Chapter 14

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By the time I pull into the driveway of the Jemmersons with Mel, I notice that Mr. Walsh's car in the driveway. I dial Callens number and inform him that he's here and assumed he isn't over to have a chat. "Wait for the rest of us to come, I don't want to lose you on your first day!" He said almost like a joke.
"Don't plan on it, I'll stay here." I say. He hangs up and we keep watch on the house till they come. 5 minutes later there was movement inside and my phone starts ringing. "Krista Morgan."
"Well I know who you are, you just need to get out of your car and come inside with your friend." The other person said on the other side.
"Who is this?"
"You know who I am, but you need to save this family, because you can't save mine." He hung up.
"Mel, call Callen. Tell him they need to get here and get here now, I need to call Eric and Garcia to get an id on the caller."
"No need, it was Mr. Walsh." Mel said as we look over to the house and there he was standing in the window with a phone in his hand. The curtains shut right after I turn my head.
"Great, he has my number." No more than 35 seconds later everyone arrives. We rush out of the car and start heading inside. I quickly walk up to the side door with Mel, Sam and Callen go through the back, and Kensi and Deeks go through the front. On Sams count we head in. Mel and I were walking through the dining room and I mutter 'clear', when we enter the kitchen there is Mr Walsh with a little boy at gunpoint."I'm special agent Morgan and this is agent Jones, I need you to put your gun down." I say
"Why would she do this to me? Why would the love of my life have an affair with me? I was a good husband, I treated her right-I doubt the man she slept with wanted nothing to do with her after." Mr Walsh rambled
"Mr Walsh, we can work this out, let the boy go." I say trying to reason with him.
"No, he ruined my marriage." Ok this is not working, he isn't going to give the kid up since he's just an innocent little boy.
"I know isn't it ridiculous that you gave your wife everything, you gave her a marriage, a family, but she still went off and slept with someone on her base? She didn't deserve you, you didn't deserve being treated like that." He starts crying, but he doesn't move the gun from the boys head.
"I didn't, she was my everything. Why couldn't she just be happy with what I gave her?"
"I would think that she would appreciate you protecting the boy not putting him is danger."
"Mr Walsh, if no one receives kindness how can they give it to others?" He starts crying harder and he slowly pulls the gun off the Thomas' head. I open my arms for him to come to me, it took Thomas a second to realize what I'm doing but then sprinted into my arms. I pick the small boy up and bring him outside where Kensi and Deeks were standing with the parents. I put him down and watch him as he runs into his mother's arms, while the dad hugs his wife and son.
"You did good in there, how'd you know he wasn't going to listen if you didn't make him think that you were on his side?" Kensi asked.
"After my mom died she left me a few things, one of them is a journal of her past cases. She said in there things to look for in a case, behavioral things, and what's going to work in certain situations and what isn't." I say fiddling with my necklace.
"Wow, it's like she knew that you'd take on this profession."
"I know right!" I laugh than Callen and Sam come out with Mr Walsh and put him in the back of the car.
"You guys did good, go home you deserve it. We can do paperwork tomorrow." Callen said. Thankfully it's 7:45pm and Hank should be home with Emily and Penelope.
I get home and see that they already made dinner and they're waiting for me. "Hey, you don't start eating till I'm home, it should be a fact about right now." I say dropping bag on the counter.
"Don't worry, we know. How was your day?"
"Well we caught the killer, the husband. When we got to the Jemmerson household Mr Walsh was there, he called my personal number and when we went in he had a gun to Thomas' head. I was able to talk him down and not kill the boy but now the Walsh kids won't have parents present, yes they will be living with their aunt and uncle but it's just not the same you know?" Emily and Penelope look at each other, than at Hank, and back at me. "What?"
"Honey, are you ok?" Hank asked standing up to come over to me.
"I just feel bad for the kids, that's all."
"Krista, how'd you get him to lower the gun?" Emily asked.
"I remember reading in my moms journal a guy like him, and decided that it might be best and make it sound like it was his wife's fault." It was silent for a moment than I heard my stomach growl.
"On that note, sit and eat, I can't have my favorite person starve to death, either of you!" Penelope says sternly.
"Dont have to tell me twice!"
"So when am I getting more baby Morgans?" She sounded like we were married for 2 years and there still is no baby.
"Penelope, I can assure you we have no idea." Hank said taking my hand. She sat there pouting. Emily's phone started ringing and if I remember correctly, I should pack up dinner and some breakfast for them for their flight back to Quantico for the case.
"Sorry guys, duty calls." Emily says.
"That's fine, I'll get you some food for the road." I said standing up.
"Thanks for having us Sugarpee." Penelope said hugging me.
"No problem, you fuss are always welcome here." Emily gave me a hug they went on their way to the airport.

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