Chapter 1

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**10 years later**
*Krista's POV*
I've been bullied in school most of my life, just because I'm different from the rest of my class. Since my moms death my dad's been taking care of Lucas and I with his team. I'm now in high school, right outside Quantico.
I walked into lunch early (like everyday), but today the 'mean girls' were there early. "Hey, it's Krista the geek!" The leader of the group, Daisy said walking over to me.
"What do you want?" I said oddly confident.
"Oo, someone's wanting to look tough!"
"Well, my aunt has been training me in boxing so it's a given confidence boost."
"Boxing? You can't even run a mile without passing out. You wish you as athletic as me!"
"Actually I don't want to be anything like you. By the way you're talking to me right now I can tell there's something going on at home, you're hurting, you take that pain and put it on everyone else." She looked at me for a moment.
"H-how do you know that?"
"My parents work for the FBI, my whole family does."
"I thought your mommy died?" Just then a familiar face walked in, I didn't know where but I knew it. Daisy looked at him and started drooling. He was tall, and buff for his age. He almost reminded me of my Uncle Derek. "Hi, I'm Daisy. Do you want to go out sometime?" She asked him.
"I'm good." He said.
"What grade are you in?"
"Sophomore, I'm guessing you're freshman."
"Ya." He looked at me and squinted his eyes at me.
"I know you." My face went red, I didn't know why but it did.
"I-I don't know, y-you l-look familiar as well." I said stuttering. A smile spread across his face and hugged me.
"I know now, Krista Reid. It's been too long." HOW DOES HE KNOW MY NAME?
"How do you know my name?"
"You don't recognize me? Kris, it's Hank, Hank Spencer Morgan!" I smiled and hugged him again. I looked over his shoulder and saw Daisy and her friends giving me the death stare. I'm dead.
"Hank, I think I saw you last when I was 5."
"Same, what ya' been up to?"
"Nothing much, you? How's Uncle Morgan?"
"You still call him that? I stopped calling your dad Uncle Spencer for a long time."
"I still call them all aunt or uncle, I don't care they're family to me."
"I don't remember them all that much anymore."
"You should come over some day and we can go to the BAU, or you guys can come over for dinner one night."
"Sounds good." Just then I felt someone's face by my face. I look over and see Daisy's sidekick May.
"If I were you I'd stay away from him or we'll release some information about your grandma or the fact that you have your dad do your homework for you-better yet why not mention both." She whispered to me, my eyes went wide. I knew what she was talking about, frankly they can revel whatever they want, all I know is that this is an old friend that just started coming to my school. The bell rang and that was my cue that I should go to class.
"Hey, can you help me find my next class?" Hank asked. I nodded, and looked at his schedule.
"We have most of the same afternoon classes, the only difference is the fact that they are next to each other."
"Great, I get to see you more." He said with a wink.
"Ugh, you're just like your dad!"
"You'd be surprised how much I get that."
"I wouldn't." We laughed and continued with our day.
After school I met up with Henry and Hank, and sat on the bench waiting for our rides.
"Hey Krista who's this?" Henry asked looking at Hank.
"Henry, do you remember Uncle Morgan?" I asked.
"Well duh, how can I not!"
"Good point, but this is Hank." He and Hank stood up and 'bro hugged'."So you guys are trying to be cool?"
"I don't need to try." They both said at the same time. We all broke out laughing till Daisy and her 'squad' walked up.
"Hank, do you want to hang out with the cool kids?" Daisy asked flirtatiously.
"I am, I'm hanging out with the FBI children." He said with a famous Derek Morgan smile.
"Why do you two like her? She's just has a dork as a dad, and her mom dead! MY PARENTS ARE RICH AND IM ACTUALLY COOL! WHAT DO YOU SEE IN HER?"
"What's her dad's name? Do you at least know that?" He sounded almost defensive.
"You know what my full name is? Hank Spencer Morgan, he's like my pops little brother. If you offend her, you offend me and I'm highly offended!"
"Oh and he's my godfather, and the reason I'm in honors classes." I nodded my head as well. She looked at them for a moment and I was shocked at what they just said, I don't know Hank as much anymore but he's acting like we haven't lost touch at all.
"I'm sorry, I won't bother you again." She said in a low voice. Henry and I looked at each other for a moment in awe. What. Just. Happened? I thought.
"Hank, you don't even know how many times I've tried to make her stop. I've tried my hardest to keep Krista safe from them but it never worked. You just made her back off, and this is your first day!" Henry said.
