Chapter 27

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I hate that they made me leave in the middle of a case. A confusing one at that. However, apparently, I'm needed in Virginia immediately, so I had to drop the case. It makes zero sense why they only need me if they need help, why not get the whole team? I don't know.

As I got off my plane, I looked around to see if there would be an agent waiting for me. But after fifteen minutes baby Morgan wasn't too happy about the wait so I flagged down a cab. Which wasn't hard, apparently being pregnant is a priority, and that means that I get special treatment. Not complaining.

I arrive at the NCIS headquarters and stop at the reception desk. I tell them my name and state why I'm here. They hand me a visitor's badge and give me directions to Director Vance's office. I step in the elevator and press the floor. As the door was about to close, a hand blocked it and they walked in.
"What floor?" I ask. They glance at me and smile.
"Same as you, " she said, "what are you doing here today?"
"I'm not sure yet, I just got that I needed to come immediately." She sighs and shakes her head. The elevator dings and we walk out. The receptionist said right from the elevator go past the cubicles, turn left and up the steps. I head that way but as I pass the cubicles, I see a group of four people looking at a screen, the girl from the elevator leaning against a desk. I look at the screen and listen to what they were saying.
"...if that's possible, how did he walk from point A to point B with a bullet wound through an artery?" One of them asked.
"He probably used his finger to stop the bleeding. With enough pressure, he would be able to make it to that destination, " I say causing them to turn to me. They look at each other confused.
"Can I help you with something ma'am?" The older one asked. He was holding a cup of coffee and by the look, he was giving me, this would be his third cup. His haircut and posture said the military. Couldn't be over sixty-five, so because of his high-stress job- "ma'am?"
"Oh yes, I was told the general direction of Director Vance's office, but I was wondering where to go from the top of the stairs." He nods and motions for one of the other agents to take me. The female from the elevator volunteers and leads me up the stairs.
"I'm Jack, " she shakes my hand, "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself in the elevator, my heads kinda everywhere." I chuckle.
"I know the feeling, I'm Krista Morgan." She opens a door and a lady was sitting at a desk.
"Oh hi Jack, does Leon-" the Director's assistant started. The door opened and Leon stepped out.
"Agent Morgan?" He shakes my hand and gives me a strange look. He motions me into his office and I follow. I feel my feet start to ache, and without asking first I sat on a chair in front of his desk.
"Director, I must say I was confused about why I was asked to come. I'd think that if one of you're teams needed help with a case, you wouldn't just ask for me here." He and Jack looked at each other before he crossed his arms and leaned against his desk.

He didn't know.

I wasn't asked to come here. They lied to me.
"Agent Morgan, I have no idea what you're talking about."
"I was told by my superior that I was asked to come to Virginia to aide on a case as soon as possible. But I guess there's either a problem or a mix-up."
"We're in a sticky situation then, because I doubt Gibbs will allow you to consult." I glance down.
"I don't think so Leon, " Jack said shaking her head, "I could tell she has extensive knowledge in-"
"I'm aware, Jack." She nods and Director Vance asks his receptionist to have Gibbs come up to his office. He dismissed Jack and with hesitation, she left.
"I'm curious about how this happened," Vance said.
"As am I. I'm not sure, I thought I knew my team by now, but I guess I was wrong." He nods.
The man from earlier walked through the door and angrily asked, "what the hell Leon! I'm working a case!" Vance sighs and I chuckle.
"This is agent Morgan," I stand, "she's from Callen's team in LA." I shake Gibbs' hand and sit back down.
"And that's important why?" Vance and I glance at each other and I sigh.
"Well, she's a profiler and agent Morgan is going to be consulting on your case." He looks at me and I smile.
"Fine, whatever." I stand and say goodbye to Vance before following Gibbs down the stairs.
"...I bet it's about that agent that came through! I wonder why Vance-"
"Enough!" Gibbs said cutting off their gossip. I smile at them. "Tell me what you got." They look at each other and at me.
"Nothing new from the five minutes you were gone, " the taller, rounder man stated.
"Don't sass me, McGee!" Gibbs exclaimed. He's one angry man.
"Sorry boss," I smirk, their relationship reminding me of my brother and dad's relationship. The three agents kept looking at me, expecting my presence to be explained, however never asked.
"Sorry about the comment earlier, I didn't mean to listen in but I figured I could help," I said putting the extra sweet smile on. The blonde female agent smiled.
"Do you have medical experience?" McGee asked.
"I worked at a private pathologist during summer break when I was in college and a year after. I had to get away from the family, didn't happen but wasn't here."
"I have so many questions..." The other agent said. He had muscles but not Sam or Hank level muscle.
"Keep them to yourself, Torres, " Gibbs said. "By the way, this is agent Morgan." His phone beeps and he starts walking towards the elevator, I follow.
"Can you tell me a little bit about the case agent, Gibbs?" I ask in hopes that he'll give me something. He stopped the elevator and turned to me.
"Private Gregory Wallace was stabbed in the back, severing the spinal cord. He was found in-"
"As important as that is, I'm more interested in what didn't happen and what wasn't there."
"For what reason?"
"My gut is telling me there was something missing."
"He was found in a butcher dumpster. We don't have a weapon, Kasey ran the blood in the dumpster to see if any of it was the victims." I nod. He presses a button and the elevator moves.

The door opened and I followed Gibbs out into the hallway, and into the lab. There was a woman frantically walking around the lab. Her breathing was faster then it should be, pulse going, she wiped her hand on her side and kept reaching to scratch her head but waves her hand and puts it back down. She looks at the clock then Gibbs announces he's there. She breathes out and visibly relaxes. "Thank goodness your here!" She exclaimed.
"Whatchya got Kase?" He asked sipping his coffee. She goes over to the computer and pulled up a picture.
"The fingerprint Jimmy found on the body, matched to this guy! Mr. Aaron Jimmers. This guy has been to-" her computer chimed. She pulled up a news report. "Ah, I forgot I had that going!"
"What is it?" I ask. She turns and looks at me.
"I don't know you," Gibbs gave her a look, "anyways, I was running his name and face to see if it would show up. Usually, I don't get anything but clearly..."
"Why is he on the news?"
"Uh," she looked through the feed, "oh no."
I look over her shoulder and I pale. He's involved in a school shooting at a college. Not just any college though, no it's the very one Lucas goes to. I say nothing, knowing I'll be removed if I say something.
"This case just got a hell a lot more interesting," Gibbs said walking out.
"You could say that."

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