Chapter 16

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     I wake up and I find I'm in a car. I check my person yo make sure I have my stuff, that I'm not in a dream. I find I'm awake and I have everything, not only that but I have my gun. I start looking around the car and I don't recognize it, I try looking for any signs of identification of the person driving, nothing. "Ah, you're awake now! I was worried you were a goner." The person driving said.
"What do you want from me?" I ask forcibly.
"Nothing, why would you assume thay?"
"I was knocked out and now I'm in a car."
"That is somewhat true, you are in a car but you weren't knocked out, you fainted."
"Why'd I do that?"
"Not sure but just in case I left a bucket back there if you were to vomit."
"Thanks, but why am I here?"
"Really Krista? Do you really think that I'm kidnapping you right now?" The person stopped at a red light and turned around.
"Oh, it's you, ok." I look down at my hands, kinda disappointed in myself that I would ever think of that.
"Do you want me to call Hank for you? Tell him what happened?"
"No, I'm good. I don't want to worry him right now."
"You're his wife, he'll worry about you eventually."
"Already does, his father is Derek Morgan, the King of worrying."
"I thought it was the King of drama?"
"That too. Sam, how'd you know I was at there?"
"I was going to pick you up since we have a case, but now I'm taking you home."
"You don't have to do that Sam, I'm fine." He starts shaking his head chuckling.
"No you are not, Krista you fainted twice."
"I did?" I was completely confused by what he was saying at that point, why'd would I faint?
"Yes, the first time you thought I was abducting you, you woke up a second after you hit the ground. The second time was in the car, you threw up in the bucket--that I threw out by the way, and passed out again."
"Why is this happening?"
"When's the last time you had water?"
"Now? 20 minutes ago." Sam grabs something from next to him and hands it to me.
"Better safe than sorry, I want that water gone by the time we get to your house."
"Thanks Sam, I really appreciate it." He looks in the mirror and winks at me, I smile and open the water.
By the time we get to my house my waters gone and I'm feeling a bit better, not great but oh well.
"Rest, you better be feeling better in a few days." He pointed a finger at me.
"Aye aye sir!" I get out and go inside, realizing that a nap would actually be amazing. 
      I ended up actually taking a nap, but only woke up when Hank had gotten home.
"How are you doing?" Hank asked me 
"Better now." I sigh.
"Now? Were you not before?" I told him what happened earlier today and started making dinner. "Baby you should've called me."
"Well than you would've come home and you didn't need to."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Of course."
"Can you at least go to an express care?"
"Will that make you feel better?"
"Yes, I just want to make sure you're ok."
"You worry too much."
"I do not! Baby, you passed out twice, that's not normal." He came over to me and hugged me.
"Ok, well Hank if I come back and I'm fine, I'll call you the Giant Worrying Hank."
"You do that." He went off to the bedroom and changed as I continued to make dinner.
     The next day I was feeling horrible. On my way to the doctors office I got a call from aunt Joy and invited me over for lunch, after telling her about going to the doctor we decided that I'll go after.
"Krista Morgan." The nurse called. I make my way over to the nurse and she led me to the examining room.
"So Mrs Morgan, what's going on?" The doctor asked. 
"Good question, I have no idea. Yesterday I passed out twice, had water and a nap and felt great afterwards."
"How are you feeling today?"
"I woke up feeling a bit nauseated but overall I'm feeling alright."
"Ok, well I'm going to run a couple tests."
"Fine." The nurse drew some blood and had to also do urine tests.
After awhile of waiting she came back into the room with the results.
"Well we know what's going on.."
"Nothing bad? Do you mind if I take a look?" She looked hesitant at first but still handed it to me. Reading through the results, I see the third test ran and I had to read through that a few times. "Are you sure this is correct?"
"Thank you, do I need to schedule a follow up with my doctor?"
"That would be best, good luck Mrs Morgan." I smile at her and leave to go to Joy's house.
     When I arrived I decided I wasn't going to say anything to her, I was going to just have lunch with her and leave. I still had to figure out how to tell Hank what happened today, that was surprising the hardest part yet. Anyways, Joy made us spaghetti for lunch, giving me ideas for telling Hank. "Krista, you seem a bit distracted." Joy said eyeing me suspiciously.
"I'm just thinking." I say.
"Doctors office today."
"Anything to worry about?"
"Not sure yet, it could go one of two ways."
"Let me know if I could do anything to help." I nod, not thinking much of it till I see the container of pasta sauce sitting on the counter.
"Actually, can I have that pasta sauce? Maybe borrow your printer as well?"
"Of course, do you need help?"
"Can you use photo-shop?"
"I've used it a few times...why?"
"You'll see." We start to work on the project presented to us.
     Hours after the project Joy and I took on, I was home preparing for Hank to get home. I had as well prepared spaghetti for dinner as well, all just to tell Hank about today.
"Baby I'm home." I heard Hank call out.
"Kitchen." I call back. He comes in and kisses me 
"What's for dinner?"
"Spaghetti, noodles are almost done, I still need to heat the sauce up."
"Are you asking me to do it?" I nod.
"I really need to go to the bathroom." He nods and I head in the direction of the bathroom, but I hide behind the wall. After a few minutes I walk back over and see Hank just staring at the jar of pasta sauce. "Hank, Baby? Are you ok?"
"I think I'm reading this wrong, Kris do you see what I see?" He shows me the jar and it reads 'Prego: your wife instead of 'Prego: meat'.
"I see it too." He suddenly broke out into a huge grin and hugs me tight.
"Kris, I'm going to be a dad!"
"You're the Giant Worrying Hank, I told you it wasn't going to be a bad thing."

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