"My dad taught me a thing or two. Wise words you said, but she might come to you for homework help."
"If she does, I'll point her in the direction of the internet, I heard they have some good info for homework." We laughed and then I saw JJ pull up, I smiled at the sight of her smiling back at us. "Hey, don't tell them yet. We should surprise them."
"I couldn't agree more, I'll see you later. Henry, my dad texted me that we might be sleeping in your moms office." He nodded and we both gave Hank a hug before we got in the car. I sat in the front and JJ gave me a confused look.
"Ok, what was that?" She asked with a laugh.
"Old friend, I haven't seen him since elementary, not to mention he just saved me from getting bullied."
"That's it, he and his family is coming to dinner with the team soon."
"That's exactly what I told him."
"Come on, let's get coffee before we stay at work the rest of the night."
"Fun." JJ and I have always had this connection that I can only explain as if she was my motherly figure for most of my life. The past 10 years it's been like she's my mother and best friend, her and Emily for that matter as well. My dad has always told me that Lucas and I are his reminder of my mom, that I have a similar personality to her and Lucas has her eyes and nose.
As soon as I got there I saw my dad sitting at his desk deep in thought. I ran up and jumped in the extra chair at his desk(normally for me), and that snapped him out of thought. "Hi Honey, how was school?" He asked.
"Well, those girls most definitely aren't going to give me problems again!" I said with I smile, I could tell he thought the worst.
"What'd you do?"
"What do you mean? I would never hurt someone....bad."
"You're just like your mother."
"Really? Anyways, the new guy basically told them to back off. She tried asking him out, he said no and I showed him around. Dad he's like 4 in. taller than me!"
"Krista, do you like him?"
"Dad, first off, why would I talk to you about that? Second, I just met him!"
"Well your mother and I basically-"
"Dad, her diary says otherwise."
"I didn't know she had a diary."
"She kept it in that one coat that was to small for her, but still kept it so you can't find the diary."
"She didn't want me to find it?"
"No, she didn't. It was just because it was for me, she wanted it so I could be the only one to find it."
"Sounds like her." It was quiet for a second till Lucas came running in with Michael. I took out my phone and opened a new chat, with a person I haven't talked to in awhile....Uncle Morgan.
(Krista-K, Morgan-M)
K- Hey, we haven't talked in awhile, let alone see each other. Uncle Morgan, do you want to meet me tonight for dinner and catch up?
It took a minute or two before he responded.
M- Kiddo, it's been to long! I would love too, you want me to bring the fam?
K- Not tonight, but soon. I would like some time with you first!
M- No problem, let that dad of yours know and meet me at our favorite Italian restaurant down the street from the BAU!
K- How'd you know I was here?
M- The one that knows all!
K- Oh, it's Aunt Penelope!
M- Still in touch with that beauty!
K- See you soon!
M- Love you kid
K- Love you too
I set my phone down and told my dad that I'll be meeting him for dinner soon, of course he said that it's fine. I had about an hour before I had to make my way down so I went to Aunt Penelope's office.
I got there and she was just sitting there playing around with a picture on her desk. "Aunt Penelope?" I said in the door frame. She put the picture down and pointed all her attention to me.
"What is it sweetheart?" She said, I could tell she was crying.
"What's wrong?" I moved closer to her and saw the picture. It was when the whole team went to a carnival, Savannah was on Morgans back, mom was on dad's, Penelope hugging grandpa, and Hotch most've taken the picture. "Is it this?" She nodded.
"This time and today, 10 years ago your momma was in here, standing right where you are, pregnant with your brother."
"C-can we not talk about this? I-I'm going to dinner soon with Uncle Morgan." Her face lite up and took my phone from me and took a selfie, just like the one I used to see at his house all the time.
"That was so he can have an updated version of the picture."
"Thanks, I was going to talk to you. You can't tell anyone!"
"I promise, now I need the details!"
"Hank goes to my school now, he's like 4 in. taller than me, and I can tell that he and Uncle Morgan work out together."
"Hank? As in Hank Spencer Morgan?"
"Yes! Aunt Penelope, he stopped those girls from bullying me again. You need to make sure they don't find out who he is, I need this to be a surprise!"
"Your secret is safe with me! So tell me, is he cute?"
"You'll see, we just need to set up this dinner."
"Ok, talk to Rossi about that, see if it could be at his house."
"Thank you, I got to go. Love you!"
"Love you too sweetheart." I left and went down the street to our favorite Italian restaurant.

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