Chapter 10

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     I woke up the next morning with a stiff neck. "That's what I get for sleeping on the floor." I mumbled to myself. I got up and went to the kitchen, I was surprised to find most of the kitchen put together. I looked to find the one thing I made sure we had with us, coffee beans. I finally found them and pulled the coffee grinder, then coffee machine. Once the coffee started brewing I went to go change for the day. I stood there looking at my wardrobe, to be honest I didn't want to wear pants, so I just went with a gray tank top and skinny jeans. I was in one of the lazy moods, so not much was done to my hair, the most I probably did was mascara, blush, and a natural lipstick. It was just one of those moods.
I walk back into the kitchen and see Callen getting himself some coffee. "Well I didn't expect you to be here-mainly in the kitchen." I said taking my coffee, and holding it close to me.
"I'm not going to take your coffee, but I will take you to work." He said sipping his coffee.
"I have a small problem with coffee ok. When you grow up with a group of people that basically live off coffee, you develop a problem or two."
"I can see that, but let's go."
"Ok." I refilled my coffee and was on my way.
We were in the car and there was a case file on the seat. "Can I take this?" I asked Callen.
"Ya, sure. What do you think about the case?" He asked.
"Well I can't say much till I see the crime scene photos. There's something in me telling me that there's a reason why she's in the basement."
"That's what we thought." I started looking deeper and found a few of the pictures
"Oh, ok, there's a few in here." I studied them a bit and noticed that there was something missing on the shelf by her head.
"I'm guessing you guys noticed this right?"
"Noticed what?"
"There's something missing on the shelf, I don't know what but it was something."
"Hold on one second." He pulled over and I showed him the picture.
"The killer probably killed her for it."
"It's possible but it was out in the open, if it was that important than it would be hidden."
"I know, but what if it was important to them?"
"That would make sense. Random question, did you ever tag along on a case with your dad?"
"Yup, junior year in the academy. I had to stay close to Emily, or my dad, there was no way they were going to let me with anyone else. I could've easily gone with JJ or my grandpa, but I was under Emily's supervision." By the time I finish we arrived.
"We're here."
"Ok, lets go." We walked in and I followed Callen to where we needed to go. We walked in and I saw an almost empty desk, I got closer and it had my name on it. "I got a desk?" I asked truly surprised.
"Nope, it's for another Krista Morgan." Kensi said playfully.
"Ha ha, thanks." I said sarcastically.
"It was nothing really."
"Where's the crime scene pictures?"
"Follow me." I went with Kensi to a room with a bunch of computers and screens, and there stood Mel and Eric."Hey guys, Krista would like to see the the crime scene pictures."
"Ok, any of them you want to see in particular?" Mel asked.
"Actually, do we have one from after the body was removed, but still the same location?" She looked at me for a moment then pulled it up. "Oh I was thinking I wasn't going to make sense, ok then." I look at it the picture and ask if they could zoom in on the spot I pointed to them. "Most likely they had the object there for a month or so, and from what I read she came home a month ago."
"She must've gotten it and left it on the shelf in her basement." Eric said.
"No big deal right? Whatever it was, the killer wanted it. It probably was in a box, if it was just that one thing in the open he would've come earlier."
"What do you mean?" Kensi asked.
"She has been home for a month, he had plenty of time to come get it and kill her."
"What if our killer just got home? Like what if he just came back from a tour?"
"That would make sense-Eric can you bring up the picture of the body?" He pulled it up and I pointed to the gunshot. "In that angle he would be standing up-Kensi do you might sitting on the ground?"
"That's fine, do I lean up against something?" I nodded, she sat down and I pretended I was the killer, Kensi the victim. "Ok, so you're not sure yet what he wants with you so you keep asking."
"He's tired of hearing it, he tells her to shut up, and she does."
"I find what I'm looking for, I take it, shoot her, it's a clean shot." I pretended that my two fingers were a gun and 'shot' Kensi. "I make a run for it, leaving her there, dead. I have what I need, but soon realized that she was an army buddy and he just killed her."
"Is it possible that he made a 911 call, but never said anything?"
"That would actually make sense."
"We should go tell them." We thanked Eric and Mel, and went downstairs to everyone else. We told them the theory and they completely agreed.
"Well we should find out who she was closest to while she was gone." Callen said.
"We should also go back to the crime scene, I think he accentually left some DNA." I said.
"Krista, Mel, crime scene;Kensi, Deeks, go talk to the family again-in the boathouse; Sam and I will go to her base." We all nodded and I went up to get Mel. Once I got her we went to the victims house.

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