Chapter 5

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When I woke up, I was expecting to wake up in the car, but I was in a bed. One of the Morgan's carried me in here. I get up and look around, till I stumble into the living room and see everyone. Lucas came over and hugged me. "Kirsta, where were you 2 nights ago?" He asked me. I looked down at the boy, truly curious about where I was.
"I was with Uncle Morgan, I had to ask for some help on a few things." I said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I looked up to my dad, who was signaling to me that we need to talk. "Hey bud, why don't you go on the computer over there and watch something."
"I don't have earbuds." I handed him mine and watched him go over to the computer. I sat down on the couch next to Hank, with Uncle Morgan on the love-seat, and my dad in the chair. Hank placed his hand on mine, and I gave him a small smile. Uncle Morgan gave me a look like I need to say something. "When were you going to tell me that you and Hank went to school together?" My dad asked.
"When we all go out to dinner." I said with a smile.
"Really? I would've loved to know that you two can be friends again." Hank and I look at each other.
"Riigghtttt-but to be serious now. Dad, do remember the one time when you and mom were picking me up and she brought me that stuffed moose from Maine."
"Yes, of course. You wouldn't let that stuffed animal out of your sight, and when she couldn't go anywhere without it." He said with a frown.
"Dad, I looked at her case files-the files from when she died."
"What? Why would you do that? Where did you find them?"
"I found them on your nightstand, and I did that for the reason that it just didn't feel like an accident."
"But it was."
"I think otherwise. Dad the car aimed directly towards the drivers side, Lucas or I never got hurt and she had severe injuries. You can tell me that she wasn't murdered but I was there I witnessed it." I started crying and Hank was there comforting me, and my dad didn't say anything for a bit. "I just thought telling you what's been bothering me all these years."
"Krista, I haven't noticed something wrong with you all these years. If you would've told me sooner we could've fixed it, but now we can see if another team can find this guy."
"Dad, it's Daisy's dad, I know it. Ever since that car side, I came up with a crazy idea of why she's mean to me."
"What if her dad tells her to be mean to me because he knows that I'm his victims daughter, and he wants to push me over the edge."
"What do you mean 'over the edge'?"
"She always picks on me saying that I don't have a family, my moms dead, and she always threatens that she'll tell the whole school what Grandma did."
"Moms side?"
"Ya, but I don't care enough to do anything with that."
"Um, we should get some dinner, thank you for telling me."
"Love you."
"I love you too." I get up and hug my dad and then I'm guessing it was both the Morgan's joining as well because I felt someone poke my side. I jumped and made me fall back, bringing someone with me.
"Mother like daughter." Uncle Morgan said laughing. Wait if he's up there laughing at me, and my dad is in front of me. I get up and sit on the couch.
"I'm sorry, whoever did that is gonna pay." I said in a little kid tone.
"You're going to make yourself pay?"
"No! I know it was you who poked me."
"Ha, I would never."
"What did you call me little girl?"
"I'm totally a little girl if I was on my period!" He stopped and just kinda looked at me. "That what I thought!" I started laughing walking off in the kitchen, and felt the awkwardness leave the room with me.
I start making dinner for everyone, and eventually Hank came to help. "So, what are we making." Hank said from behind me.
"From what I see in the fridge and the freezer, we do not have any meat. I know you guys are going to die, but you're gonna need to die for a moment while you eat a salad." I stiffly turned to him and laughed.
"But, not cool bro."
"Well then you don't get dinner, you get to starve-and I am not your bro!"
"But when I'm with you, you're all I need." I start blushing and awkwardly hit him in the arm, and started making dinner.
"You know, I would really say something but I was told 'if you have something mean to say, say it in your head. But if you're going to be like your dad, don't even try and flirt.' So ya, it's a mixture between them both."
"Who told you that?"
"Never guess."
"Your mom?"
"Uncle 'I think I know everything' Morgan."
"Nice, never heard that one."
"Thanks, just thought of it." I said flipping my hair.
"Heh, you're so cute."
"Heh, you're so annoying."
"You know I can pick you up right now, and tickle you."
"Well that would be a little hard if I run into the living room where our dads are."
"Ya they knew about us."
"It wasn't a secret but how-how did they find out?"
"First off my mom, second I told your dad, asking if I was allowed to date you."
"That's actually really sweet, thank you. Now, let's eat."
"Shut up and help me." I picked up the food and stuff, and bring it to the table along with some plates and silverware.
When we finished dinner I didn't know what to do so I just started cleaning the house. "Hey, why are you cleaning?" My dad asked.
"Well I don't know what to do." I said scrubbing the stove.
"You know the safe house was cleaned before we arrived?"
"I don't care, they didn't do a good job." I said not making any eye contact.
"You always make eye contact, right now you aren't-that's not the only reason why you're cleaning."
"Fine, there's 2 other reasons."
"Do you want to talk about it?" I stopped cleaning and looked at him.
"1st, it's just this whole situation; 2nd, I had a date this weekend and I can't make it since-well I'm here."
"Did-did you just say d-date?"
"I know that's weird for you, but yes I did."
"Wait is it Hank?"
"Well, I'm not worried anymore."
"Dad also-actually I'm not telling you, I'll tell Aunt JJ and Aunt Penelope."
"Sorry you actually don't need to know right now."
"But, you never come to me for advise."
"But there's a reason for that. Dad, in moms diary she told me what your strengths and weakness are in communication."
"She had a list?"
"Of course, she had a lot of lists on A LOT of things. It was weird." He just smiled and walked off, and in came Lucas. "What's up?"
"What happened earlier when you told me to go on the computer?" He asked.
"We were talking about the day mom died, dad didn't want you to be there when we were talking about it."
"But why? If you haven't noticed I'm 10, not 5."
"But I was five when she died, I still remember that day."
"You did?"
"I'm the one that called the ambulance."
"O my goodness."
"But that was 10 years ago, I don't remember the whole thing, but I remember a large portion of it."
"I wish I could remember stuff for that long."
"What if you were like dad huh?" I smiled, then continued. "It's getting late, we should get ready for bed."
"Oo, I like this part of the day! The sleeps I come! Mahahahhamahaha!"
"The sleeps!"

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