Chapter 13

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       The next day at work, Emily and Penelope came with me since they didn't know what else to do. The first thing I do is go up to see Eric and Mel. "I'm thinking that we need to find out who else is in that picture-the three guys standing around our vic." I said walking in there, than noticing that Penelope followed me.
"Already got ID's on them. Jay Garrett, Harold Mister, Jacob Taylor-" Eric started.
"By any chance is the guy Andrew Lowell?" Penelope asked.
"Ya-how did you know?"
"Their names came up in a case once, Lowell was out of the country for the case." Eric started typing and stuff started popping up on his screen.
"He was on a mission, sealed file. Going back in his history there also is a time gap."
"Oh, I can unseal that file for you and he was arrested, mother slept with the sheriff to seal the files, she wanted her son to continue in the navy. Victim wasn't happy that he was being released, long story short she didn't make it home after the news." Penelope said.
"I can unseal them, but I will still let you because I would love to see you work."
"Oooo, special treatment, this hasn't happened in a long time." I just huffed and rolled my eyes. "Hey it hasn't happened since my Chocolate Thunder was on the team!" She said as she started unsealing the file.
"Whatever you say Penny!"I say as Eric stared at me in confusion. "Long, long story." After a a few moments she announced that it was unsealed.
"I'm impressed." Eric said simply looking at the ground.
"Don't look to sad there Mr. Eric man, you're pretty good with your fingers on the keyboard."
"You're truly a Tech Goddess, I must say!" Mel said.
"Well thanks, you guys are just to nice." Penelope said taking in all the attention."You're so cute too, gosh those kids would be so smart and so darn cute!"
"Kids? Kids-check that file, I think I know what's on it." Mel looked over at the screen and started reading it aloud.
"Tomas Chad Jemmerson, born June 15, 2006. Mother Jessica Walsh, father unknown. The baby was put up for adoption, born in a hospital six city's over." She stoped it there, I don't think the weight and the rest was needed.
"Ok, thank you guys." I say rushing out. Hahahaha I have a theory! Hahaha the profile changed completely! I thought to myself. Once I got downstairs I began to fast,"Ok so this whole time we thought that it's about the trophy...I don't think that's true, we got something that is beyond worth!"
"First, what is it? Second, slow it down." Sam said.
"Fine, well Garcia unsealed a file for us, it was a birth certificate for her son-not her husbands', father is declared unknown." I say.
"Maybe one of her kids became friends with him and the mother had to tell the husband before he finds out on his own, he gets angry and kills her." Kensi says.
"It would make sense since he is taller and he made up the story about how she got the scar." Deeks said.
"But why the basement? Why sell the trophy?" I say voicing my thoughts.
"What if they had people over, they needed undisturbed privacy." Emily said.
"But why than? When people were there."
"Maybe the kid put up for adoption was there?" Sam suggested.
"I think you need to get an idea of what happened here, so explain what might have happened than we can figure out our next step." Emily suggested as well.
"Alright so, the kid was there maybe in one of the other kids rooms. Husband started noticing certain things about the kid that reminds him of the one feature that all the kids have in common. He points it out to the vic, and she pulls him down to the basement to talk to him about it.
Things go south and reach for a gun that could be near by, shoots her and figures out a cover." Sam said.
"I like that but what if the kid fathers name is on the trophy?" I suggest. "Hides it till he figures out what to do with it, finally figures out what to do and sells it at that pawn shop."
"That's good, now what does that say about this unsub?" Emily questions.
"Unsub...isn't that a type of fancy sandwich?" Deeks asked.
"No it is not, an unsub is an unknown subject of an investigation." I say.
"Oh, he killed in the moment-with anger maybe sadness?"
"Let's be real here I think I'd be pretty angry if I found out that my wife had a kid that wasn't mine. Maybe not enough to kill her but maybe the stuff I'll say I'd be sleeping on the couch for awhile." Deeks shared.
"What if he's going after the father next?" Kensi asked.
"That would be logical, his wife cheated on him with one of her buddy's, he eliminates his wife then when he finds out who the father was he goes after them next-well kills them since he was stupid." I point out.
"Did you just say it was logical?" Callen asked.
"Well-uh-speaking from a marriage point of view. You'd be surprised in high school I basically had to fight the girls off Hank, but he also had to fight the guys off me in college....that was great-thankfully he didn't go there he would've been suspended." I said rambling.
"Warning she gets rambling from her father!" Emily said, I glare at her.
"Noted, we need to bring him in. We should also bring that kid in." Callen said.
"His name is Thomas Chad Jemmerson, you should learn these things Callen!" I say.
"We'll bring him in with his parents, we can't talk to him with out them." I nod and we all split up to get the few people we need to for questioning.

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