didn't want to go with them. I sigh and hung up the phone.
"Good job kid, " Grandpa said with arms open. I happily hug him. "If I would've known that you were coming home, I would've had a guest room ready for you."
"As tempting as that is, I think I'd pass." He chuckles and lets go of me. The team and Aaron Jimmers come out soon enough and my dad came storming at me.
"I thought you were in California!" He said in a scolding tone.
"It's a long story I don't understand at the moment. The moment I do, I'll let you know." He nods and hugs me. JJ than comes over and scolds me on standing for so long, that I should be sitting down.
"Krista?" I look away from JJ and see Lucus walking towards me. I smile at my brother and waddle over to him.
"Are you hurt? Do you need to see a doctor?" He shakes his head and leans his head onto my shoulder. "Do you want to go to grandpa's house and watch a movie?" He nods.
"Oh, so now you want to come over!" Grandpa said. Lucas laughed and I led him over to the paramedic. Physically there weren't terrible injuries, a bruise or two, but there's probably a mental scar. Something like this will always remain with someone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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